Talented Genius

Chapter 1804: I come

After bidding farewell to Lin Chenxue, Ye Tianlong received a call from Confucius and again confirmed to him that there was no guitar box.

This confirmation made Ye Tianlong's expression more solemn, and he returned to the room to discuss matters with Mai and the others.

On the first seven days of Jiang Taibao's death, Ye Tianlong walked into the Wu family with a bright smile, holding two large baskets in his hands.

As soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Grandma, I'm here."

The members of the Wu family knew Ye Tianlong for a long time, and knew the old prince's love for him, so they all smiled and nodded in greeting.

Several little girls still yelled: "Brother-in-law."

"Really good."

Like a nouveau riche, Ye Tianlong took out a stack of banknotes from the basket and sent it over: "Come on, buy sugar and eat."

Several little girls from the martial arts took the banknotes happily, and shouted sweetly, "Thank you brother-in-law, brother-in-law is generous and handsome."

"Can you guys be a bit stubborn?"

Wu Ningbing, who walked out of the backyard, shouted upon seeing this: "A few banknotes made you soften your bones. When did our Wu family be so greedy for money?"

Several little girls stuck out their tongues, and then ran away with a sweet smile, leaving only a youthful back and a faint fragrance.

Several guards who received the present also turned and ran away. The second lady's temper was getting bigger and bigger, so it's better not to stay at the scene and be implicated.

Seeing them running away, Wu Ningbing had to raise her eyebrows and shouted at Ye Tianlong: "Ye Tianlong, your approach is wrong."

"The old lady is so good to you, but you are using sugar-coated cannonballs to corrupt the Wu family nephew. You are really a white-eyed wolf."

She hates that iron can't make steel: "Put away your things right away. It's messy and evil. It makes people annoyed to look at it."


When Mrs. Wu, who walked out not far away, was about to smile and scold his daughter, Ye Tianlong took out an eagle jersey from the basket and raised a smile:

"This is an eagle suit. It is invulnerable, and it can also fly diagonally and increase speed. It is a first-class magic weapon to deal with bad guys."

Ye Tianlong put on the eagle's suit and demonstrated on the spot. He flew 30 meters, 20 meters in the air, flew into the wall and walked against the wall.

After fifteen minutes of demonstration, not only did the members of the martial arts family be stunned, Wu Ningbing also opened up her beautiful eyes, full of enthusiasm.

Five or six martial arts little girls also ran back, clapping their hands and cheering: "Brother-in-law is so handsome."

Looks like a nympho.

This time, Wu Ningbing did not stop them, her eyes were attracted by the eagle suit.

"This battle suit was originally intended to be given to the little girl. After all, she fights and kills every day. There is one more eagle suit to protect and one more safety."

Ye Tianlong looked at Wu Ningbing pitifully: "It also makes her more efficient in catching bad guys."

"It's a pity that this is a bad wind, I have to take it back as I bring it, Ningbing, thank you for reminding me."

He took off the eagle suit, folded it, and prepared to put it back into the basket.

Wu Ningbing rushed forward: "Wait a minute."

She stepped forward and grabbed the eagle jersey, her eyes were filled with excitement that could not be concealed: "Is this jersey for me?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Originally there was this plan, but you are right. You can't sugar-coated shells to corrupt the Wu family, so forget it..."

"I just said, don't hit people with cash. I didn't say that good things cannot be given to the Wu family."

Wu Ningbing clung to the eagle's uniform: "Besides, you are from the Wu family, and you have not been home for so long. It is reasonable to come back and give us gifts."

"Cash is the same as a battle suit."

Ye Tianlong smiled leisurely: "I'm still not sending it, lest it corrupt you."

"No, if you say send me off, you send me off."

Wu Ningbing's beautiful eyes widened: "Men can't turn back."

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "It's okay to send you off, just like them, call my brother-in-law to listen."

Wu Ningbing almost came to tease her yin-legged legs, and even wanted to show her spine and turned around, but she saw the eagle's suit, and she didn't listen to the call.

She squeezed out weakly: "Brother-in-law."

"Really good."

Ye Tianlong loosened the eagle's uniform, then touched her head: "Take it and play."

Wu Ningbing happily took the eagle jersey and left, but after walking a few meters, he remembered something, turned his head and glared at Ye Tianlong: "Bad son."

He bowed his head to Ye Tianlong again, and called his brother-in-law, ashamed and thrown home, Wu Ningbing felt very wronged.

Ye Tianlong wanted to remind her how to wear clothes and use them, but Wu Ningbing ran away with a curl of his mouth.

"Brother-in-law, I want gifts too."

After Wu Ningbing ran away, a bunch of martial arts girls surrounded them, and they stretched out their white hands to beg for them, and their mouths were also particularly sweet.

"One by one, everyone has."

Ye Tianlong picked up two big baskets again, and sent various exquisite gifts to the juniors of the Wu family, making the whole small courtyard joyous, like a new year.

Wu Junao also walked up from behind, squinted his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him. Although he didn't adapt to the noise of the junior, he didn't say much.

"Auntie, aunt, this is a gift for you."

After dismissing the Wu family juniors, Ye Tianlong walked up to Mrs. Wu and Wu Junao, took out two small bottles and passed them over, smiling very brightly:

"Hongzhuang No.1 is a puree. It has ten times the effect of what is sold in the market. It removes scars and tightens the skin. It is effective on the same day."

Ye Tianlong handed the small bottle to the two of them: "I hope my aunt and aunt will appreciate it."

Can't refuse!

Whether it was Mrs. Wu who wanted to be polite, or Wu Junao who was a little disdainful, when he heard that this was Red Makeup No. 1 Puree, they all took it without control.

As high-class ladies, they have naturally used Red Makeup No.1, and they know its effect, how many sweeps they usually have.

Now there are ten times the effect of puree, how can they resist?

Mrs. Wu simply said: "Tianlong, thank you."

Wu Junao, who once insisted on marrying Wu Lingshuang to Jin Xuejun, rarely squeezed a smile at Ye Tianlong: "Is this a bit embarrassing?"

"Auntie, aunt, just accept it."

Ye Tianlong chuckled softly: "It's a little bit of my heart, or a little bit of apology, I haven't had time to come over for so many days in the capital."

"I found a space today, and I can only stay for half a day. I will return to the Mingjiang plane this afternoon.

He was humble and polite: "So I can only make up for my apologies with these vulgar objects."

Wu Junao's eyes lit up: "Are you going back to Mingjiang this afternoon?"

"Yes, the three o'clock plane."

Ye Tianlong's smile was very profound: "I'm leaving the capital."

At this moment, a little girl ran by and shouted at Ye Tianlong and the others: "Second sister can't take off her clothes, let you help take it off."

Madam Wu and Wu Jun arrogantly froze in place, Wu Ningbing couldn't take off his clothes. How could this be possible?

"This kind of hard work..."

Ye Tianlong volunteered: "I'll come!"

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