Talented Genius

Chapter 1805: Have a hand (four more)

"Sister, what's the matter?"

Ye Tianlong rushed into Wu Ningbing's boudoir like a whirlwind, and at a glance she saw her upper body being tightly contracted by the eagle's suit.

Not only did he close the waist curve, but he also made that proud look very prominent, lively and fresh.

Ye Tianlong's eyes almost couldn't get out.

There is no doubt that Wu Ningbing pressed the wrong switch. It was originally intended to be inflated and soared, but it was compressed, so this scene appeared.

"Tianlong, Tianlong, quickly take off my clothes for me."

Seeing Ye Tianlong appear, Wu Ningbing rushed over as if he had found a savior, closed the door, and then shouted to Ye Tianlong: "Quick."

Perhaps because of the struggle, the whole room was filled with the fragrance of Wu Ningbing's body.

The air was full and the chest was full of her faint fragrance, fresh and unique, swallowing Ye Tianlong's nerves.

And the pair of snow-white slender legs that she exposed were as smooth and symmetrical as silk satin, and the white and greasy insteps were lined with delicate and delicate lines. It was life-threatening to see.

"Little girl, you are self-willed. Before I told you how to use it, you grab your clothes and run away."

Ye Tianlong walked over slowly: "And not only did not say thank you, but also scolded me as a bastard, are you getting retribution now?"

"Asshole, stop talking nonsense."

Wu Ningbing's breathing became rapid, um, ah, ah, "Hurry up and help me take off my clothes. Quick, quick, I can't stand it anymore."

"Please, take it off quickly."

Mrs. Wu, who had rushed outside, almost fell to the ground. If she hadn't guessed that her daughter was wearing a battle dress, she thought she was doing something with Ye Tianlong.

After that, she drove away all the curious girls, and shook her head and left the door.

Only Ye Tianlong could take off the clothes. It didn't make any sense to stand there, and it would make people feel that she didn't trust the two of them.

"Okay, I take it off."

Ye Tianlong saw Wu Ningbing's face flushed and her nose was short, knowing that she could not be strangled. Although this dress would not strangle people, it would be uncomfortable.

He reached into the front neckline.

Wu Ningbing subconsciously shouted: "What are you doing?"

Ye Tianlong gave her a white look: "The switch is inside. How can I turn it off for you if I don't put my hand in it?"

Wu Ningbing's mouth moved, and then he hummed, "Then you... pay attention... a little bit."

"Don't worry, I haven't seen a woman before."

Ye Tianlong looked proud: "Besides, you are still my sister-in-law."

Wu Ningbing was so angry that he said, "Why don't you die?"

"How can I undress you when you die?"

Ye Tianlong responded, and then slowly stretched in from the neckline. The eagle's suit was already tightly closed, so it was very difficult and slow to get in.

Feeling the movement of Ye Tianlong's fingers, Wu Ningbing's delicate body trembled, an indescribable strangeness, spreading throughout his body like water plants.

Even though Ye Tianlong tried to avoid that arrogance, he would still touch the edge, and in that tight space, he really moved his whole body.

Wu Ningbing's breath was invisibly thickened, and his legs were invisibly close together.

Ye Tianlong almost squeezed it a little bit, but there was not much room when he moved his fingers halfway, and he could only draw it back helplessly:

"It's three centimeters away, but it's too skinny, and I can't touch the switch with my fingers."

Wu Ningbing was furious: "Your uncle, you can't solve the problem after touching it?"

Ye Tianlong is very innocent: "You really can't squeeze in, you feel suffocated, you can imagine how compressed it is."

"It is now equivalent to your skin, and the space is really small."

Wu Ningbing squeezed out: "No matter how small the space is, I have to find a way. If I don't want to, I feel like I will be squeezed.

Ye Tianlong was taken aback upon hearing the words: "Fake?"

He glanced at it subconsciously, and at the same time stepped back, seemingly worried about exploding himself.

"Fake your sister."

Wu Ningbing raised her eyebrows: "I mean I'm going to burst, not the chest..."

Her fading blush suddenly forced her pretty face again, shy and angry, staring at Ye Tianlong: "What do you think about all day?"


Ye Tianlong coughed: "I misunderstood. I thought it was artificial, but I didn't expect it to be natural, but if it is natural, it would be really envious."

"To shut up!"

Wu Ningbing wanted to cry without tears: "Don't think any more, nonsense." Then he bit his lip and shouted:

"Don't talk nonsense, get a knife or scissors quickly."

Ye Tianlong shrugged his shoulders: "Sister, it's invulnerable, arrows are useless."

Wu Ningbing bit his lip and shouted, "Then think of a way, hurry up, I feel my bones are going to rang."

Ye Tianlong looked at the ditch and carefully squeezed out: "There is a way..."

Five minutes later, Wu Ningbing lay on the ground and gasped, and then remembered something that had pulled the eagle's suit to cover her body.

Her bright eyes were blushing and she turned her head, afraid to look at Ye Tianlong's eyes.

After a little calm, she snorted: "You can go out, remember, you can't tell others about today."

"Especially you can't tell my sister."

Ye Tianlong shook his right hand vigorously: "What happened today? What happened?"

Wu Ningbing's eyes stared: "Don't pretend to be crazy and be stupid."

Ye Tianlong looked blank: "Are you talking about the battle clothes or the switch? Or am I willing to help others?"

"All, all, all, let me forget."

Wu Ningbing almost died of anger: "I forgot all of them."

Ye Tianlong sighed: "Okay, forget, I have forgotten."

"Just forget it, don't let me kick you."

Wu Ningbing got up and walked into the bathroom to put on clothes: "Let my sister take you off again."

Ye Tianlong was very depressed: "I have worked so hard to rescue you, and you are threatening me. It's really hard to be a good person."

Wu Ningbing shouted: "Hurry up, otherwise Auntie and the others will think we have a leg."


Ye Tianlong was awe-inspiring: "How can we have a leg? We only have one hand..."

He looked at his right hand admiringly.

Wu Ningbing rushed out with a clothes fork, and Ye Tianlong quickly ran away...

After being chased by Wu Ningbing and out of the room, Ye Tianlong ran to the old lady, asked her a little, and checked her body.

Then, he gave lunch to a few core members of the Wu family. Although Wu Lingshuang was not there, Ye Tianlong made everyone laugh and laugh.

After lunch, Ye Tianlong left the Wu family house. He did not return to Ditianju, but went directly to the Beijing Airport.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Tianlong took the hand to leave on a flight...

As the flight drew away, a jeep outside the airport's barbed wire also slowly dropped its window, revealing a cold face.

She looked at the black-spotted plane, then took out a mobile phone and made a call:

"Miss, Ye Tianlong is back to Mingjiang."

Fourth today.

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