Talented Genius

Chapter 1793: Must return it to him

Four seasons five-star hotel, on the 13th floor, 18 gunmen from the Kong family walked silently in the long narrow corridor.

They deliberately padded their toes to keep them silent, and they all held firearms that opened the insurance in their hands.

The atmosphere is tense and solemn.

Three meters away from Room No. 8, the eighteen gunmen from the Kong family stopped, quietly waiting for the next instruction.

Old Ghost Li came up from behind, put on a body armor and a helmet, and then took a gun and approached the wooden door.

As a thug under Confucianism, Old Ghost Li has always been unscrupulous, but this time he was more careful than ever.

After all, the opponent was the master who shot Jin Xuejun with one shot.

Although the killer ran away after shooting Jin Xuejun with one shot, the Kong family and the Bai family worked at full capacity and still locked her whereabouts.

Old Ghost Li glanced at the people behind him, and the two men guarding the elevator and the safety ladder, a total of twenty gunmen, believed that they could take the opponent.

After leaving two more to guard the corridor, Old Ghost Li led the sixteen people straight to the door, and soon he could feel the coolness of the air conditioning in the crack of the door.

Looking at the extremely quiet wooden door, Old Ghost Li narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly pressed down his three fingers without emotion.

"Three, two, one!"

When all his fingers were retracted, Old Ghost Li fired three shots at the thick solid wood door, and four gunmen from the Kong family flashed out behind him, shooting at the corners of the wooden door.

The bullet banged in, not only banging the wooden door into a smash, but the room was also a noise, stifling the vitality of the bullet range.


After the gunshot fell, Old Ghost Li bent over and rolled in, and the wooden door fell back with a bang, hitting the hard floor severely.

The light in the room was dazzling, and the target location was unclear for a while, but Old Ghost Li was unscrupulous and shot three times in front of him, killing the target's attack.

At the same time, the sixteen people behind also rushed in with their guns. The matter was so far that they could not tolerate them.


When the sixteen people were well-trained and rushed into the 200-square-meter suite, all the dazzling electric lights in the house were turned off and the light from the windows was blocked.

When the sight dimmed and made people feel nervous, a large microwave oven on the bar exploded with a bang.

Countless fragments of wine bottles flew out with a shattered football and shot into the whole room.

Old ghost Li roared: "Fall down!"

Sixteen Confucian gunmen fell on the spot, moving quickly, but they still couldn't completely escape the debris.

Seven or eight people only felt a pain in their bodies, and stretched out their hands to touch them. They were pierced by sharp glass and dripping with blood.

Two of them were shot in the aorta, and fell to the ground with a sigh. They couldn't stop the blood, they could only suppress it.

The black smoke is filled with blood and the blood is thick.


When there was chaos in the scene, a gunshot sounded clear, and a Confucian elite suddenly shot in the forehead, and fell to the ground with endless blood flow.

The eyes were so wide that the boss had no life again.

"Boom boom!"

There were three more shots, and the heads of the three Confucian family members blossomed.

Old Ghost Li's nerves tightened instantly, locked in direction, like a wolf like a tiger, his feet slammed on the wall behind him, his body shot at the bar like an arrow from a string.

When he was about to touch, Old Ghost Li rolled on the spot and raised his gun.

In a corner two meters away, a woman with a peaked cap also raised her gun, and the guns of the two sides faced each other mercilessly.

Old Ghost Li not only saw the muzzle, but also the fuzzy face of the woman in the peaked cap.

He captured a feature on the opponent's face.

A scar, a scar like a centipede.


After a moment of silence, the two simultaneously pulled the trigger, turned over, and the bullet passed by.

Shocking bullet holes were exploded from the walls and floors, and stone debris was flying.


One shot was missed, the two shot again, and the bullet shot out, which nearly passed each other's body and sank into the object behind.

When the woman in the peaked cap rolled to the balcony, her left hand took out another gun from her back.

Two shots pointed at the location of Old Ghost Li and the direction where the Kong family gunner appeared.

Although Old Ghost Li's skills are exquisite, his marksmanship is inferior.

"Boom boom!"

The woman in the peaked cap fired two shots calmly, and Old Ghost Li barely pulled the trigger once, and then quickly moved to avoid the revenge bullet.

If so, he also had several bruises, leaving red blood stains.

Old Ghost Li wanted to get closer and close, but the woman in the peaked cap didn't give him a chance. The bullets always cut off his trajectory and thoughts.

Amidst the bursts of gunshots, Old Ghost Li was extremely embarrassed, but fortunately he survived intact.

