Talented Genius

Chapter 1786: Can't go back (four more)

"Good morning, every body!"

Yao Feiyan walked in front of the crowd with great style, first gave Ye Tianlong a hug, and then smiled at Bai Shikang and the others:

"Feiyan can come out to see such a wonderful world and breathe such fresh air, thank you for your efforts."

Yao Feiyan looked at Ling Xiangsi, "Thank you Miss Ling for the evidence, otherwise, I'm afraid I will stay longer."

Confucius and Bai Shikang were so shocked, they didn't expect Yao Feiyan to come out safely from the Discipline Department.

This means that she has strong evidence to prove her innocence.

Afterwards, Baishi Kang laughed: "If Yao always comes out safely, we will feel at ease, otherwise we will be sorry to Ye Shao."

"The previous thing was that I was wrong, please forgive me, Mr. Yao, if I need help in the future, just say it and I will definitely help."

Yao Feiyan smiled and said, "Thank you, Chairman Bai."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "I also want to thank Miss Ling for the evidence, otherwise I'm afraid that I won't be able to get it out before the Spring Festival."

Seeing Yao Feiyan chatting and smiling, and receiving Bai Shikang's promise, Jin Xuejun's expression became even more ugly, and then he glanced at Ling Xiangsi.

Ling Xiangsi looked at Yao Feiyan with surprise on his face, and then subconsciously shouted to Jin Xuejun: "I really didn't give Ye Tianlong evidence, trust me."

"I didn't say anything, and he didn't ask anything."

She bit her lip to prove herself: "I really don't know how Yao Feiyan came out, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Please Jin Shao believe me, I am absolutely loyal to you."

Jin Xuejun stared at Ye Tianlong: "Don't worry, I won't be instigated by him."

"Ye Tianlong, although I don't know what you used to get Yao Feiyan out, I want to tell you that your method is too mentally retarded."

He showed a sense of confidence: "I have worked with Ling Xiangsi for many years, so how can you be provoked casually."

"Jin Shao thinks too much, what can I do to provoke you."

Ye Tianlong replied without comment: "What is the point of provoking you? And I want to know, Ling Xiangsi has already told me everything."

In Yao Feiyan's playful smile, Ling Xiangsi's face was angry: "You are talking nonsense! I never told you anything, and you never asked me anything."

Jin Xuejun frowned, Ye Tianlong didn't ask anything? It seems impossible, after all, Ling Xiangsi is of great value.

Then he glanced at Ling Xiangsi again and found that there were almost no wounds on the woman's body, which showed that Ye Tianlong did not use any means.

But this shouldn't be it. In the face of Xiangsi Ling, who is of great value, Ye Tianlong should be interrogated by any means, after all, she has many secrets of her own.

Did Ling Xiangsi really do it? The reaction of the two now is just a kind of acting that has been negotiated?

Jin Xuejun passed this thought in his mind, and then tried to disperse it, but the suspicion still spread uncontrollably.

It's too simple to redeem people for one billion.

Ling Xiangsi was familiar with Jin Xuejun's style, and when he saw his look, he felt a little stunned: "Jin Shao, I swear, I didn't say anything."

"I have been with you for so many years, and I have made a lot of contributions. My ideals and youth are all in the hands of Jin Shao."

Ling Xiangsi played a bitterness card: "How can I betray you? To betray you is to destroy myself."

"Well, I believe you, I won't be fooled by him.

It was only an accident that Yao Feiyan came out. Jin Xuejun decided to believe Ling Xiangsi for the time being: "Go!"

More than twenty people followed Jin Xuejun.

"Young Master Jin, left so early, don't you stay for a cup of tea?"

Ye Tianlong threw the gun back to the bodyguard: "Anyway, your grievance with the Bao family has been resolved, so why bother to leave?"

"Oh, I forgot. Young Master Jin wants to obtain a loan from the Crocodile Bank and build a border gambling city in Black Province to revitalize the economy of the three northern provinces."

"Then, relying on the economic improvement of the three northern provinces, he became a candidate for the "first ring" of the capital."

"There are too many pre-construction work and too many people, Jin Shao has no time to understand..."

Casino? Confucius and Bai Shikang's faces changed drastically, and they looked at Jin Xuejun together.

Jin Xuejun stopped in an instant, with endless shock on his face. Ling Xiangsi was also dumbfounded, looking at Ye Tianlong in disbelief.

This is top secret! The top secret of the Jin family! How could Ye Tianlong know?

After a brief silence, Jin Xuejun turned his head and looked at Ling Xiangsi's gaze, with an unconcealed fierceness:

"Ling Xiangsi!"

There are only a handful of people who know about the important future plans of the Jin family, and Ling Xiangsi is one of them.

"not me……"

Ling Xiangsi's face was instantly pale, and she wanted to argue but was already powerless. She knew that she couldn't go back...

"It's not you, who would it be?"

Jin Xuejun shouted angrily: "You let me down! Go!"

He turned around and wanted to go to the convoy, ready to go back and find Ling Xiangsi to settle the account, but after a few meters he stopped again because Ling Xiangsi didn't move.

She stood in place like a nail.

Jin Xuejun turned his head and shouted, "You still don't leave?"

"Jin Shao, I'm sorry, I can't go back with you, you've already identified it, I betrayed you, I'll go back and die."

Ling Xiangsi's face was gray: "Although I really didn't tell Ye Tianlong, I know I can't go back to you."

Ye Tianlong laughed at the right time: "Miss Ling, I am here, you are welcome."

Jin Xuejun's eyes were cold: "Are you going to betray me?"

"I don't want to betray you, I just want to survive."

Ling Xiangsi staggered backwards a few steps, looked sideways at Ye Tianlong and shouted: "Ye Shao, I want your protection."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "What are the benefits?"

Ling Xiangsi coughed: "The words are endless."

Jin Xuejun's expression stern: "Bitch, are you looking for death?"

When this sentence fell, a beautiful woman suddenly appeared behind him, a short gun flashed out of her hand, and she was about to pull the trigger at Ling Xiangsi.

Ling Xiangsi's pretty face changed, Jin Xuejun really wanted her to die.

The beautiful woman who blatantly took out her gun ignored one person and kept staring at Yao Feiyan in the audience. As soon as her wrist was raised, the club flicked and hit the opponent's finger.


With a crisp sound, the beautiful woman's knuckles broke, the gun fell, and she backed away with a scream.

"This woman, I stayed."

Ye Tianlong stepped forward, pressing Ling Xiangsi's fragrant shoulder, and then looked at Jin Xuejun who came up: "From now on, you can't hurt her."

Jin Xuejun showed killing intent: "Ye Tianlong, you really don't think about the consequences?"

Ye Tianlong was unmoved: "Let the horse come here."

The two were tit-for-tat, staring at each other, who was strong and weak, and who was the winner at a glance.

"Bai Shao, it was Jin Shao who bought two members of the Bai clan for the knife. He hopes that you will fall out with the Kong family so that you can take advantage of the fisherman's profit."

"Kong Shao, you were attacked by the Nan Han killer and Song family mercenaries before, and it was also Jin Shao who revealed your position to them."

Ling Xiangsi came with a bamboo tube and poured beans:

"Ye Shao, let Zhao Siwen lead someone to kill you, it's Jin Shao's evil spirit from No. 49..."

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