Talented Genius

Chapter 1785: sell?

The seven cars behind stepped on the brakes and instantly stopped the arrogance that was just now. They were also set in the distance one by one, shocked looking at the off-road vehicle that was shot.

No car dared to crash into Ye Tianlong, and no one came out and clamored. They were all digesting the scene in front of him, which was hard to believe.

Confucius and Bai Shikang were also stunned in place, their brains were blank and did not react.

No one thought that Ye Tianlong dared to shoot in public, or murdered unscrupulously.

Although I don't know who is in the car, the person who can follow Jin Xuejun and dare to rush to the front is definitely not a small role.

When everyone in the audience looked at Ye Tianlong in silence, Ye Tianlong was slowly lowering his muzzle, and then he pretended to throw something out:

"Langlang, the terrorist attack, the police in Beijing should reflect on it."

Confucius reacted and took the topic and shouted: "Ye Shao is right. The police are too inefficient. The mob didn't know if they touched the capital."

Bai Shikang looked at Ye Tianlong with approval: "The police really want to reflect."

"Ye Tianlong!"

After a brief silence, the doors of seven off-road vehicles were pushed open, more than 20 men and women in Chinese clothes and bodyguards got out, and then Jin Xuejun kicked the door.

He lost his usual elegance and calmness, and brought a group of people forward: "You dare to kill my companion in public, are you tired of life?"

"Do you believe it or not I shot you?"

Seeing Jin Xuejun's anger, the companions and bodyguards around him drew their guns and pointed at Ye Tianlong with murderous aura.

With their movements, Confucius and Bai Shikang's bodyguards also moved, and their guns also yelled at Jin Xuejun.


Jin Xuejun grabbed a companion's gun and pointed it at Ye Tianlong instinctively: "Kill my brother, give me an explanation."

But it was not locked yet, Ye Tianlong pulled the trigger first.


A bullet hit Jin Xuejun's gun, and the huge momentum caused the gun to fall off his palm and threw it into the air.

"Boom boom!"

Ye Tianlong fired three more shots, all hitting the guns in midair, causing it to jump a few times in the sky, and it shocked everyone.

Ye Tianlong could do this fancy shooting.


The gun fell back in front of Jin Xuejun in an arc only after turning over a few somersaults, but the trigger of the gun had broken and turned into a fire stick.

The audience was silent again.

It is already difficult to hit a firearm with a single shot, and it is even more difficult to make the firearm tumbling in midair, and it is even more difficult to break the trigger with three bullets.

Bai Shikang was completely impressed by Ye Tianlong's marksmanship.

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Young Master Jin, you are of high authority. It's best not to play with guns, otherwise you will easily hurt yourself."

"And you, it's best not to point a gun at me, otherwise I can shoot all of you headshots within 30 seconds."

He tilted his head to Jin's companion and bodyguard: "If you don't believe it, you can give it a try."

The Jin family looked angry, but no one dared to answer. The marksmanship that Ye Tianlong showed just now had castrated their confidence.

Jin Xuejun stepped forward and stared at Ye Tianlong and shouted: "Ye Tianlong, you shot and killed my brother, you must give me an explanation."

"Explain? What explanation?"

Ye Tianlong shrugged his shoulders: "That car attacked me like a terrorist. I shot and killed it for pure defense."

"If Young Master Jin is unhappy, even if he complains to me, if I am guilty, I am willing to be punished."

Ye Tianlong calmly greeted Jin Xuejun's sullen gaze: "Or Jin Shao will directly play the drama of the Spring Breeze Waste Factory."

"Young Master Jin, I'm going to be fair about this."

Confucius Xiongyin smiled: "The car just hit us madly. The ghost knows that he is your instigated brother or a terrorist."

"Both Bai Shao and I were so frightened that our legs became weak, and Tianlong's firing in anxious situation is completely understandable."

He said leisurely: "You can sue if you feel unhappy, but I and Young Master Bai will definitely be witnesses to prevent Tianlong from being wronged at all."

He directly stated his attitude, that is, to advance and retreat together with Ye Tianlong.

Jin Xuejun's eyelids twitched and turned his head to look at Bai Shikang.

Bai Shikang looked calm, and when he saw Jin Xuejun looking at him, he asked indifferently:

"You made him hit?"

In a nutshell, it fell into Jin Xuejun's motives, and Jin Xuejun was in a dilemma.

Jin Xuejun was very angry. He felt Bai Shikang's isolation from him and Bai Shikang's cold murderous intentions. He immediately squeezed out:

"What about Young Master Bai, I, Jin Xuejun, haven't lost my mind. How can I let Liu Xing hit you?"

Jin Xuejun straightened his body and responded: "Just now, it was Liu Xing's sudden behavior. I didn't instigate it. I was taken aback..."