The woman in the peaked cap not only has a godlike marksmanship, but she is also quite clever. After firing a shot, she can quickly hide in the black smoke and blur her vision.

This makes Old Ghost Li often look into the sky, delaying the time to lock his opponent.

At this moment, Old Ghost Li doesn't need to inquire about the origin or identity of the other party. This guy is definitely the perpetrator who sniped and injured Jin Xuejun.

Thinking of this, he held the short spear more firmly and securely.

"Boom boom!"

At this moment, the woman in the peaked cap moved to the master bedroom while constantly firing bullets.

As Old Ghost Li rolled and counterattacked, the Kong family gunmen who rushed in fell one by one.

The left hand gun of the Kong family gunner was specifically suppressed, but it was shaken twice and someone fell down immediately.

One by one, hot, empty bullet shells popped out of the gun shot by the woman in the peaked cap.

A hundred shots were hit, and every one of them was shot in the head, not giving the slightest chance to survive.

Seeing this, Old Ghost Li saw a trace of murderous intent, but he couldn't do much. The right gun of the woman in the peaked cap was completely unaffected by the left gun.

The muzzle almost locked his body three times successively, making Old Ghost Li feel the grimace of death, and he tried his best to barely split the match.

Old Ghost Li could only watch, one after another, the members of the Kong family, changed from living lives to convulsing corpses.


A bullet was ejected from the muzzle of the peaked cap, but the bullet was not designed to move toward the target, but flew out directly against the floor.

It shot in at a fifteen-degree angle, ejected at a 145-degree angle, and directly plunged into the head of a Kong family gunner hiding behind the sofa.

There was a thump.

Members of the Kong family fell to the ground, blood staining the floor in front of him, and it was hard for him to imagine the other party killing himself like this until he died.

The next second, another bullet hit the ceiling and ejected. Before another gunner from the Kong family who was pushing the shield, he had a severe pain on his head.

He fell to the ground and died tragically without saying a word.

The audience was subconsciously silent.

Too abnormal, too enchanting!

Seeing the members of the Kong family leaning to the sky and falling helplessly in front of him, the eyes of Old Ghost Li's eyes widened to the extreme in an instant, and his clothes became windless.

The blue veins on his forehead rose high.

He jerked out from the corner and fired a shot at the cap that flashed into the master bedroom.


This angry and murderous bullet shot at the cap woman.

When Old Ghost Li raised the gun and shot the bullet, the woman in the peaked cap also pulled the trigger.


In the unbelievable astonishment of Old Ghost Li, the woman in the peaked cap just flicked his side to avoid the bullet he shot.

It's simple and calm.

Old ghost Li's mouth trembled: How is this possible?


At this moment, the muzzle of the peaked cap was raised, and the pistol in his hand burst into flames, dazzling, and smashed the helmet of the old Li that fell to the side.

Although he didn't hurt Old Ghost Li, his head was dizzy due to the tremendous momentum, and Old Ghost Li felt Death passing by.

However, when the peaked cap stepped forward to fill the gun, Old Ghost Li still burst out of strength, turned around and quickly turned into the corner of the bar.

At the same time, he shot three bullets forward.

"Boom boom!"

This series of movements is clean, agile and coordinated, it is hard to believe that Old Ghost Li still has combat effectiveness.

The woman in the peaked cap was also slightly surprised, avoiding three bullets, and then shooting but found Old Ghost Li hiding in the bar.

"You can't run."

When the gunfire fell silent, Old Ghost Li concealed his body, Old Ghost Li yelled: "Young Master Kong and the others will never let you go."

He felt aggrieved, no matter whether he could fight the peaked cap with his bare hands, at least he had already lost more than half of the guns.

If it weren't for the body armor and helmet, his three words, Li Laogui, would have become history.

Old Ghost Li listened quietly to the surrounding movement. He only heard the heartbeats of the two at the moment, and it suddenly became clear to his heart that the sixteen elites of the Kong family had been reimbursed.

He wanted to fight back with a sullen face, but finally held back his impulse, knowing that he would only find death if he rushed out at this time, so he might as well delay a little time.

He believed that Confucius would arrive soon.

"Tell Confucius, don't be nosy."

The woman in the peaked cap stood back and said coldly, "Otherwise, he will be the next Jin Xuejun..."

"Also, a word to Ye Tianlong, the evil he committed will soon be retribution..."

Old ghost Li snorted: "If you have the ability, you can go to Ye Tianlong to make a move."

He led the disaster to Ye Tianlong.

"The Jiang family's blood debt, I will definitely pay him back..."

The woman in the peaked cap said coldly, and then the house returned to calm, and Old Ghost Li heard the sound of backward footsteps...

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