Talented Genius

Chapter 1778: Hero card (three shifts)

After more than a dozen shots were fired at the waste factory, Ye Tianlong left the scene quietly, and the rest of the hands had their own handicapped hands and Mai them to deal with.

After Ye Tianlong changed into clean clothes, he ran back to Ditianju. As soon as he entered the door, he fainted without saying a word, and their faces changed drastically in Zhan Qinglou.

The injuries on his body, the impact of memories, and a little red effort made Ye Tianlong need his body to self-enclose to supplement and protect.

This dizziness was one day and one night. When Ye Tianlong woke up, it was already the second afternoon of the battle at the waste factory.

He opened his eyes while squeezing glucose, and the first thing he saw was not Zhan Qinglou or Zhao Ditian, but the kind-looking grandmother.

She was sitting on a chair by the bed, pulsed him with one hand, and pierced him with several important positions.

The warm feeling spread all over the body from the position of the thorns, making Ye Tianlong refreshed.

"Ah, grandma, hello."

Ye Tianlong slapped a spirit, and watched Grandma's grandmother in surprise: "Why are you here?"

Then add another sentence: "Are you treating me?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong waking up, a smile appeared on her grandmother's face, and she said softly:

"You fainted yesterday, the injury is not small, the body is still self-sealing."

"Your eldest brother and brothel are worried, I happen to know a little bit of medical skills, so I came over to look at you."

She is as approachable as ever: "Fortunately, I have ordered a few people and filled a few bowls of Chinese medicine. You wake up."

Ye Tianlong was overjoyed when he heard the words, and tried to sit up straight: "Mother-in-law, did you wake me up?"

He knew a little bit about his body, and he had to sleep for at least three days and three nights to repair the exhaustion after the **** battle.

Now that she wakes up day and night, it can be seen that Grandma has spent a lot of effort, but what makes Ye Tianlong more shocked is that her body is stronger than before.

He gave his strength a bit, and immediately rushed into a rampage, like an uncontrolled flood, causing his bones and joints to creak and strengthen again.

Then, he heard a gurgling sound in his body, as if the spring snow melted, with endless vitality, flowing all over the limbs.

A solid and refined feeling burst out from the body in an instant.

The breath of the whole body is also more restrained, and every move is in harmony with the natural charm of the great road.

"Hey, my body feels much stronger than before, and even my skill seems to have increased a lot, like cutting hair and washing the marrow in the novel."

Ye Tianlong looked at her grandmother in surprise: "Mother-in-law, have you passed on all sixty years of skill to me just like on TV?"

"How embarrassing is this?"

He was very apologetic: "You should stay for ten or eight years. You don't have any foundation. It's not easy for the leader of the martial arts to do it."

Ye Tianlong looked serious: "Why don't you tell me how to pass it back, I lose a little bit to support you?"

Grandmother grandmother opened her mouth slightly, and then reluctantly shook her head: "You think too much. The passing of skills is just a myth, just TV."

"Your body is more transparent than before. You made a breakthrough in the first battle yesterday."

There is a touch of appreciation in her eyes: "I checked your pulse and several important positions just now, and the body has reached the level of 9th grade."

"After refining for a while, you will be able to fully advance to the ninth rank and reach another broader realm."

The grandmother grandmother had a strange feeling in her heart. The rest of the martial artists were all cultivated to drive the body, but Ye Tianlong laid the foundation for the body first, but she didn't care.


Ye Tianlong knelt on the bed with excitement on his face: "Great, I have waited for two years, and I'm finally on the next level. I'm almost impatient."

Grandma grandma gave a wry smile: "These words of yours were heard by the warriors. It is estimated that you will be beaten by them in a group."

"Do you know that in the current advancement record, the shortest time used for the 8th to 9th rank martial artists is eight years, and the longest use 35 years."

She looked at Ye Tianlong and smiled and said, "You think it's too long for two years. This is already a naked show."

Ye Tianlong flattered at the right time: "That's because they didn't meet the grandmother. If you help me, it will take eight or thirty-five years."

"Your kid... your mouth is sweet."

Grandma looked at this treasure and said:

"Ye Tianlong, you are really a martial arts wizard, the ninth rank is not the strongest in the world, nor is it one of the few."

"But at your age, you have escaped into the Ninth Stage Realm. It can be said that you are the first person in a hundred years."

"Whether it is me or the four pinnacle old monsters, they are all over forty years old when they reach the ninth rank, and I only touched that realm when I was fifty."

Grandma grandma has a look of expectation on her face: "And you reached the 9th grade in your twenties, and you have a high probability of reaching the 10th grade in this life."

Although she had met Ye Tianlong not long ago, and she still had a little grudge, she still did not hinder her appreciation of Ye Tianlong.

Grandma wants to see how far and high the boy in front of her can go in the future?

Ye Tianlong waved his hand humbly: "Mother-in-law passed the award. How can I be the first person in a century, but occasionally get lucky to enter the Ninth Rank."

"Furthermore, China Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, many of the oxen people did not show up."

He smiled calmly: "So I am nothing."

"Neither arrogant nor impetuous..."

The grandmother gave a hint of approval: "You are really an enviable warrior."

"I feel more and more that you should come to the martial arts world for a walk..."

She smiled calmly.


Ye Tianlong suddenly yelled: "Mother-in-law, I'm suddenly hungry. I'll go out to find something to eat first, and I'll talk to you later..."

He is ready to slip out of here, lest he be persuaded by grandma to enter the martial arts arena.

"You, you, change the subject as soon as you talk about business."

The grandmother grandmother unceremoniously pierced Ye Tianlong's mind, and then the conversation changed: "Don't worry, I won't force you, you don't have to resist."

"By the way, I have given you the pulse in the past two days. In addition to discovering that your meridians have been cleansed, I also found that you have a deep hostility."

"It is shown vividly through your dream language and expression."

Grandma grandma exhorted: "You have to pay attention to your state of mind, otherwise you are very likely to become crazy."

Ye Tianlong nodded repeatedly: "Thank you mother-in-law, I must pay attention."

Grandma took out an iron plate from her arms and put it into Ye Tianlong's hand to speak:

"A fate, I also admire you very much, and I want you to come to see the martial artist Jianghu, I also believe that you will come in and have a look someday."

"It's just that it's not time yet, and I won't force you to do things you don't like, but I will figure it out someday or become interested."

She fingered the iron sign: "You can take this sign and go to my grandson's house to find me."

"This is a hero card, and it is also a token to be passed down for thousands of years..."

The grandmother smiled and added: "If you see me, you won't command the world, but it's a bit thin."

"Thirty-six schools, 72 schools, 8,800 grandchildren, will give it a little face."

The ancient guardian of the country needs to be passed down one by one ‘hero’, and Ye Tianlong is the ‘hero’ in Grandma’s heart.

However, the fate of the two has not arrived.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback, and was a little touched: "My mother-in-law is so in love, how can Tianlong He De make you look so high?"

Grandmother grandmother turned to go out, and smiled without looking back: "I still have a token of Jiangshan in my hand."

"Someday you come to me, it will be the meeting between Jiangshan and the hero."

The Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you all a happy holiday, the holiday is here...

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