Talented Genius

Chapter 1796: She is here (four more)

In the middle of the night, a car was driving on Beijing Avenue, Ye Tianlong leaned in his seat and fell into deep thought.

Although Jiang Taibao deliberately concealed his emotions, Ye Tianlong confirmed his guess that Jin Xuejun's shot was not Jiang Taibao's revenge.

It was an acting, it was a deal, and although the process was extremely dangerous, it still developed according to their script.

Ye Tianlong smashed Jiang Taibao's conspiracy with Jin Xuejun, but Jiang Taibao did not throw out Jin Xuejun to protect himself as Ye Tianlong expected.

Even if Ye Tianlong offered generous terms and let him know that he had white hole authorization behind him, Jiang Taibao still refused Ye Tianlong's deal.

He used silence to resist Ye Tianlong's pressure.

"When I take down Jiang Canxue, I see if you can do it."

Ye Tianlong didn't take measures against Jiang Taibao. He had a better way in his heart, that is, to take Jiang Canxue.

He believed that as long as the woman was brought to Jiang Taibao, Jiang Taibao would definitely tell the content of the transaction and let Jin Xuejun completely abolish it.

Pushing Jin Xuejun into the abyss was only one step away, and Ye Tianlong would naturally not let go of this opportunity.

When Ye Tianlong twisted a bottle of soda and took a sip, he suddenly remembered something, so he picked up the phone and sent a message to Shen Tianmei.

He wanted to see Shen Tianmei, and asked her to be more careful these days, the information came back quickly, and Shen Tianmei located a swimming pool.

Fifteen minutes later, Ye Tianlong appeared in a rooftop swimming pool. This is the employee swimming pool of the National Television Station. The design is atmospheric and the pool water is constant temperature.

This swimming pool exists as a welfare, it is only open to internal employees and partners, so there will never be too many people showing up.

At this time, only Shen Tianmei is swimming alone.

"Xiaolonglong, why are you looking for me when you have time?"

When Ye Tianlong walked over, Shen Tianmei also swam over from the other end, with a charming smile as always: "Miss Sister?"

She is wearing a light black one-piece swimsuit, which is more attractive due to the tailoring.

The snowy arms and jade legs ironed to the one-piece swimsuit, separated by a thin layer of material, can also exude that intoxicating maturity.

Ye Tianlong tried his best to let himself breathe smoothly, and then sat down on a bench: "Yeah, I miss you, and I can't sleep because I want to, so I came to you."

Shen Tianmei bloomed with a charming smile: "Seeing that you have such a crush on your sister, do you want to perfect you tonight?"

"This water is fresh, constant temperature, clean enough, there are only you and me here."

She hooked Ye Tianlong's white fingers: "I think we can happen to something."

"A water battle?"

Ye Tianlong gave a smirk, then stretched out his hand to pull the woman up and put a white bath towel on her: "I don't mind this game very much."

"It's just that it's not the time these days."

Ye Tianlong rubbed Shen Tianmei's body, while taking the opportunity to feel the softness: "I just went to prison to see Jiang Taibao."

"Two things have been confirmed. First, Jin Xuejun took a shot. It was Jin Xuejun who asked Jiang Taibao to fight. The purpose was to stay in the capital because of his injuries."

"Second, the person who shot is really Jiang Taibao's daughter, Jiang Canxue, she is a very dangerous person."

"She came to the capital this time, besides performing the task of shooting Jin Xuejun, she also wanted to avenge the Jiang family's enemies."

Ye Tianlong wiped that proudly: "You are the person who broke the news, and I am the person who provides evidence. We are all targets Jiang Canxue is going to kill."

"Little villain, you hurt me."

Shen Tianmei patted Ye Tianlong's hand, her voice was soft and soft: "You mean, Jiang Canxue is going to attack us?"

Ye Tianlong nodded his head: "90% possible."

"Furthermore, under the big search of Kongbai's family, I had a foreboding that she would shoot soon, so I came over to tell you."

"Stay at home with peace of mind these days, don't wander around when you are fine, Jiang Canxue really can't be underestimated."

He whispered: "Old ghost Li took the number 20 and didn't take advantage of it. You can imagine the danger of this woman."

Shen Tianmei took Ye Tianlong's hand and smiled and said, "Okay, I will listen to you. I will stay at home these days and arrange more bodyguards at the same time."

"Try not to worry my little brother."

Seeing Shen Tianmei being so obedient, Ye Tianlong felt relieved, and then asked: "Where are your three girlfriends?"

"Busy planning at home."

Shen Tianmei smiled faintly: "They are going to Fei Mingjiang in two days to go to Tianmen to talk about beauty and business in the theater."

"I saw that they were so busy and didn't want to be bored in the house, so I came out alone, ate, and went shopping."

She held Ye Tianlong's hand: "I felt a little full, so I came here to swim."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile: "Have you finished your swim? I'll take you back when you're finished. It's 12 o'clock now. It's not safe for you to go back alone."

Shen Tianmei hugged Ye Tianlong, pressed his ears and said softly: "No reply..."

Suddenly she smiled at Mi Li, put Ye Tianlong on the white bench and pressed her body like a civet to the front, and instantly climbed onto Ye Tianlong's lap.

Shen Tianmei pulled off the towel on her body and looked down at Ye Tianlong with a pretty face like a peach blossom. The light black swimsuit couldn't hide the scene of the neckline.

The white and greasy, straight piercing Ye Tianlong's eyes, flat abdomen, and a small red inner edge.

Like a barrel of gasoline being thrown into a fire, Ye Tianlong's volcano was instantly lit.

Shen Tianmei felt the change of Ye Tianlong, smiled seductively, stroked her long hair, and her red lips fell on Ye Tianlong's chest.

Draw circles all the way down.

Ye Tianlong only felt a bang in his head, and felt the blood all over his body boil. When he was about to ignore it, his body suddenly shook.

Ye Tianlong looked at the night sky, pressed Shen Tianmei's head, and then rolled to the side, leaving Shen Tianmei's hot mouth.


Shen Tianmei didn't know why, but didn't insist, just lying on the bench with groaning expression with a bit of unending pain in his expression.


A black shadow appeared in the night sky, and a drone slowly approached here. Shen Tianmei looked up and saw something tied to the drone.


Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand to lift Shen Tianmei, wrapped her in a white bath towel, and then walked towards the rooftop with his arms around her.

Shen Tianmei whispered: "What's the matter?"

"She is coming."

Ye Tianlong pulled Shen Tianmei to the entrance, and was about to enter the access code given by Shen Tianmei. Suddenly, his movements stopped.

A piercing sense of crisis made Ye Tianlong's body shake again.


Before any explanation, Ye Tianlong slammed on the ground holding Shen Tianmei, his figure exploded with a'swish', and immediately returned to the pool.

In the next instant, he held Shen Tianmei decisively into the water.


At almost the same moment, a hundred kilograms of steel door was violently exploded, and flames, gravel, steel pieces and shock waves were sprayed wantonly.

The momentum is amazing.

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