Talented Genius

Chapter 1812: Autopsy report

Jin Xuejun died, the Jin family shook, Beijing shook, and Huaxia shook.

Whether it is the five great people or the other forces, they are all in incredible shock, except for shock!

No one thought that the Jin family, who was still very energetic half a month ago, would be blown off and turned into a corpse in an instant.

The glory and wealth, the beauty of money, and the king over the world, all disappeared in that shot.

Many people's first reaction when they heard the news, their eyes staring like goldfish, and then panting like drowning, muttering how could this be?

The core nephew of the Jin family, the future successor, who is 100% in the "first ring", will be wiped out overnight.

This makes any aristocratic nephew, can't help but sigh with sadness.

Suddenly, I realized that my self-conceived scenery status, strong soldiers and strong horses, and prominent background, encountering desperadoes is like a vase on the table...

It may be broken at any time.

The murderer is really, really too rampant, too perverted, too bottom line...

It seems that all adjectives cannot accurately express the shock and loss in everyone's hearts.

The Jin family cried even more. The bodies of Jiang Canxue's two subordinates were chopped up and fed to the dogs, and the dead Jiang Taibao was also thwarted.

Although Jiang Canxue, the murderer, was sent to an autopsy by the authorities and escaped temporarily, the Jin family has vowed to whip the body three hundred after the autopsy.

It seems that if they don't vent like this, they can't get the breath in their hearts.

Then, a large number of Jin family elites were dispatched, and a large number of military police blocked the capital. It was a situation that it was necessary to trace the murderer to the end.

The Disciplinary Department fully intervened in this case.

Although the impact was huge and the battles were not small, the whole case was not complicated at all. It was the revenge of Jiang Taibao and his daughter.

The old case of Jiang Taibao, the attack on Jin Xuejun at the airport, and Jiang Canxue's revenge on Shen Tianmei all show that Jiang Canxue is avenging Jiang Taibao.

The evidence at the scene and Jiang Canxue's motives were very clear and clear, so the case had a basic conclusion in less than half a day.

Jiang Taibao committed suicide, Jiang Canxue's new hatred and old hatred were calculated together, Shen Tianmei escaped, but Jin Xuejun was unlucky and killed.

In view of the fact that the Jiang family has fallen and the Jiang family’s father and daughter died, the Jin family’s last comfort, mourning, and an officially sponsored funeral.

The case is concluded, but the aftermath of the capital has not stabilized, and the various forces are worried that the Jin family will be dissatisfied with this result and cause trouble.

Huaxia officials specially reminded the Jin family that the Kong family and the Bai family had nothing to do with Jin Xuejun, and they could stand the test, and the Jin family should not make use of it.

In the face of evidence and coercion, the Jin family could only hold back for a while, and first focused on the funeral of Jin Xuejun, and sent people to investigate the Kong family and the Bai family.

"Study Army!"

In the afternoon, the capital was gloomy. After sending away the condolences of the official Chinese envoy, the principal of the Jin family, Jin Sanqian, did not enter the study again, but went to the mourning hall.

The Jin family deliberately vacated a three-story building that occupies a large area, specifically to deal with the funeral of Jin Xuejun, to give Jin Xuejun a last bit of scenery.

Flowers are all around the building, the door frames are all stripped of festive colors, replaced with plain white paper-cuts, and a bunch of white cloth hangs at the door.

The hall was also pale, standing and kneeling with dozens of sorrowful Jin family nephews, and a dozen female relatives leaning on the coffin, wiping sad tears.

Jin Xuejun's mother was even crying out of breath.

Although Jin Sanqian had seen a lot of wind and waves, he was still up and down, but he still felt uncomfortable seeing the death of his favorite grandson.

Seeing Jin Sanqian appearing in the mourning hall, the members of the Jin family continued to give gifts. Jin Sanqian waved their hands to let them not be polite, and then walked to the front of the coffin.

Looking at the portrait of Jin Xuejun and the coffin separated by yin and yang, Jin Sanqian had a touch of pain in his eyes, but he quickly recovered the strength of the Patriarch.

He glanced at a dozen of the Jin family's female relatives, as well as the tears on their faces, with a majestic voice:

"You have been crying for a day, and you are tired. It's time to take a good rest."

