Talented Genius

Chapter 1781: Something's wrong (three shifts)

"Mr. Jim, goodbye!"

At the entrance of a Western restaurant owned by Kings, Ling Xiangsi took a few assistants and bodyguards to send a group of western men and women into the nanny van.

Then smiled sweetly and sent them away.

After a meal tonight, Ling Xiangsi gained a lot again. An online loan company with a turnover of more than 90 billion won the opportunity to go public in the UK.

This means that Jin's funding channels have expanded a lot.

After watching the nanny car gradually disappear from the field of vision, Ling Xiangsi patted his clothes, and a mature and intoxicating fragrance suddenly flowed.

Apparently Ling Xiangsi was sprayed with perfume.

She usually smells very good even if she doesn't wear perfume, but after she deliberately sprays perfume to entertain western guests, the fragrance on her body is even more attractive.

Several male compatriots couldn't help but tilt their heads slightly and glanced at Ling Xiangsi, just to see her bend down slightly, as if stroking her ankles.

At that moment, the blood of several people hit their heads.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of wearing a low-cut shirt, you are afraid of wearing a shirt.

Especially the upper body is turbulent, and once the shirt is put on, the temptation is absolutely to kill 80% of men.

Just because after wearing the shirt, that proud will hold the shirt tightly, which can make people feel the looming spring light.

Especially for Ling Xiangsi, who has the capital, after putting on the shirt, she had to unfasten the two buttons on the front of the shirt, so as not to look too tight.

Can you imagine how exciting Chunguang is?

Therefore, the snow white that Ling Xiangsi was bent over hit the hearts of several companions like poison, and they only felt that their throats were dry and unbearable after drinking.

Ling Xiangsi felt their breath, but just jokingly smiled, not paying much attention, and then walked back to the restaurant to enjoy her dinner.

In order to accompany the guests in the first half, she almost always drank, and now that the guests are sent away, she can finally fill in something.

She changed to a secluded room and sat down, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Jin Xuejun, and then picked up lemonade to rinse her mouth.

After finishing all this, her food came quickly, a caviar, a foie gras, a steak, and a half glass of red wine.

Ling Xiangsi put the golden spoon into the small container with ice, dug out a spoon of fresh black caviar, then closed his eyes and put it into his mouth.

She bit her teeth gently, enjoying the babble sounds, and then carefully tasted them with her tongue.

After swallowing the caviar into her stomach, she picked up the red wine glass in front of her and took a sip: "It's a wonderful night."

After the faint sound fell, the door was gently knocked open.

Ling Xiangsi's slender legs staggered, holding a wine glass and said flatly, "Come in."

A yellow-haired young man opened the door and walked in. He saw the lazy and charming Ling Xiangsi, his eyes lit up, and then he quickly recovered respect:

"Miss Ling, the news has been verified."

"Zhao Siwen, Zhao Jinzhong, and a heavenly king Muxiu, all died in the Chunfeng Waste Factory."

He whispered: "Zhao Siwen's loyalty is also killed and wounded, and the foundation of his business in the capital for half a year has also been destroyed."

"What a waste!"

Ling Xiangsi's toes stretched slightly, making Rounded calf straighter: "Zhao Siwen disappointed me too much, playing such a good card so badly."

"I helped him so much in waste."

Ling Xiangsi sipped a sip of red wine, with a hint of contempt in her beautiful eyes: "A gang is a gang, and the pattern and mind are too limited."

The young man with yellow hair dared not look into Ling Xiangsi's eyes, as if worried about falling into that seductiveness:

"However, the police did not point the finger at Ye Tianlong, but qualitatively Zhao Siwen killed Zhao Jinzhong and Mu Xiu."

He told what he knew: "The blood marks of Zhao Siwen and the group were also found on the knife, gun and paper on the scene, but I feel that this matter is strange..."

"Of course it's strange."

Ling Xiangsi put down the glass: "They should have died in Ye Tianlong's hands, and then they were set up by Ye Tianlong and turned into infighting."

"There are Ditianju and Wu Family behind Ye Tianlong. As long as the fault is not on him, the two families will still help him operate."

