Talented Genius

Chapter 1795: Flaws (three shifts)

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the headlights of the prison were turned off one after another, and all areas became quiet. Even the prison guards felt a little sleepy.

But the lights were still on in the abyss area, and two prison officials stood at the door, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

At eleven thirty, a black car drove over and stopped at the place where Jin Xuejun had stopped last time. Then the door opened and Ye Tianlong got out.

The two officials stepped forward with smiles on their faces, checked Ye Tianlong's identity, and then went through the formalities for him, and finally received the 38th respectfully.

After Ye Tianlong let the two officials leave, he walked to the door of the cell alone and scanned Jiang Taibao, who closed his eyes and rested through the railing.

"You look much thinner now than on TV."

Ye Tianlong looked at Jiang Taibao. This was the first time he took a close look at this financial crocodile. Then he smiled and threw out:

"But that is also true. Back then, I was so energetic who pointed to Jiangshan, but now I am a prisoner who can't even smoke cigarettes. I can't even want to be thin."

Seeing Jiang Taibao who had lost more than 30 kilograms, Ye Tianlong sighed with emotion.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's voice, Jiang Taibao's eyelids moved, but he still didn't open his eyes, just like a meditating old monk:

"Everything does not go to the Three Treasures Hall, this friend came in the middle of the night, certainly not to see me lose weight."

Jiang Taibao's voice had an affinity: "I don't know what can I do to help you?"

Ye Tianlong smiled upon hearing the words: "It is rumored that Mr. Jiang has friends all over the world, and all the three religions and nine liu are all faithful."

"The Northwest Six Bandits, Zhao Wenguang, and Hei Sheyin all have friendship with Mr. Jiang."

"I didn't believe it at first, but when I saw it tonight, Mr. Jiang did have the demeanor of Xin Lingjun."

He added the last sentence: "In the next Ye Tianlong."

"Ye Tianlong?"

Hearing this name, Jiang Taibao, who closed his eyes and meditation, straightened his upper body, opened his eyes like a sharp sword, staring at Ye Tianlong outside the railing and shouted:

"You are Ye Tianlong?"

There was a touch of surprise, a touch of excitement, and a touch of resentment in his tone: "Are you really Ye Tianlong?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Of course, the three characters Ye Tianlong are not golden signs, I have no need to imitate one!"

"I am Ye Tianlong from Mingjiang. Mr. Jiang was very excited when he heard my name, as if he had encountered a different enemy from Daitian."

He took a step forward: "But in my impression, I have never met Mr. Jiang, and there is no grudge, why are you so hostile to me?"

Ye Tianlong deliberately or unintentionally tried, wanting to confirm something.

The corners of Jiang Taibao's mouth moved twice, and then he slowly reduced his emotions on his face, and he smiled: "I don't know you, but I know you."

"A very interesting and promising young man."

He looked at Ye Tianlong carefully: "If you are outside, I will invite you to drink and even make friends, but unfortunately there is nothing here."


Ye Tianlong looked at Jiang Taibao with great interest: "Mr. Jiang is really a character. He can bend and stretch, not ordinary people can do it."

"It's a pity, you won't be able to go out in your life."

He sighed softly: "You can hide from the people of the world, but you can't hide from me, Ye Tianlong."

Jiang Taibao's eyes were two sharper: "Is I already old, or you didn't say it clearly, why I can't understand what you said?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and asked, "You sent someone to attack Jin Xuejun?"

Jiang Taibao laughed when he heard the words: "Yes, it's me. I heard that he has lost power. The Jin family doesn't protect him, so I will send him a ride."

"By the way, is he dead?"

"If you die, please give me a stick of incense. He will send me into the abyss, and I will send him to hell. It's a tie."

"If he didn't die, I also urge him to be more careful in the future. I have too many friends. I will fight before the meeting and then kill him until he dies."

Jiang Taibao is very frank that he is the murderer: "Of course, I am also ready to die."

"If you or the Jin family are upset, you can kill me tomorrow morning."

Jiang Taibao was calm and calm.

"I believe you have a lot of friends, but Jin Xuejun was hit by a single shot, and only one of his life was hanging by a thread."

Ye Tianlong smiled and took out a bullet, then threw it in front of Jiang Taibao: "You let Jiang Canxue's hand?"

