Talented Genius

Chapter 1784: Three shots

"There is a phone call so early, which beauty asked you to have breakfast?"

When Ye Tianlong put the phone back in his arms and walked back, Confucius who hit a ball smiled and asked, "You let her come over and show us."

"We will check it for you."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "An Australian city reporter said that the Jin family and the Bao family have resolved their grievances."

A surprise appeared on Confucius's face: "Bao Jinyi was frightened like a bird, and still reconciled with Jin Xuejun? Is his brain flooded?"

Ye Tianlong took the topic: "I heard that the Jin family took the initiative to show good, and gave enough benefits."

Confucius' eyes widened: "Jin Xuejun is too incompetent, right? He was betrayed by Bao Jinyi, and he still paid for reconciliation?"

"This guy is really embarrassed by all five."

Confucius shook his head: "It seems that the last bit of blood is gone."

"Don't underestimate him."

Bai Shikang showed his due stability: "As the core seedling of the Jin family, he won't be without a city mansion."

"Jin Xuejun's showing of good will definitely be the advantage of reconciliation with the Bao family, more than the disadvantages of the opposition between the two sides."

"He even dared to stab us, how could he compromise with the Bao family? It must be a huge benefit."

He slapped Confucius on the shoulder: "Even if I look at Jin Xuejun, he won't be that simple."

"I also heard a top-secret news that the above plan to send him to the black province as the second in command and concurrently as the chief economic adviser of the three northern provinces."

"You know, the three northern provinces have suffered economic depression in the past decade, huge population outflow, and low fertility rate, which has become a major problem for China."

His voice was invisibly lowered: "Because of this old difficulty, it has become the focus of attention."

"I heard that anyone who can mobilize the three northern provinces, even if they make a little improvement and stabilize the population outflow, will receive heavy awards in the future."

Bai Shikang draped Ye Tianlong's shoulders: "From the top of any of the three northern provinces, to enter the "first ring" of the capital as a candidate."

"What's this?"

Confucius was slightly surprised: "Why didn't my father tell me? Why don't you fight for such a good way to rise?"

"I took office and directly promulgated the decree, confiscates the land, and then all planted sorghum corn."

"The production of food is secondary, mainly to provide a field for others to fight."

Confucius started talking nonsense seriously: "Look at how many men and women have liberated their nature in the cornfield in ancient, modern, and modern times."

"This measure lasts for one year, not to mention population retention, even the economy can increase by 30%."

Kang Baishi almost kicked it out: "Your uncle, you are also called a law? It's just a mess."

Confucius smiled: "I was just kidding." Then he frowned, "It's just strange, the old man really didn't tell me about it."

Ye Tianlong smiled and took the topic: "To revitalize the economy of a province, this life is not so fun, otherwise it won't be the boss."

"It can be said that going to the black provinces to reform, the risk is greater than the success, or it will drag down the official career, so the Kong family did not fight for you."

He patted Confucius on the shoulder: "After all, you only need to follow the steps, and after ten years, you will definitely be able to enter the first ring of the capital to stroll around."

Baishikang smiled: "Tianlong is right, it's not easy to sit in that position."

Confucius turned his head and asked, "Then how can the Jin family let Jin Xuejun go to Hei province?"

There was a gleam in Ye Tianlong's eyes: "There are two possibilities."

"First, the Jin family asked Jin Xuejun to go to Hei province, because he lost the 49th land and was a little angry at him, so he asked him to be rich and wealthy."

"Either become a hero and return to Beijing, or become a bear and destroy the local area."

He analyzed the situation: "Secondly, the Jin family has diamond diamonds in their hands, and they are confident that Jin Xuejun will make achievements, and then the king will return to the top."

"It makes sense, I tend to the first possibility."

Confucius laughed loudly: "I heard that he didn't take the 49th land. Old man Jin fell several times even Tang Sancai."

Shiraishi nodded, "That land is indeed a heavy blow."

Ye Tianlong's eyes were thoughtful: "The first situation is there, but I don't think it is the main reason. Jin Xuejun went to Hei Province to have diamonds."


Confucius slid his cue on the ground: "What diamond diamonds can he have? Unless I copied my idea of ​​drilling cornfields, it would be difficult to accomplish anything."

Ye Tianlong smiled and then looked at Bai Shikang: "Does the Bai family have any major infrastructure in Hei province in the next five years?"

Bai Shikang was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Ye Tianlong in surprise: "You are so amazing. The Bai family recently signed the construction of two high-speed rail branches in Hei Province."

"Representatives of the Jin family drew a circle in a small Feilai town with a population of only 1,000 in Heilongjiang Province, and then proposed to build two high-speed rail lines there."

"One is a train station connecting to the border of Xiong Country, and the track is in accordance with Xiong Country's standards, and the other is a direct connection to Harbin Airport, and the track is in accordance with China's standards."

"At the same time, a full blood transfusion flew to hospitals, schools, and supermarkets in the town."

Bai Shikang added the last sentence: "These tasks will be completed in the next three years. No one knows the specific purpose for the time being."

"Moreover, the cost of building the high-speed rail will be funded by Jinshi. After completion, the two high-speed rail lines will also be controlled and managed by Jinshi for a period of 15 years."

Confucius was startled when he heard the words: "There are not many people in that place, and it is not a major tourist town. It will take at least a hundred years for the Jin family to recover the cost."

"Can Jin Xuejun be so generous?"

Bai Shikang gently shook his head: "I don't know the situation for the time being. Bai's is only in charge of infrastructure construction, and he can't inquire about it, lest another bunch of people flock to the ground."

When Confucius and Bai Shikang were puzzled by the Jin family's intentions, Ye Tianlong guessed to some extent what the Jin family was going to do, and cried out that Jin Xuejun was bold enough.


At this moment, a roar of cars came from behind, and Ye Tianlong and the others turned their heads to look over and saw a line of Jin's motorcade approaching.

Jin Xuejun is here.

The eight cars did not stop on the side of the road, but rushed directly into the golf course.

The off-road vehicle in the front screamed even more, rushing to the golf course like a mad cow, and the rear of the vehicle swept over several course security guards.

Several security guards fell to the ground and rolled and clambered and called to stop


In the driver's seat, a young man with sunglasses laughed wildly, like a lunatic out of control, and the beautiful female companion sitting beside him was also excited.

A dozen holes and Bai followed, yelling, and evaded one after another. If they didn't recognize the Jin's license plate, the bodyguard would shoot.


Seeing everyone evading in embarrassment, the young man in sunglasses laughed and stepped on the accelerator more happily, rushing towards Ye Tianlong.

The beautiful female companion screamed excitedly--

Ye Tianlong did not evade, but took a shot from a bodyguard, and then mercilessly pulled the trigger at the front.

"Boom boom!"

Three shots sounded, the glass shattered, the head of the young man with sunglasses blossomed, the car lost control, and it knocked out with a bang.

The audience was silent.

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