Talented Genius

Chapter 1789: Can't make it through

Yao Feiyan asked in surprise: "Emotions? What do you mean?"

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "It's too smooth to throw down Jin Xuejun in the morning. It's beyond my imagination smoothly, and it makes me doubt it smoothly."

"Furthermore, Ling Xiangsi was forced to be too sensible, always making the most advantageous choice when there was nowhere to go."

He gave his own thoughts: "That feeling is like a machine that maximizes its instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

Yao Feiyan red lips Zhang Qi: "A strong woman like Ling Xiangsi, at first glance, is more rational than perceptual."

"I know this."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "But she has been with Jin Xuejun for so long, and she is still Jin Xuejun's highly regarded first secretary. How could she not have the slightest emotion?"

"If there is such a little affection, it would be against human nature to act on the golf course."

Ye Tianlong sat down on the sofa: "For a simple example, a person's close relative is caught in a sea of ​​flames, and neither he nor the firefighters can do anything to rescue him."

"In this case, the most sensible way is to turn around and go to the hotel to sleep. If he is full, he will come back tomorrow to collect the body for his relatives and do funeral affairs."

"The most irrational way is to be at the scene, holding a bucket to fight the fire, which is useless, and leaving yourself scarred."

Ye Tianlong hugged Yao Feiyan and asked, "Instead of you, which action would you take?"

Yao Feiyan was startled slightly, and then squeezed out: "Of course it is to fight the fire on the spot. Even if there is nothing we can do, we must do our best."

"Otherwise, I will feel uneasy for the rest of my life. After all, they are loved ones with affection."

She suddenly seemed to have caught something: "The person who takes the most sensible approach must have no feelings for the loved ones, and it can even be said to be cold-blooded."

"Jin Xuejun's case is equivalent to Jin Xuejun being caught in the flames."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "It's understandable that Ling Xiangsi doesn't want to rush into the funeral, but she shouldn't have no struggle, and she shouldn't betray her until she is desperate."

"The reason for this is that she really has no feelings for Jin Xuejun, or that she was approaching Jin Xuejun on purpose from the beginning."

"If it hadn't had a calculation in his heart, three years of harmonious coexistence, and the respect of Jin Xuejun, Ling Xiangsi could not have been so unfeeling."

"Furthermore, Jin Xuejun had an over-reaction at the time. He acquiesced in a lot of things aimed at Bai Kong, except that he did not admit to instigating Zhao Siwen to kill me."

"If it is really what Jin Xuejun did, he doesn't need to deny that this is not a matter of importance, it will not change his future fate."

Ye Tianlong made a judgment: "So I think this woman must have a problem."

Yao Feiyan is also a smart woman. She quickly figured out what was wrong, and then nodded: "Tianlong, what you said makes sense."

"Just, why didn't you expose her at the time?"

A cold light shot into her eyes: "This woman hides so deeply, she should be skinned in public for everyone to see."

"Why expose her?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Ling Xiangsi is a sword. Although I don't know who is holding the sword, it is now stabbing Jin Xuejun. What does it mean?"

"The person holding the sword uses the three of us to suppress Jin Xuejun, and we can also use Ling Xiangsi's sword to stab people."

Ye Tianlong obviously had a plan a long time ago: "Shooting Jin Xuejun down, and then finding the person holding the sword to kill, this is the most correct way."

"You really think about the long-term."

Yao Feiyan smiled, and the conversation turned around: "But if you leave Ling Xiangsi, you are tantamount to leaving a time bomb. Will it be too dangerous?"

"For the time being, there will be no danger for a year or a half."

Ye Tianlong stroked the woman's waist: "She was in trouble with Jin Xuejun for three years. She would not attack us too soon."

"There is always a chance to hit us hard before Ling Xiangsi starts to make sense."

He slid his fingers over the softness: "Before she starts, she will definitely work hard to gain our trust because of the need to gain our trust."

"Let's not waste her value."

"I am going to send someone to stare at her around the clock, and at the same time let her be your chief secretary. If the company has any problems, please let her do it."

"One is that she can solve problems for the company and make a lot of money, and the other is that she can have to contact the person who holds the sword."

"After all, when she can't solve the problem, she will seek help from behind the scenes."

Ye Tianlong set out a long-term game: "As long as she moves, it will leave us a clue, and then it will be uprooted."

Yao Feiyan sighed sincerely upon hearing the words: "Tianlong, fortunately, I am your woman. If it is your enemy, I probably don't feel good to sleep."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Look, I have added a right-hand man to you, shouldn't you thank me very much?"

Yao Feiyan lay on the sofa with a smile, then lifted up two long white legs and clamped Ye Tianlong's neck with a smile:

"The reward is coming..."

Pulling his legs, Ye Tianlong fell down with him...

When Ye Tianlong and Yao Feiyan turned the clouds and rain again, a black car was driving into Chaoyang Prison in the dark.

The owner of the car wore a hat and a mask, holding a pass in his hand, and went straight to the deepest part of the prison: the abyss area.

This is an area with numerous institutions and numerous steel gates and iron fences. It is almost impossible for those serving sentences here to get out of the prison and see the light of day again.

Moreover, the prisoners’ family members are never seen here, and outsiders cannot reach here. This kind of care makes this an area with zero escape rate.

However, the black car there became an exception, and went all the way to the abyss area, and then lay in a dark corner.

The car door opened, and the owner got out, his eyes haggard, but with endless resentment, it was Jin Xuejun who had gone.

"I want to see the 38th."

Jin Xuejun handed over the pass and a piece of information to the guard. Ten minutes later, he walked into the abyss area alone and turned seven or eight turns to the end.

At the end, there is a 15-square-meter cell with heavy railings and simple furniture, making the cell conditions difficult.

Sitting on the stone bed in the cell was a man with white hair. He was skinny with only a handful of bones and a piece of skin, but sitting there was still very dangerous.

He is like a wolf, even if he is dead, he still has the demeanor of the king.

"Got it!"

Hearing Jin Xuejun's footsteps, the thin man did not open his eyes, and still sat motionless on the stone bed, as if indifferent to the world.

Jin Xuejun did not make a sound either, but slowly approached, and then stood on the heavy railing, staring at the man in front of him, with a hint of hesitation.

The thin man still didn't open his eyes, but slowly opened his shriveled mouth and smiled faintly:

"Young Master Jin, is there a hurdle?"

Jin Xuejun was startled, and then he sighed: "Pointing to the heart of the Buddha, you deserve to be the Taibao of the Jiang family..."

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