Talented Genius

Chapter 1782: Placed one (four more)

The opponent blocked their only way, the entrance of Ling Xiangsi's motorcade.

People are not tall, swords, or famous weapons, but standing there gives people a sharp weapon for thousands of years.

The figure that melted into the dark night, the cold and frosty breath made Ling Xiangsi feel that he was tightened all over, and even his breathing needed extra effort.

The yellow-haired youth showed harsh eyes: "Who?"

Mai said calmly, "Ling Xiangsi?"

Ling Xiangsi said, "Who are you?"

Mai did not respond again, but held the long sword in her right hand.

The seven bodyguards in front flashed out their daggers almost at the same time, and their neat movements made the daggers in their hands tremble with metal.

The cold light refracted by each knife was connected back and forth to form a line, like a fierce lightning cover toward Mai.

At this moment, Mai also moved.

As soon as the six sword-wielding bodyguards put on a siege posture, Mai had already arrived in front of them.

The long sword flashed, killing intent broke through the air!


The pupils of the seven shrank suddenly, and they all felt the murderous sword intent.

"Boom boom!"

The seven immediately gave up attacking Mai and turned to block the Shocking Sword with all their strength.

It's just that they tried their best, but they still couldn't stop the sword. The six of them flew like paper-struck people, their neck arteries were all cut open, and blood was wanton.

Seeing Mai slaying seven people with a single sword, the yellow-haired youth and their faces changed drastically, raising their guns and shooting.

Ling Xiangsi also took out a pocket pistol.

Among the bullets overwhelming, Mai's figure disappeared strangely, all the bullets hit the spot, the ground shattered and the dust was flying.

When the yellow-clothed youth found the clue, Mai pounced from the side shadow.

Ling Xiangsi screamed: "Be careful! Ninjutsu!"

The yellow-haired youths turned their guns, but they have lost the opportunity to protect themselves.

The sword light flashed again.


The six yellow-haired young men splashed blood in their throats, and all the bullets shot into the night sky.

Ling Xiangsi's pretty face sank, and the short spear in his hand was continuously buckled, and six bullets poured into Mai.

Mai had been prepared for a long time, with a tiptoe, the yellow-haired youth's corpse was blocked, all bullets hit it, and blood spattered.

Ling Xiangsi's eyelids twitched, took out the magazine and replaced it, ready to strike again, but just halfway through the change, the blood-stained sword tip pressed against her throat.

Killing intent, death, close at hand.

Ling Xiangsi said coldly: "Who are you?"

Mai indifferently said, "Ye Shao wants to see you!"

Two hours later, at the Chunfeng Recycling Plant, the body and the police had already left, leaving only a few yellow cordon around the entrance and exit.

If there is not a lot of blood and bullet holes left on the ground, the quietness of the waste factory will hardly make people feel that there has been a fight.

But at this moment, Ye Tianlong went back to visit, sitting in the middle of the three blood-stained holes, drinking Wuyi cinnamon leisurely, very comfortable.

When he finished drinking half a pot of tea, a car slowly arrived at the stacking area, the door opened and Mai carried Ling Xiangsi and walked out.


Mai did not talk nonsense, and threw Ling Xiangsi wearing the blindfold in front of Ye Tianlong. After untied her rope, she turned around and got into the car with her eyes closed.

Although Ling Xiangsi didn't have a swollen nose and swollen face, but she was also very embarrassed, fell on the ground with two snorts, then tore off her blindfold and looked around.

"Ye Tianlong?"

Her beautiful eyes just turned halfway, and then stopped on Ye Tianlong's body, and lost her voice in surprise: "Did you send someone to arrest me?"

Ye Tianlong smiled leisurely: "I didn't expect Miss Ling to know me, Tianlong is truly honored."

"Of course I know you."

Ling Xiangsi's mouth moved a few times. After being surprised, he quickly recovered his calm, watching Ye Tianlong say coldly, "I am the secretary hired by Jin Shao."

"I have been to the land auction venue, and I have a few conversations with you. You said I don't recognize you?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Really? If we've seen each other before and meet again this time, we can say that we have fate."

"I don't know if there is fate, I only know, you broke the law."

Ling Xiangsi yelled: "I am Secretary Jin Shao, a legal businessman. You have violated China's laws by killing and kidnapping people."

"You'd better let me go right away. For Jin Shao's sake, I can assume that nothing happened."

There was a touch of arrogance on her pretty face: "Otherwise, you will regret it."

"Your men have killed so many bodyguards and kidnapped me at the entrance of the western restaurant. The restaurant must have called the police."

Ling Xiangsi reminded Ye Tianlong: "If you don't stop your hands, things will make a big mess, and neither the Ditianju nor the Wu Family can keep you."

"Miss Ling, you are a smart person. I hope that we can speak smartly, otherwise it will be boring tonight."

Ye Tianlong's face remained unmoved: "Do you know where this is? Chunfeng waste recycling plant, where the police shot and killed a large number of gangsters."

"It's also the place where Zhao Jinzhong, Mu Xiu, and Zhao Siwen died."

"The three holes around you were all piled with **** corpses last night."

"I invite you to come here just to remind you, think about your friendship with the dead Zhao Siwen, think about Zhao Siwen and their fate."

Ye Tianlong drank a sip of tea soup, looked at the delicate woman and smiled: "Do you know what I mean?"

Ling Xiangsi's eyelids jumped and his nerves tightened inexplicably, but he still squeezed out: "Ye Tianlong, I don't know what you said."

"Miss Ling, don't waste the opportunity, let alone disappoint my kindness."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "I can lock you down and take the risk to tie you here. That means I know a lot of things."

"I don't like torturing women, but if you regard my kindness as weakness, then I can only say that you are wrong."

He reminded Ling Xiangsi: "I can't bear to torture a delicate woman like you, but Confucius and Bai Shikang will not be soft."

Ling Xiangsi's heart sank: "Ye Tianlong, I am Secretary Jin Shao. If you move me, you will not only violate the law, but also make Jin Shao retaliate against you."

She knows what kind of people Confucius and Bai Shikang are, with so many benevolent auras and reputations, they are actually cruel masters.

He fell into the hands of the two, and the result was definitely worse than death.

It's just that it is still impossible for her to bow her head like this: "Ye Tianlong, looking back is the shore."

"Pretending to be crazy? It's useless to me."

There was a smile at the corner of Ye Tianlong's mouth, and he was very disdainful. Then he took out his cell phone and made a call. The phone rang five times before being connected.

During the handsfree, a familiar voice from Ling Xiangsi: "Which one?"

Ye Tianlong smiled heartily: "Jin Shao, I am Ye Tianlong, and Ling Xiangsi is in my hands."

"Not only did she give me proof that Yao Feiyan was innocent, she also shook off your activities with Crocodile Bank."

"At seven o'clock in the morning, if you don't come to the Beijing Golf Course to meet me, I will poke out what Ling Xiangsi explained."

Ye Tianlong chuckled, "I believe it will make the Jin family feel unreliable for three years."

After speaking, he directly hung up the phone.

Ling Xiangsi was taken aback for a moment, then angrily shouted: "Asshole! You count me, you count me——"

She didn't expect Ye Tianlong to have so many chips, and she didn't expect him to be so insidious and so shameless that she directly put her on the stage.

Ling Xiangsi rushed towards Ye Tianlong subconsciously, but just got up and rushed for two meters, her knee hurt, and she knelt down again with a plop.

At his feet, a cup was spinning.

"You have half a night, think about it."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward, holding that pretty face that was pretty delicate:

"Did you follow me, or wait to be headshot by Jin Xuejun..."

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