Talented Genius

Chapter 1800: Save some flowers (four more)

With the death of Jiang Taibao, the Jin Xuejun case quietly ended, and the turbulent capital returned to calm.

Ye Tianlong also curbed his dangling temper and read the book, preparing to report to the medical school the day after tomorrow.

It's just that plans are never as good as changes.

That afternoon, Ye Tianlong, who had read the medical books for two days, shook his head and just walked out of the room when he was carried by Zhan Qinglou to Zhao Ditian.

"Big brother, what's the matter for me in this beautiful weather?"

Ye Tianlong sat down on the sofa in the attic, and then picked up a jade Buddha to play with it slowly: "I've been very well-behaved these past two days."

"Not only did he not go out to eat, drink and have fun with people, but he also stayed in the room and read carefully.

Ye Tianlong looked at Zhao Ditian who was sitting slowly in front of him: "I can go to the medical school to report at any time."

"You are about to miss this semester again. Although the medical school still reserves your place, Mr. Zhao feels that if you insert it at this time, it will affect the progress of the students."

Zhan Qinglou smiled and took the topic: "So you can only wait for the next semester."

"Furthermore, in the Jin Xuejun case, the Jin family and the vassal forces regarded the three of you as thorns. You can easily stimulate the Jin family's nerves if you stay in the capital."

"Bai Shikang will go to the China-India border in two days to personally supervise the road construction, and Confucius will also lead a delegation for economic exchanges abroad."

She said everything she wanted to say: "So Lao Zhao felt that it would be better for you to leave the capital temporarily. You can rest assured that the Jin family will not retaliate against you."

Zhao Ditian smiled kindly: "This is not because I am afraid of them, but because I feel that there is no need to touch the Jin family's grievances."


Ye Tianlong jumped up happily and almost broke the Jade Buddha: "No need to go to class, I can have a good wave for a few months."

"Don't worry, I will leave Beijing tomorrow, which will definitely not stimulate the Jin family's nerves."

Ye Tianlong then added: "But don't worry, Brother and Sister Qing, I will visit you often."

Zhan Qinglou said angrily: "Looking at how happy you are, I really want to leave here soon. I have taken care of you for so many days."

"Where is..."

Ye Tianlong touched his head and smiled: "In fact, I really don't want to leave, but I don't want everyone to say goodbye, so I pretend to be so happy."

"Let's come."

Zhan Qinglou patted Ye Tianlong's forehead: "You just can't stay idle."

"Tianlong, I actually want you to leave the capital."

Emperor Zhao looked at Ye Tianlong dozingly: "In addition to leaving a bit of face for the Jin family, there is also a task for you."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "Mission?" He was nervous: "Saving people or grabbing treasures?"

"you think too much."

Zhan Qinglou glared at Ye Tianlong, then took an envelope from the table to Ye Tianlong, telling Zhao Ditian's true meaning:

"Lao Zhao wants you to go to Australia City, get a building, and then open a casino."

Ye Tianlong shook his body and almost fell to the ground: "Go to Australia City? Open a casino?"

"That's right, it's just for you to open a casino in Australia. The size of the casino doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether you make money or not, but you must officially register."

Zhan Qinglou looked at Ye Tianlong and said: "Moreover, there are basic practitioners and casino equipment."

"Etc., etc……"

Ye Tianlong interrupted Zhan Qinglou aloud and looked at the two with a look of surprise: "Big brother, do you know the risk of running to Macau to open a casino?"

"Let's not say that the gambling cards worth 10,000 gold are difficult to obtain. Even if they can be obtained, the six big gamblers and underground gangs may not be willing to let me survive."

"With one more casino, one more person will grab the meat. They eat good meat. I will reach out and grab it. What's the difference between looking for death?"

"They move their fingers, and not only the casino is smashed into a mess, I may be chased all over the street."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand: "This thing is absolutely impossible. It is okay for you to let me go to the casino to win a million. It is absolutely impossible to open a casino."

Zhan Qinglou stepped forward and patted Ye Tianlong's shoulder: "You don't have to worry about card gambling, we will get one for you."

"As for the six big gambling kings, underground gangs, you are not enough to kill forty presidents."

The war brothel is always inviting: "And don't you want to go to Australia to develop? This is a good opportunity."

Ye Tianlong didn't get in with dripping water: "You can't open a casino directly when you go to the Australian city for development. It's too risky to steal money and kill your parents."

"If you are worried that I will be tossing when I am idle, then let me go back to medical school."

Ye Tianlong smiled brightly: "I'll go to the girls' dormitory as a dormitory."

"What do you always think about?"

Zhan Qinglou stretched out his hand and poke Ye Tianlong's head: "Tianlong, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong, will sister send you into the fire pit?"

Zhao Ditian also smiled: "Tianlong, this is an arduous task that benefits the country and the people. I have many people in my hands, but you are the most qualified."

"And in my opinion, only you can stand firm in that chaotic place."

There is trust in Zhao Ditian's eyes: "Tianlong, go, count the big brother owing you a favor."

These few words made Ye Tianlong calm down, knowing that the two would not dig pits for themselves, and they must have a very deep purpose in planning to build a casino in Australia City.

If he is really the most suitable candidate, Ye Tianlong feels that he can take a risk to help, but he wants to learn more.

Zhao Ditian added: "Don't worry, I will keep staring at you, and I will never let you go wrong."

"I can go."

Ye Tianlong frowned, "But should you tell me something?"

"I don't know anything, not only I don't have a bottom, but I also don't have a direction."

He whispered: "If what you do is contrary to what you mean, isn't it a waste of your energy and time."

Zhao Ditian looked at Ye Tianlong sincerely: "It's not that I can't tell you, but it's not the time. After all, nothing has started yet."

"In this way, I give you a promise that as long as you set up a casino in Australia City, I will tell you the intention when you arrive."

He gently picked up his thermos: "As far as I can tell, this is a red B-level mission."

Ye Tianlong's body shook, with surprise on his face. Although he guessed that this mission was important, he still didn't expect it to be a Red B-level mission.

The only thing higher than it is the Class A mission of ‘two bombs and one star’.

Zhan Qinglou also echoed: "You don't need to study the intention behind too much, you just need to open the casino and open it normally for more than three months."

Ye Tianlong pondered for a while, then coughed:

"Although I am very resistant to this task in my heart, after all, the risk is too great, but for you and the country, I will bite the bullet."

"It's just renting money, decorating money, hiring people for money, and managing money."

Ye Tianlong looked at the two men very tactfully: "Does such a high-level task have high funding?"

"I guessed that you would ask for money."

Zhan Qinglou snorted and re-patted the envelope in Ye Tianlong's hand: "The funds check and the casino requirements are all inside, take it properly."

Ye Tianlong was very happy, and quickly took out the things, and soon saw a check, he concentrated his eyes to see: "One...ten thousand?"

"Brother, is the unit wrong? It should be 10 billion, right?"

Ye Tianlong looked at Zhao Ditian and shouted: "One million can't even buy a cheating slot machine."

Zhao Ditian patted Ye Tianlong's arm: "Save some flowers..."

Fourth today.

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