"But I am not interested in this fight now. I want to know now that Zhao Siwen is dead. Does he have any traces of me?"

She cut a small piece of steak skillfully, and then put it into her attractive little mouth: "I don't want to get involved with Zhao Siwen."

"Miss Ling, don't worry, the 13th League has our people."

The young man Huang Fa responded quickly: "After Zhao Siwen's accident, I will let them destroy Zhao Siwen's things as soon as possible."

"No one knows that Miss Ling has a deal with Zhao Siwen. Even if they find a relationship, it is a business cooperation that can withstand the test."

Hearing this sentence, Ling Xiangsi had a hint of approval in his eyes: "Very good, we need this effect."

She finished the steak with grace, and then ate half of the foie gras.

The young man in yellow waited for her to fill up her stomach a little, then smiled and threw out:

"Although Zhao Siwen is more wasteful than we thought, he not only failed to kill Ye Tianlong, but was killed by Ye Tianlong."

"But I also received another news that Ye Tianlong was on Zhao Wuji's list. With the capabilities of the Thirteen League, Ye Tianlong will have headaches in the future."

He smiled and added: "I heard that Zhao Wuji was going to issue a killing order and killed Ye Tianlong at any cost."

Ling Xiangsi's eyes showed a touch of brilliance, and then he wiped his mouth with a white handkerchief: "Zhao Wuji has this heart, so let's add fire."

"To completely ignite Zhao Wuji's anger, let him and Ye Tianlong die."

Her red lips lightly opened: "Zhao Wuji's granddaughter, seems to be studying in Scotland?"

The yellow-clothed youth was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and nodded: "Understood."


Ling Xiangsi's toes pushed her high heels down, revealing the toes wrapped in silk stockings, but she did not put her shoes on, but tilted her head towards the yellow-haired youth.

The young man with yellow hair hurriedly took a few steps forward, picked up the high heels and put them on Ling Xiangsi.

"Thank you, follow me these days."

Ling Xiangsi waved his hand and told the yellow-clothed youth to withdraw, then took out his mobile phone, replaced it with a card and dialed a number.

The call was quickly connected, and Ling Xiangsi respectfully said: "Mr. Yin, the situation is developing towards our second forecast."

"The second prediction?"

The other end of the phone smiled faintly: "Ye Tianlong is really strong, as expected, but if the second prediction develops, your situation is in danger."

"You have to pay attention to your safety and find an opportunity to avoid the wind."

Ling Xiangsi replied respectfully: "Mr. Yin, don't worry, I handled the end of my hand very cleanly, and Ye Tianlong won't find me."

The other person reminded: "Don't underestimate him."

Ling Xiangsi's mouth moved: "Understand."

Thirty minutes later, Ling Xiangsi put on a small coat decently, and walked to the parking lot not far away with his hands.

The wind was a bit strong tonight, and Ling Xiangsi's skirt was picked up from time to time, so that the yellow-haired young people would glance at them from time to time.

But she didn't care at all, just thinking about going back to sleep early.

The assistants and staff have gone back, so there are only the yellow-haired youth and more than a dozen bodyguards around her.

During the meal just now, Ling Xiangsi thought that if Ye Tianlong knew that he had colluded with Zhao Siwen, he would take revenge.

It's just that this idea faded quickly, she didn't think Zhao Siwen would betray her easily, and her bodyguards were all carefully selected.

Therefore, she is not worried about Ye Tianlong's trouble.


Walking into the parking lot, a blast of cold wind blew over, giving Ling Xiangsi's pretty face a touch of coldness, and she couldn't help tightening her jacket.

The twelve bodyguards are still heavy and powerful, and they are not chaotic in this deep night, making Ling Xiangsi feel the sense of security he deserves.

It's just that the cold wind blows over, and she still feels something is wrong.

That sense of danger made Ling Xiangsi's pretty face solemn.

In the next second, Ling Xiangsi's whole body's hairs suddenly stood up, and with an instinct to perceive danger, he stood firm.

She suddenly raised her eyes and looked in one direction. The twelve bodyguards also stagnated slightly, and then they became chaotic like a frightened rabbit.

It's a mess.

There was a person in front of him, a sword, like a killer, standing in the dark night.

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