Talented Genius

Chapter 1803: You should be sober

The instrument has no leakage, but the value is out of the table.

Ye Tianlong didn't know the reason, but Lin Chenxue saw that scene. After starting the deep inspection, the circuit began to scan Ye Tianlong's body potential.

She clearly saw that the 80-limited test table rose like a rocket, and then she broke through the limit without giving her a chance to stop.

Just like a mercury thermometer, it broke the limit and sprayed out.

"President Lin, did you design this instrument yourself? The safety is too poor."

Ye Tianlong felt the pain in his whole body, as if he had been pierced into his body by a hot needle: "It is too dangerous to detect electricity leakage."

Ye Tianlong also pulled open his clothes to look at his chest, and then scanned both arms, both with a burned black spot.

He was fortunate that the voltage of this instrument was not high, otherwise it would have become a roast pig now.

"Mr. Lin, what's wrong?"

At this moment, Xiaomei and Xiaolan heard the movement and ran from behind the car: "What happened?"

"It's okay."

Lin Chenxue looked away from Ye Tianlong and tried her best to suppress the shock in her heart: "I made a mistake in operation and destroyed this instrument."

"You continue to organize and check the data, I will clean up here myself."

Hearing Lin Chenxue's words, the two nurses nodded and walked back to the car again, but in the meantime they murmured that it was a pity that more than one million instruments were destroyed.

"This instrument, more than one million?"

Ye Tianlong caught those words and looked at the messy instrument and said, "You must have been deceived. This is a copycat craft."

In Ye Tianlong's view, things that can leak electricity are definitely three-no products from underground factories.

"It's possible to be deceived."

Lin Chenxue didn't explain anything, she cleaned up the desktop and put the debris back in the box and closed it.

It was just a shock in my heart, an unstoppable existence, an instrument with a value of 80, Ye Tianlong directly exploded.

If it wasn't an instrument accident, wouldn't it mean that Ye Tianlong's potential exceeded 80%? Has touched the value of genius.

"Mr. Lin, the instrument is broken, is there any new one? If so, let's continue testing."

Ye Tianlong took a glass of warm water and drank it: "If not, let's go for breakfast, it's almost nine o'clock, a little hungry."

"I don't have a new instrument in my hand. It will take a month to repair this one, and it's not suitable for use anymore."

Lin Chenxue smiled: "When I get the new product, I will ask you to complete this piece of inspection."

She is not in a hurry to do this test. Although the meter is out of order, the data has already been uploaded and can still be used as a reference.

And she needs a little time to figure out that the bursting of the watch was an accident, and it really was that Ye Tianlong's potential was too strong.

Lin Chenxue looked at Ye Tianlong: "Today's inspection is over."

"I will treat you to breakfast."

Ye Tianlong smiled and made an invitation: "This sun egg between water and clouds is nice."

Five minutes later, Ye Tianlong and Lin Chenxue were sitting in the cafeteria between water and clouds.

Ye Tianlong was carrying a large plate of fried noodles, ham, beef, and a large bowl of rib soup. He wanted to find a few eggs, but found it was empty.

Ye Tianlong didn't need to think about it to know that Tian Mo had gotten up, otherwise the egg would not turn upside down.

Ye Tianlong was full of food, but Lin Chenxue only had a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

"Mr. Lin, why do you eat so lightly?"

Ye Tianlong was stuffed with a ham in his mouth: "If you don't have enough oil and water in the morning, you will feel weak at work."

Lin Chenxue faintly said, "I'm used to it."

Ye Tianlong murmured: "This habit is not good, you have to change it, or you will get thinner and thinner and become more dependent on coffee."

"Thank you for your concern."

Lin Chenxue took the topic softly, and then apologized: "Tianlong, what happened last time, I'm sorry, the formula of Wan Neng Pill is my fault."

"What's wrong with you?"

Ye Tianlong raised his head and looked at her: "Did you accidentally leak it, or did the Rong family spy?"

Lin Chenxue moved the corner of her mouth and glanced at Ye Tianlong and said, "In any case, I was wrong. How do you need me to compensate?"

"Compensation? How can I compensate you?"

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "If the Rong family compensated, I could offer a price of 10 billion yuan."

From the comparison between Lin Chenxue's attitude last time and this time, Ye Tianlong already had a judgment in his heart. Ninety-nine percent of it was the Rong family who had peeped at the formula of the universal pill.

"Ten billion? I don't have one."

Lin Chenxue bit her lip: "One billion, I have it. I will pass it to you this afternoon, so I apologize."

Ye Tianlong shook his head: "I don't want it. Although your side made a mistake, it is not your turn to take responsibility."

"Actually, if the Rong family treats you so well, they should stand up to compensate me and Miao Tiannu instead of letting you stand up."

Ye Tianlong stuffed a bite of noodles.

"Don't say that about the Rong family, they are also confused for a while."

Lin Chenxue stirred the coffee in her hands: "And my compensation is equal to the Rong family's compensation, and the essence is the same.


Ye Tianlong leaned on the seat: "They pay 10 billion yuan, no one can be less, and you, 100 yuan, I can't ask for it."

"The Rong family also produced two million boxes, one box of 1,000, sales of about 2 billion, and profit of more than one billion."

Lin Chenxue looked at Ye Tianlong: "Will it be too harsh to pay 10 billion?"

"Chen Xue, you probably haven't gone out some days."

Ye Tianlong rubbed his chopsticks with his fingers: "The current price of Wanneng Pills is not a thousand boxes, but a price of 20,000 yuan."

"If this trend continues, it will reach fifty thousand sooner or later."

Lin Chenxue was slightly surprised: "So scary?"

"It's just that even if it is 20,000 or 50,000, it has nothing to do with the Rong family. It may be other dealers who are speculating."

She subconsciously defended the Rong family: "You have been an assistant to Huayao. You should know these things."

Ye Tianlong gently shook his head: "No, it is Rong's family who really fries Wanneng Wan."

"Tianlong, there are indeed many faults in the Rong family, but not everything is wrong. Why are you targeting the Rong family like this?"

Lin Chenxue's brows frowned slightly: "The Rong family is not short of money. If the Rong family wants to fry, the ex-factory price will not be just one thousand."

"As for the behavior of the pill after entering the market, it has nothing to do with the Rong family. It is the dealers and the scalpers who are in trouble.

Ye Tianlong smiled bitterly: "Mr. Lin, you still believe in the Rong family so much."

Lin Chenxue's pretty face was cold: "After all, the Rong family has raised me for so many years, and the old man Rong has given me so many opportunities. I don't want to hear others discredit him."

"other people?"

Ye Tianlong sighed: "It seems that I am really someone else to Lin Zong, but so is it. Our friendship broke while escorting Tianyao No.1."

"Now it's just a nodding acquaintance."

His eyes were calm: "Just as a nodding acquaintance, I still want to say to President Lin, don't be deceived by the Rong family because of the previous favor."

"Besides, you have been a cow and a horse for these years, and you have paid off the kindness of the Rong family a long time ago. You should look at him soberly and objectively."

Lin Chenxue replied: "Tianlong, I know that I have feelings for the Rong family. Some things are not objective, but the Rong family is not as bad as you think."

Ye Tianlong took the topic: "Thirteen cases of plum blossom virus occurred in Australia. There is almost no cure. Only Rong's universal pills can suppress it."

"This is also the direct promoter of the pill."

Ye Tianlong's eyes became sharp: "If this is not an accident, it is a man-made disaster."

"Will the person who can cause this man-made disaster be a dealer or a scalper?"

"Mr. Lin, you should be sober..."

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