Talented Genius

Chapter 1801: What is missing (five shifts)

"Come, come, Tianmo, put the fat cattle in the grassland."

"Mai, give me two pieces of soft tofu."

"Cardiole, Canshou, this bone is familiar, can I give you one?"

The capital, water and clouds, the third floor wing room, steaming hot.

There is a large round table with five people sitting on them, eating hot pot with chopsticks and spoons, and the TV screen behind it is "Shui Tiao Song Tou".

The atmosphere is harmonious.

Ye Tianlong was blowing on the chilly air conditioner while eating soft tofu with a very pleasant face.

No need to report to the Beijing Medical College, Ye Tianlong was much more relaxed, and he sneaked out to find Tianmo and the Yellow Birds for a dinner.

Things in the capital almost came to an end, so Tianmo and Oriole were also a little bored. When they heard Ye Tianlong playing hot pot, they naturally responded together.

After eating the things in the bowl, Ye Tianlong put down his chopsticks and picked up a glass of white wine and shouted: "Come, come, it's rare to relax, not drunk or return."

The oriole and Canshou laughed and raised their glasses. The five of them touched them, and then they drank in one gulp. Tianmo also stuffed an egg into the drink and pressed it down.

"Brother, are we really going to open a casino in Australia?"

After drinking three rounds, he looked at Ye Tianlong and asked: "Let's not talk about the risks, it's one million, not even a rent is enough."


Ye Tianlong's face was a little more depressed: "I have promised my eldest brother, so naturally I want to go to Australia City for a stroll."

"One million is indeed a bit less, but there is no way. My elder brother recently bought a lot of antiques, which made the money on hand a little tight."

Ye Tianlong picked up a spoonful of beef: "I can't talk about him. After all, I made him ‘funny’."

"It's okay, Baishikang's 3 billion compensation can be half out."

He picked up the beef and smiled: "It's not enough. There are so many local tyrants in Australia. Let's just knock a few."

The oriole gave a wry smile and took the topic: "How many knocks?"

"Ye Shao, don't forget. We offended the Bao family and Xue family in Australia. Now we ran to other people's site, which is equal to the fish on the chopping board."

He carefully reminded Ye Tianlong: "Just don't be knocked on by others..."

Canshou nodded: "Yes, they played them so badly the other day. They knew we were going, and they would definitely retaliate secretly."

"The most important point is that you broke the cooperation between the Jin family and the Bao family in preparing for the construction of a casino in Hei province. This is overwhelming the Feng Family's Flying Club."

There is also a dignified look on Canshou's face: "The Bao family absolutely hates us. It will definitely prevent us from opening a casino."

When Tianmo and the oriole nodded, Ye Tianlong put the beef into his mouth and ate it with a big mouthful, then laughed:

"I know the Bao family will make trouble, but our casino is not going to operate permanently."

"My elder brother said, as long as it can last the first half or one year, it doesn't matter whether it is profitable or not."

Ye Tianlong said the request: "The important thing is that the casino is legal, operating normally, and the procedures are in place."

When Tianmo and Mai were stunned for a while, the Oriole frowned and said, "Isn't this equal to a leather bag company?"


Ye Tianlong scooped up another spoonful of beef: "Anyway, in a word, the casino will be open for half a year, even if it's burning money, it doesn't matter."

Hearing Ye Tianlong’s explanation, the Cardinals breathed a sigh of relief: “If this kind of casino is opened, then things are much easier.”

There is no demand for customers and profit, so there is no pressure.

"Not easy."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "The process still needs to go down. The venue, equipment, and personnel are also needed."

"Gambling, the Zhanqinglou will be done, the venue, go to the Australian city to rent one, equipment, second-hand market also has, the personnel is a bit difficult."

Ye Tianlong glanced at the four people: "Australian city gambling personnel have almost a uniform base salary plus commission, and commission accounts for 80% of their income."

"In other words, our salary is almost impossible to hire, even if we hire, we will run away after a week."

It is impossible to raise salaries and recruit people, because people will be deemed to disrupt the market, and it will be more troublesome then.

