Talented Genius

Chapter 1780: White gloves

After Ye Tianlong drank the American Ginseng Black-Bone Chicken Soup, he did not heal his wounds in Ditianju. Taking advantage of the coolness of the sun setting, he let the Canshou pick him up.

He also wants to take a good rest for a few days, but when things come to the point, he needs to strike while the iron is hot.

"How is the situation now?"

Leaning on the car in the cool breeze, Ye Tianlong stretched out very comfortably, and then asked Canshou: "Is Tangkou stable?"

"Stay steady!"

While driving the car, Canshou told Ye Tianlong: "After Zhao Siwen died, Feng Jiutian and Ling Xiao went back to the entrance of the capital."

"They killed more than 30 remnants of Zhao Siwen, and then rescued the imprisoned subordinates and regained control of the entrance to the capital."

"However, Feng Jiutian obeyed your instructions and didn't change his flag to turn to Longmen. He just submitted evidence to Zhao Wuji that Zhao Siwen had murdered himself."

"Because of the strong evidence of the murder and Feng Jiutian's low-key handling, Zhao Wuji couldn't get angry and could only curse Zhao Siwen as greedy."

"At the same time, Zhao Wuji agreed to Feng Jiutian's request, and Ling Xiao was the deputy hall master of the 13th League."

Canshou said all the news from Bailihua: "This hall is completely in our hands."

Ye Tianlong nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, the underworld in Beijing has a firm foothold, and it's time for Feng Jiutian to erode the Thirteen League."

For Ye Tianlong, Feng Jiutian's sitting firmly at the entrance of the capital is just the beginning. Her most important role is to draw or separate the rest of the backbone.

Corrupting the Thirteen Leagues from the inside is far more valuable than fighting directly.

"Feng Jiutian is over, but you are starting to be targeted by the Thirteen Leagues."

Canshou whispered: "Zhao Jinzhong, Zhao Siwen, Mu Xiu, the deaths of these 13 League officials, I heard that Zhao Wuji is all on your head."

"You have officially entered Zhao Wuji's blacklist. It is rumored that he will gather good hands to kill you."

"So Bailihua reminds you to be careful these days."

Canshou caring said: "Furthermore, the oriole and Tianmo will also arrive in these two days. A little more strength and a little more safety."

Ye Tianlong chuckled softly: "I was not killed by such a good opportunity at the waste factory, and it will be even more impossible to look for opportunities in the future."

In any case, he is also in the 9th-Rank body, and he will definitely start a lot faster.

"By the way, have grandma and the Huajun arranged?"

Ye Tianlong remembered something: "You can't let them happen again."

Canshou responded: "Miss Shen found them a police compound to live in, and there are three tiger masters who are staring at them around the clock, and nothing will happen."

Ye Tianlong rubbed his head: "Did Mai ask anything before killing Zhao Siwen?"


Canshou nodded: "But Mai did not say what it was. He just waited for you to ask. He even recorded the sound."

Ye Tianlong's eyes deepened: "It seems a bit rewarding."

Thirty minutes later, Ye Tianlong walked into the hot spring pool between the water and clouds. There was already a person in the pool, and Mai was soaked in the corner like a piece of ice.

Although he is only alone, the water in the pool is also steaming, but the entire hot spring pool is cold for thousands of years.

This sharp aura also made the entire pool no more people, and no one dared to approach Mai. It seemed that he was a terrible person.

Ye Tianlong splashed into the water and sat opposite Mai: "Are you still used to staying here?"

"Jinyi, jade food, and fine wine, everything is perfect, the only drawback is that there is no strong opponent."

Mai slowly opened her eyes: "I heard that Mu Xiu uses a sword. You should leave it to me."

"Look at it, his sword is fast or mine is fast."

Ye Tianlong smiled leisurely: "Don't worry, there are eight heavenly kings and sixteen halls in the Thirteen League. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to practice swords in the future."

"I can promise you that the remaining five kings will keep one for you."

Mai said calmly, "Leave one for Tianmo too."

Ye Tianlong laughed: "No problem."

Then the conversation changed: "You asked about something from Zhao Siwen, but you didn't give it to the Feng group for in-depth analysis and verification. This thing is important?"

Mai did not speak, just reached out and took the mobile phone next to him, and with a light press, Zhao Siwen's narration suddenly came out.

The place where Zhao Siwen and Ling Xiangsi met, the time of the meeting, the content of the conversation, and the box of gifts all clearly poured into Ye Tianlong's ears.

Ye Tianlong looked calm at first, slowly digesting Zhao Siwen's confession, and narrowed his eyes when he heard that it was related to Jin Xuejun and Ling Xiangsi.

As expected, but somewhat unexpected.

Unexpectedly, it was because Ye Tianlong had thought of Jin Xuejun to add to the flames, but he did not expect that Zhao Siwen easily recruited Jin Xuejun.

Isn't Zhao Siwen worried about the consequences of confession? Jin Xuejun will definitely retaliate against him, the Thirteen League, and even Zhao Wuji.

Although he was threatened for life at the time, Ye Tianlong felt that it was too easy to confess, and it did not conform to Zhao Siwen's character style.

How could Zhao Wuji sent to the capital to seize power, a wimpy person?

But for a while, he couldn't think of something wrong, Ye Tianlong could only temporarily press his thoughts, and then took the phone to play:

"Ling Xiangsi is Jin Xuejun's secretary?"

Mai nodded slightly, he had already done enough homework: "Ling Xiangsi, the first secretary of the Jin Group, graduated from Imperial College of Technology in Bahrain."

"Three years ago, I graduated with excellent grades, refused all high salary requirements, and joined the Jinshi Group Secretariat."

"In the past three years, she has made a lot of contributions for the Jin Group."

"Not only has it helped Kings develop many foreign markets, and has successively supported six Kings companies to go public, but also handled many dark things for Kings."

Mai made a judgment to Ling Xiangsi: "It can be said that she is Jin Xuejun's white glove."

"By the way, the cooperation between Jin Xuejun and Alligator Bank is the line that Ling Xiangsi has led."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback when he heard the words, and slightly straightened up: "The thread that Ling Xiangsi is pulling? Does she have so much energy?"

Although Ye Tianlong dislikes Handi, he knows that fat people are both rich and noble. Ling Xiangsi's ability to bring the two parties together is not easy.

Mai nodded: "Yes, she is the matchmaker."

Ye Tianlong asked, "Are there any photos of Ling Xiangsi?"

Without the slightest nonsense, Mai called up a photo to show Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong glanced around, recognizing that it was the blonde girl beside Jin Xuejun, and the corner of his mouth curled up:

"It seems that I have to give Jin Xuejun another big gift."

He casually deleted the photo: "Take her down and further confirm the evidence."

"There is no evidence, I can't move this old acquaintance."

Ye Tianlong's words have a hint of playfulness: "But once I get real evidence, I don't mind slaps."

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