Talented Genius

Chapter 1794: Meet

Ye Tianlong, Confucius and Bai Shikang arrived ten minutes later, and when they arrived, the fight was over.

The house was in a mess, and blood was flowing.

All 16 gunmen from the Kong family who participated in the war were shot, and all of them were shot at critical points. Many of them still had more than half of their guns.

In other words, many people were shot dead by their opponents without mercy.

Sixteen Confucian gunmen lay on the ground in different poses. Everyone was extremely unwilling and angry, and there was a touch of helplessness and sadness between their brows.

"He is indeed a brilliant gunman."

Ye Tianlong squatted down in front of each corpse, and when he reached out his hand to close his eyes for them, he also checked the wounds: "Almost all are fatal with a single shot."

Shiraishi Kang walked to the bar to check the microwave oven: "I also know how to attack with a microwave oven. I definitely have been trained in the system."

"If Jiang Canxue became a monk halfway, then I can only say that she was born a killer."

Jin Xuejun was shot with one shot, and he calmly fled the scene, hurriedly responded to the attack, but retreated after killing 16 people.

Bai Shikang sighed with emotion: "It seems that Jin Xuejun really started with her."

Confucius lit a cigar and walked slowly to the old ghost Li: "Twenty people are not enough to stuff their teeth. It seems I am really careless."

He also picked up a few bullets from the ground and looked at them, trying to find three-sided bullets, but there was no one.

Confucius frowned slightly: "Why isn't the warhead the triangular shape that Ling Xiangsi said?"

"That is a special warhead, dedicated to difficult tasks, she doesn't have too many in her hands."

Ye Tianlong took the topic: "She uses conventional firearms in this large-scale gun battle tonight."

Confucius nodded: "reasonable."

Then, he walked to the corner and looked at Old Ghost Li's injury.

Old ghost Li was not in serious trouble, there were only a few scratches on his body, but his clothes were soaked and his helmet was also torn. Obviously he had gone through a hard fight.

He is dealing with the wound.

When Confucius saw his embarrassment, he could imagine the danger of a gunfight.

He knew the level of Old Ghost Li's skill, such people were so sweaty, it is no wonder that the others died without a gun.

At this time, Old Ghost Li saw Confucius come by, he struggled to stand up and said: "Kong Shao, I'm sorry, I am incompetent."

"Not only did I fail to keep him, I didn't even delay him."

Old ghost Li apologized: "So many brothers are still dead."

Although Old Ghost Li always ignored the lives of others, the sixteen people fell in their own actions, and he still felt a little sad.

Confucius reached out and brushed away a shard of glass on his body: "The opponent is very powerful?"

"I don't know my fists and feet, but the marksmanship is really abnormal. She has two guns in her hand, one suppresses me and the other against the 16 brothers."

Old ghost Li spoke out the peaked cap woman sternly: "Two simple short guns, but we can't raise our heads."

"I want to fight hard, but there is no chance."

He bit his lip and said, "Sorry Kong Shao, I let you down. I am willing to be punished."

"Two purposes?"

Ye Tianlong stood up when he heard the words, with a touch of astonishment on his face: "This woman is so domineering? It has achieved dual purposes."

Bai Shikang patted Ye Tianlong on the shoulder: "It seems that she is really 80% of your level."

Confucius nodded lightly, and then looked at Old Ghost Li and said: "Although this action is a mess, you can't put all the responsibility on you."

"After all, based on your shortcomings versus others' strengths, it is not a shame that you can't play with others."

Old Man Li looked grateful: "Thank Kong Shao."

Confucius asked: "Do you see the right side clearly?"

"No! Only a vague impression!"

The corner of Old Ghost's mouth moved a bit: "She was wearing a peaked cap and turned off the room lights. I couldn't see her face clearly."

"But one feature on her face is still clear."

Old Ghost Li recalled the fierce battle scene, and then gave a memory fragment.

Ye Tianlong asked aloud: "What feature?"

"A centipede-like scar, from left to right, seems to have been chopped off with a saw."

Old ghost Li breathed out a long breath: "It's shocking to watch."

Bai Shikang took out the phone and called up the photo of Jiang Canxue that had just been found out: "She is disfigured? Jiang Canxue has no scars on her face."

"Spell her face out immediately, and release it with Jiang Canxue's photo."

Confucius issued an instruction: "Fully wanted!"

Old Ghost Li straightened his body: "Yes!" Then, he remembered another thing: "The woman left two more words..."

Confucius said with a stern face: "Say!"

"She wants Kong Shao not to be nosy, or you will be the next Jin Xuejun."

Old Ghost Li's eyelids jumped sharply, and he said cautiously: "She wants me to tell Ye Shao that the evil you committed will soon be retribution."

"She will get back the Jiang family's blood debt."

Ye Tianlong's eyes condensed instantly.


Confucius burst into laughter when he heard the retelling of Old Ghost Li, with a hint of murder in his laughter: "This girl is really interesting."

"To threaten me and Tianlong like this."

Confucius said in a joking tone: "Does she know that even Jiang Taibao dare not say this. What is she, dare to criticize me like this?"

"Search the whole city!"

Confucius yelled to the members of the Kong family: "I want her to live no more than forty-eight hours."

The cronies around us all said: "Yes!"

"Although this woman is a bit arrogant, she still has capital, and we are in the light, she is in the dark."

Bai Shikang carried his hands on his back, and gently reminded Confucius and Ye Tianlong: "We should be more careful."

"Before we take down Jiang Canxue, we had better stay simple, lest we suffer unnecessary misfortune."

He also made a judgment: "Also, although things are messy now, one thing can still be confirmed."

"Jin Xuejun's shot has nothing to do with the three of us. It was Jiang Canxue who came to revenge Jiang Taibao and the others."

Confucius nodded: "Yes, we are finally wronged, we can clear our suspicions, and the sacrifice of the sixteen brothers also has a little value."

Bai Shikang turned his head to a close friend: "Call the police over to deal with the scene, and write a report to hand it in."

Bai's confidant nodded: "Understand."

While Confucius Zixiong and Bai Shikang were expressing their opinions, Ye Tianlong frowned, thinking carefully about the sentence conveyed by Old Ghost Li:

The evil you committed will soon be repaid... Jiang's blood debt, I will recover...

He caught something in his heart, a flaw that only he knew clearly.

Later, Ye Tianlong looked up at Confucius: "Kong Shao, arrange for me to meet Jiang Taibao."

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