Liu Xing is like a dead young man with sunglasses.

"Even your companion was taken aback, and innocent people like us were even more confused."

Bai Shikang sneered: "What's wrong with Ye Tianlong's shooting? The only thing wrong with him is that his marksmanship is too good. Three shots are deadly."

Jin Xuejun was silent, and all his companions were silent. The attitudes of Confucius and Bai Shikang made it clear that the youth with sunglasses was dead in vain this time.

With the two personal certificates of Confucius and Bai Shikang, plus Jin Xuejun's evasion of responsibility just now, Ye Tianlong will not be punished at all.

"Brother Kang, it's up to you to save your face. This matter is considered dead. His grievances will be repaid by his family, and I will not mix it up."

For a long time, Jin Xuejun gently pushed his glasses: "But I hope that in the next thing, please don't step in by Kang."

"Our bumps and bumps, I will punish you again in the future."

Jin Xuejun lowered his posture, just didn't want to face three people, he also believed that Bai Shikang would give himself this little face.

As for Liu Xing's death, after he took Ling Xiangsi away, he called the police, notified the media, and gave Ye Tianlong a scorch.

It was just that these words fell into the ears of his companions, but he was somewhat aggrieved, and Liu Xing died in vain? And they can't do anything?

"Don't worry, Kong Shao and I are here to play today. We won't mix up with you and Ye Shao."

The corner of Baishikang's mouth evokes a joking: "It's just that I also hope you, don't bully others, after all, Tianlong is now my partner."

Confucius also smiled: "Yes, we are here to play, personal grievances, no interest."

Amidst the laughter, Confucius was more dignified towards Jin Xuejun in his ambition. This guy instantly suppressed the anger of the young man in sunglasses. It was indeed not easy.

"Brother Kang, don't worry, I'm not here to fight today, I'm here to ask for someone."

Jin Xuejun turned his gaze to Ye Tianlong's face: "Ye Tianlong, you killed so many of my men, I don't care about Kang Ge and Ling Shuang."

"But the Ling Xiangsi you kidnapped, you must let me go immediately."

Jin Xuejun's expression became fierce: "If she gets hurt in any way, I will never let you go."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said: "Jin Shao, you are wrong, I did not kill your subordinates, nor did I kidnap Ling Xiangsi."

"I just found Miss Ling in the ditch on the way home last night, and asked for the number to call you so that you can come here to pick someone up."

He whispered: "You can't buckle me indiscriminately, otherwise it will chill me and make me no longer a good person."

Jin Xuejun's expression was cold: "Stop talking nonsense! Hand over people to me."

"Although I can't ask for rewards for doing good deeds, I still think that I should ask for a little reward. After all, I have clothes and food, and I take care of her."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "So I hope that Jin will give 100 million less."

"When the money arrives, people will release it immediately."

Jin Xuejun's face sank: "Ye Tianlong, don't deceive people too much!"

Ye Tianlong shrugged: "Either give me 100 million and immediately take the person away, or call the police and tell me to illegally kidnap Miss Ling."


Jin Xuejun almost died of anger, and then recovered calmly and sneered: "Okay, I will give you 100 million."

"Brother Kang, Shao Kong, you have also heard, Ye Tianlong said, I give him 100 million, and he immediately let go of my secretary Ling Xiangsi."

Jin Xuejun took out his checkbook and wrote a hundred million yuan out: "I will give him one hundred million now."

"If he doesn't let others go, the reason is on my side, I'm going crazy, and the two have no reason to stop me."

When Bai Shikang and Confucius smiled, Jin Xuejun took the check to Ye Tianlong, and shouted, "Let the people go."

Ye Tianlong dares to play tricks, Jin Xuejun will do it without hesitation.

"Come on, invite Miss Ling out."

Ye Tianlong picked up the check, glanced at the sun, then picked up the phone and shouted: "Let her reunite with Jin Xuejun."

A babysitter's car not far away opened, and then Canshou took Ling Xiangsi out and led him straight to Ye Tianlong and Jin Xuejun.

Jin Xuejun was taken aback, didn't expect Ye Tianlong to be so happy?

Ling Xiangsi in the field of vision still wore a skirt with some creases, but it was not damaged. Even the stockings were intact. It seemed that he was not kidnapped, but a guest.

"Jin Shao!"

Seeing Jin Xuejun and the others, Ling Xiangsi's body trembled, and then rushed a few steps forward and shouted: "Jin Shao, you are here."

Jin Xuejun nodded: "I'm here to save you."

Ling Xiangsi was moved for a while, and then shouted: "Young Master Jin, I didn't betray you..."

Jin Xuejun nodded: "I believe you—"

Before he finished speaking, his eyes fell on an approaching car again, the door opened, and Yao Feiyan in Tsing Yi got out.

Jin Xuejun's face changed instantly.

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