"I broke my body by crying, and it does harm to myself and the Jin family, and it is not what the academic army wants to see."

He waved his nephew to help Jin Xuejun's mother and the others leave: "Go down, come back tomorrow morning."

Although the dozen or so female relatives did not want to leave, they had never dared to disobey the authority of Jin Sanqian, so they helped each other away with tears.

Jin Xuejun's mother lifted up the haggard tears, and said with a touch of pleading, "Master, let me accompany Xuejun again."

"I usually don't have time to accompany him, now... let me accompany him to the end."

The depth of the wailing, the depth of the pain, let those who hear it have pity for it.

Jin Sanqian also looked soft, but soon became firm again: "Go down!"

"There will be guests coming from tomorrow. The Five Great Masters, Ditianju, and Wu Family Plenary will come. If you don't have a good rest, how can you meet people?"

He can't dispute: "Xuejun's father and uncle will come back soon. You still have a lot to deal with. You can't solve the problem by crying here."

The golden mother nodded without tears, then got up and left the mourning hall.

"You all go to rest, too, just take turns to guard the mourning hall, and there is no need for a bunch of people to gather here."

Jin Sanqian carried his hands on his back: "What you have to do now is not pure crying, but to do your best to dig into this matter for me."

"Jiang Taibao and Jiang Canxue are definitely not the only murderers. The Kong family, the Bai family, and even Ye Tianlong may be related to this matter."

"Use your abilities and use your relationship to find out the most thorough and clear truth, and give the Xuejun fairness."

His voice was loud and powerful, and his words were sharp and powerful, boiling everyone like blood.

Dozens of Jin family nephews replied in unison: "Yes."

In the hands of Jin Sanqian, dozens of Jin family nephews quickly dispersed, leaving only a few bodyguards and blood relatives to guard the mourning hall.

After everyone gradually disappeared from the field of vision, Jin Sanqian's majestic gaze eased, and then turned back to Jin Xuejun's coffin, with a sad old face.

The white-haired person gives the black-haired person, the pain of the golden three money is no less than any one, but he needs to pretend to be strong.

This will make people feel that the death of Jin Xuejun will not have much impact on the Jin family. As long as he is there, the Jin family will always be the five families.

Just looking at the portrait of Jin Xuejun, in addition to the pain in Jin Sanqian's heart, there is another suffering that only he knows.

In addition to the Jiang family father and daughter and Jin Xuejun knowing about Jin Xuejun's deal with Jiang Taibao, there is also Jin Sanqian who also understands the plan.

In other words, Jin Sanqian always knew that airport sniping was fake, Jiang's Taibao revenge was fake, and Jiang Canxue's claim for justice was also fake.

So Jiang Canxue avenged her father and went to the hospital to kill Jin Xuejun. Many outsiders seemed reasonable reasons, but to Jin Sanqian, they were absurd.

The aggrieved thing is that he can't say these things, can't say that Jiang Canxue is definitely not revenge, can't say that Jin Xuejun has a deal with the Jiang family...

That said, not only made Jin Xuejun's death more worthless, but also completely dropped the reputation of the Jin family, so Jin Sanqian could only secretly investigate the strangeness.

What was it that made Jiang Canxue, who was an ally, kill Jin Xuejun?

"Old Jin!"

At this moment, a middle-aged woman ran outside the door with a document in her hand. While rushing into the mourning hall, she shouted to Jin Sanqian:

"There is a situation."

Halfway through the run, she realized what this place was, and quickly stopped.

Jin Sanqian took back the sadness on his face, glanced sideways at the middle-aged woman and asked: "Raksha, what's the matter?"

Luo Sha took two steps forward: "Old Jin, I got an autopsy report from the police, Jiang Canxue's autopsy report."

"She has been injected with a genetic medicine, which can endure ten times the pain of ordinary people, stimulate the body's potential response, and increase the combat effectiveness several times..."

She handed the report up: "This can also explain why she was able to kill the Quartet last night."

"Gene medicine?"

Jin Sanqian's eyes were cold: "There are a lot of people playing this in China, but there are those who can achieve results, and there are others who use people as experimental subjects..."

"only one!"

"Rong Victory!"

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