Talented Genius

Chapter 1788: I missed something

Confucius and Bai Shikang handled the Jin Xuejun's affairs, and Ye Tianlong didn't need to worry about it.

Ye Tianlong didn't pay too much attention either, his attention fell on Yao Feiyan, washing the dust and catching the wind for this woman, and dispelling the bad luck of the prison.

At the beginning of the lantern, the Hilton Presidential Suite, the lighting is soft and ambiguous.

When Ye Tianlong came out of the bathroom wiping the water drops on his head after taking a shower, Yao Feiyan was already wrapped in a white bathrobe and was lying on the sofa facing the window.

This room is located on the highest floor of the hotel. Except for the National Television Building in the distance, it overlooks the five-mile building and is condescending.

It also gives the charming Yao Feiyan two more unattainable charms. The high windows and the cold women always make people feel conquered.

Yao Feiyan, who has soaked in the milk bath, has a pleasant scent all over her body, and her smooth skin is even more suffocating and rosy from the inside out.

Yao Feiyan's pretty face faced the floor-to-ceiling glass, and his eyes softly looked at the scenery outside.

This kind of glass can only see the outside from the inside, and you can never see the inside from the outside.

The air conditioner in the room swept the gentle warm wind, and from time to time the bathrobe was lifted and the swing flashed between the legs.

The abyss, tempting!

Yao Feiyan, who felt the breath of Ye Tianlong, turned around with a smile, so that Auran's body was facing Ye Tianlong, and the jade body covered by the bathrobe was more looming.

Proudly, abdomen and thighs constantly stimulate Ye Tianlong's eyes in the airflow of the air-conditioning.

When Ye Tianlong looked at the attractive Yao Feiyan, Yao Feiyan pretended to be panicked: "Who are you? How did you come in?"

"What are you doing?"

Her words were tense, but her face was charming, and her eyes seemed to drip: "Don't hurt me."

Yao Feiyan curled up like a little sheep, while shrinking the bathrobe to her waist, letting her long white legs appear fatally.

"Come on, help, help."

A few simple words and actions instantly detonated Ye Tianlong's fragile nerves. He walked over in cooperation and took the trick:

"As long as you listen to me tonight, I won't hurt you..."

He reached out and picked up the woman's smooth chin: "Come on, take off your clothes."

"No, no, don't come over..."

Seeing Ye Tianlong approaching, Yao Feiyan yelled and looked terrified, but her bathrobe slipped off intentionally or unintentionally.

White is like mutton body, looming.

Countless facts are repeatedly proving a truth that has remained unchanged for a century.

No matter how handsome a man or a woman lying on the bed is not annoying, she will instantly turn into a beast if she throws a wink at will.

What's more, Ye Tianlong, who never thought he was a gentleman, laughed loudly when he held down the struggling woman:

"Call it, call it, the more you call, the more excited I am."

After hugging Yao Feiyan's fragrant body, Ye Tianlong pulled off the bathrobe with his backhand...

Ye Tianlong is also considered a veteran of the flowers, he has the ideals of descendants all over the world, and he has long experience in bed matters.

Only half an hour later, he was still pushed back by Yao Feiyan, and the woman who had experienced the prison disaster vented all the emotions accumulated in her heart.

But Ye Tianlong was also happy to be conquered.

I don't know how long it took, the woman who had been tossing for two hours fell into a deep sleep, leaving a satisfied peach blossom ruddy on her face.

Yao Feiyan was asleep, but Ye Tianlong was not sleepy at all. After taking the quilt gently and covering the woman, he got up from the sofa to take a bath.

He washed for almost half an hour, then took a bath towel and wrapped him around, standing on the other balcony casually, and poured a glass of red wine.

He also took out his cell phone and flipped through five unread documents.

The first one comes from Shangguan Xiaozhi. Ancheng is completely stable. She is mobilizing 30,000 elites for training. She is preparing to go north next year. She needs a group of coaches.

The second one is from Ning Hongzhuang. Thirteen cases of plum virus occurred in Australia. The price of Rong's Universal Pills increased by 50%, reaching 21,000 boxes.

The third one is from Bailihua. Feng Group received a message that Zhao Wuji had already offered a reward internally for the head of Ye Tianlong for one hundred million.

The fourth one is from Dai Hulang. The Senate has already confirmed the Tianmen Conference on the 8th of next month, and also confirmed that the Tenth Stage Master personally completed the last level.

When Ye Tianlong was rubbing his head, the fifth unread email made him look soft, with only one photo and one sentence on it.

The photo shows Le Anhao sitting on a bench, with her pretty face down, and her hands stroking her raised belly. It is peaceful, happy, and calm.

Le An’s voice remained in the email: Ah Fu is very good to me, don’t read it.

"that's nice."

Seeing Le An fortunately had a good time in Africa, Ye Tianlong also had a touch of gentleness in his eyes, which was the ending he expected.

Moreover, Le An's good existence has made his relationship with Yanhuang ease a lot, which is what Yan Fei wants to see.

Ye Tianlong was very fortunate to visit Ancheng.

"What are you talking about?"

At this time, a faint fragrance surged in the air, and a soft and plump body pressed against Ye Tianlong's back.

Later, Ye Tianlong saw Yao Feiyan put his delicate chin on his shoulder, and a very charming and charming voice came into his ears:

"Are you eating from the bowl and thinking about the pot?"

There was a hint of anger in her tone: "Or there is not enough in the bowl for you to eat?"

Ye Tianlong squeezed the wine glass and smiled, then touched her face and spoke softly: "You think too much, I just can't sleep, just check the email."

"At the same time, pass what happened today."

Ye Tianlong threw the phone on the coffee table: "These days, a lot of things get together, and my head is almost dizzy."

"Didn't today's matter have ended?"

Yao Feiyan sighed like blue: "Jin Xuejun can be seen off the court, is there anything else missing?"

"Ling Xiangsi!"

Ye Tianlong's eyes narrowed slightly: "I'm still worried about her."

Yao Feiyan was taken aback for a moment: "Don't worry about her?"

"Jin Xuejun's confidant secretary, was kidnapped by you, and the setting made her unable to go back, so she threw the certificate to save her life."

"It seems that there is nothing wrong? She eventually betrayed Jin Xuejun, but you also had to betrayed by blocking her retreat."

Yao Feiyan analyzed Ling Xiangsi's situation: "Moreover, Zhao Siwen's confession also proves that there is no water in what she said."

She still has a little affection for the woman who knows the current affairs, after all, she can drag Ye Tianlong into the water and give herself a breath of jail.

If Ye Tianlong hadn't found the evidence, she would have been smashed by Jin Xuejun, so she would still support those who turned over Jin Xuejun.

"What she said, the environment she was in, and her final choice really didn't see any flaws."

Ye Tianlong lowered his head and took a sip of red wine: "But, she overlooked something."

Yao Feiyan was taken aback: "What is it?"

Ye Tianlong said faintly: "Emotions."

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