Jiang Taibao squeezed the bullet in front of him, played with it in his palm, and then smiled faintly: "It is not easy to lock the gunner's identity so quickly."

"Yes, my daughter did it."

He looked at the warhead with a gentle gaze: "Jin Xuejun asked me to sit through the prison. It is normal for Can Xue to avenge himself."

Jiang Taibao seemed to have put life and death out of control, so he readily admitted what he had done.

"Five or six hours ago, the Kong family locked down your daughter's whereabouts. Twenty people were surrounded by guns, but she calmly broke through after she killed 16 people."

Ye Tianlong kept a calm smile: "Mr. Jiang, you have a good daughter who is both filial and powerful. You should be proud."

Jiang Taibao didn't take the slightest surprise, but just raised a smile: "Can Xue is indeed my good daughter, and I have always been proud of her."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "If such a good daughter dies, would it be a pity? Would you be very sad?"

Jiang Taibao's eyelids twitched, but he didn't get the slightest excitement. He was still calm: "She is dead. Of course I will be sad. The question is, will she die?"

"Jiang Canxue is indeed amazing, but if I do my best, she will still not survive forty-eight hours."

Ye Tianlong looked at Jiang Taibao sharply: "Mr. Jiang, do you believe me?"

Jiang Taibao narrowed his smile and stared at Ye Tianlong carefully.

After a long time, he sighed: "I want to say that I don't believe it, but I feel that you are not a liar. I can't see through you."

Jiang Taibao knew that his daughter was great, otherwise he would not come to perform the task himself, but he really couldn't see through Ye Tianlong.

Jiang Taibao couldn't tell which one was strong or weak between him and his daughter.

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Since Mr. Jiang believes that I have the ability to take Jiang Canxue, then let's make a deal."

"I won't take action against Jiang Canxue. Tell me all about your acting plan with Jin Xuejun."

Ye Tianlong said softly: "This can give your baby girl a 50% chance to survive."


Jiang Taibao straightened his body and sneered: "I have a deep hatred with Jin Xuejun. I just want to have a headshot with my hands. How can there be any acting?"

"I said, you can fool the people of the world, but you can't fool me Ye Tianlong."

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "Your plan is perfect, and the shot Jiang Canxue fired is indeed hanging by a thread."

"But don't you think that life hanging by a thread often equals vitality?"

"When I came, I received news from the hospital that Jin Xuejun was out of danger and he came alive."

"Not only does he not need to go to Heicheng, he will continue to stay in the capital to recover from his injuries, and the Kong and Bai families dare not put pressure on it anymore.

"You played this trick very slippery."

Ye Tianlong shook his head lightly: "Unfortunately, what your daughter asked Old Ghost Li to relay, left a flaw."

Jiang Taibao squinted his eyes: "What did she leave behind?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "She said, the retribution for my sins is coming soon... I'll pay back my blood debt to the Jiang family."

Jiang Taibao's eyelids twitched, as if he had caught something.

Ye Tianlong stared at Jiang Taibao, whose nerves were tense: "You were caught in, and you were still sitting in prison. It is the joint effect of two people."

"One is that Shen Tianmei broke the news and made your crime fall into the eyes of the world; the other is that Jin Xuejun resisted the pressure and produced iron proof that you could not be released on bail."

"Although I killed Jiang Zihao and provided the books in the crystal ball, these benefits have always been carried by Shen Tianmei and Jin Xuejun."

"I am a phantom of Jiang's case, and few people know my role in it."

"Jiang Canxue knows that I have committed crimes, that I owe Jiang's blood debt, and that I have a role in it. The source will only be Shen Tianmei and Jin Xuejun."

Ye Tianlong looked at Jiang Taibao with a stiff smile: "Shen Tianmei will never betray me."

"Then Jin Xuejun left the news. It was he who pushed me, the gold medal undercover, to let you know that I was the culprit who nailed you."

"The dignified young master of the Jin family, why don't you want this outstanding contribution, but let you know who is the hero in the Jiang case?"

"The reason is very simple, one is to dissolve your hatred, and the other is to please you to facilitate the transaction."

"He has traded fame like this, so what reason do you have to hurt him?"

Ye Tianlong gave a final answer: "If there is one, it is that you are acting together..."


The warhead slid from Jiang Taibao's fingers and hit the floor with a crisp sound...

Third! ! !

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