The oriole took the topic: "This is not difficult. Let's recruit a group of people directly from Longmen. There are many gamblers in the hands of Baliangjin, which can be used."

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he gave a thumbs up and said, "This is a good suggestion, it can support the facade and see the place."

"Tianmo, you will call Shangguan later and ask her to prepare 30'casino' elites for me."

Tian Mo nodded: "Okay."

"The manpower is easy to solve, but there is one managerial staff."

The oriole looked at Ye Tianlong and said, "Although we have all been in and out of the casino, management is by no means as simple as we thought."

"Equipment management, personnel scheduling, black and white, and peers..."

The oriole reminded Ye Tianlong: "We need someone who is proficient in casino rules, and preferably someone who can be trusted."

"What you said makes sense... someone who is proficient in casino rules..."

Ye Tianlong took a bite of beef, then lowered his head to think about it, to see if there was anyone around him...

At this moment, Canshou hesitated for a while, and then squeezed out: "Brother, there is someone, you can consider..."

Ye Tianlong raised his head: "Who?"

Canshou replied: "My former creditor, the reformer of Zhao Dadiao and his wife, Lei Jiuzhi!"

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up instantly: "Yeah, why did I forget Lao Lei, you are in charge of contacting him."

"Tell him that I am going to hire him to go to the seventh biggest gambler in Australia."

"How much salary does he want?"

Ye Tianlong still has a good impression of Lei Jiuzhi, and he is indispensable for Zhao Dadi and his wife being able to re-behave.

Ye Tianlong has always wanted to visit, but there is always no time. Now that there is an opportunity for cooperation, he is naturally willing to be generous.

"Okay, I'll contact him."

Although Canshou felt that letting Lei Jiuzhi become a professional manager of a leather bag company, he was likely to be beaten, but he was still willing to give it a try.

When Canshou and Tianmo both called to arrange things, Ye Tianlong picked up the wine glass and drank a few more drinks with Huangque and Mai.


Just when Ye Tianlong picked up his chopsticks and was about to chew on a bone, an encrypted email flooded into his phone. He opened it and found a message from Confucius.

It is the archives of Jiang Canxue's death.

Ye Tianlong entered the password given by Confucius, while opening the document translation, while gnawing at the bones, he wanted to draw the last stop to the Beijing line.

After gnawing on a bone, dozens of pages of information have been turned over, and dozens of photos have been viewed, including car fragments, photos of guns, images of bones...

The police information was informative, which made Ye Tianlong feel like he was back on the scene.

However, the genetic comparison was not detailed enough, only one man and one woman were verified, without further refinement, and no identification of Jiang Canxue.

Obviously it was Jiang Taibao's death, which made Confucius feel that everything was over, plus Ye Tianlong personally killed Jiang Canxue, there was no need to waste time.

Although Ye Tianlong was a bit regretful, he didn't care about it either.

Ye Tianlong frowned again when he was about to turn off the phone after reading. He always felt that something was missing.

There should be an object in his memory, but there was no deliberate memory at the time, so he couldn't remember it for a while.

This lack made Ye Tianlong feel uncomfortable. He re-turned the photo twice, but he still couldn't remember.

"What is missing?"

Ye Tianlong finished drinking the white wine in one sip and pulled off a collar to start pacing. The oriole and Mai were about to make a sound, but Ye Tianlong waved his hand gently to stop them.

He circled the room three times, and finally stopped on the TV screen, which was playing a singing program.

Ye Tianlong stopped, not to listen to the song, but to see an old acquaintance, Xie Zuiyi.

She was as cold as ever, just as she was singing at the food stall at the beginning. The voice is very nice and intoxicating, and there is always a touch of sadness.

Especially the guitar in her hand, it flicks like a person’s heart...

"Guitar? Guitar?"

Suddenly, Ye Tianlong's inspiration flashed, and he slapped his head and shouted: "I know what's missing."

There is no guitar box at the scene!

The guitar box in Jiang Canxue's hand!

Calm reminder, the situation of the book, continuous update for 400 days, 1,800 chapters, 4.2 million words, an average of four and a half chapters per day...

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