Talented Genius

Chapter 1813: Surrounded

In the afternoon, five o'clock, Rong's garden.

Jin Xuejun's death was contagious, which not only made Jin Jin sad, but the Rong family also lost a lot of laughter, intentionally or unconsciously.

Although the position of these nephews is not important, they all have a keen nerve. They all know that singing and dancing at this time is definitely looking for abuse.

Not only will the Jin family bear their hatred, but also Rong Lao will be punished.

Wang Gobi also felt the dignity of the atmosphere, so he pinched the time to hold a cup of warm bird's nest, opened the wooden door of the study and walked in.

Walking into the study, Wang Gobi saw at a glance that Rong Shengli was standing in front of the desk as always, holding his brush that had been written for many years.

Rong Shengli frowned and wanted to write on the rice paper, but after several thoughts, the pen in his hand couldn't fall.

"Father, what's the matter?"

Wang Gebi put the bird's nest on the coffee table and asked softly: "Can't write today? Is the mood affected by the death of the Jin family?"

Rong Shengli exhaled a long breath, did not answer, just stared at the rice paper and squinted his eyes, and then slammed his pen to leave a quiet word.


The writing of Jingzi is very atmospheric, and it retains the style of Rong's style in every stroke and drawing, but Wang Gobi can see that this word lacks the sense of being done at once.

At least when Rong Shengli wrote this word, the breath in his heart didn't hold back to the end, which made it lose the charm of the past.

"It seems that practice is still not enough."

Rong Shengli obviously also knew that this word was lacking, and dropped the brush with emotion: "The death of a junior made waves in my heart."


Wang Gebi smiled and brought hot water to him to clean his hands, and then quietly took over the topic: "Master is making waves, and the rest are even more afraid of storms."

"I just went outside on a special occasion. The entire capital was quiet a lot, and the Kong family and Bai family nephews were not allowed to walk around randomly."

"Although Jin Xuejun is only a junior, he is also a man cultivated vigorously by the Jin family, a core nephew known throughout the capital."

"Jin Sanqian has always hoped that after ten years, Jin Xuejun can become a representative of the Jin family and enter the first ring."

Wang Gebi sighed lightly: "So Jin Xuejun is dead, and no one can keep calm in the face of the anger that the Jin family will pour out at any time."

"Let Rong Yina and the others rest in peace. The Jin family is now holding back a mad dog who wants to bite. Whoever hits it will be unlucky."

Rong Shengli sat down on the sofa: "My heart can't be quiet, because I always feel that something is wrong."

"Jiang Canxue takes revenge, why didn't he take revenge before, but Jin Xuejun and Ye Tianlong attacked after the conflict?"

"Although I don't have face-to-face evidence, I always feel that it is related to the three of them, especially Ye Tianlong."

Rong Shengli's eyes were thoughtful: "He just flew back to Mingjiang ahead of schedule."

"The old man wants to say that Ye Tianlong is cooperating with Jiang Canxue? This probability is completely slim."

Wang Gebi put the water away: "Except for Shen Tianmei who was also attacked that night, the national television explosion almost killed Ye Tianlong."

"Furthermore, Ye Tianlong pursued all the way and killed Jiang Canxue's seven or eight capable officers."

Wang Gebi analyzed for Rong Shengli: "If the two parties are really cooperating in acting, Ye Tianlong would not have to pursue it in the first place, which would cost lives."

"What you said makes sense."

Rong Shengli exhaled a long breath: "It seems that I am really a bit confused. Maybe I should rest for two days before sorting out the matter."

"The old man should really rest for a few days."

Wang Gebi smiled and said: "In the past half month, your work intensity has tripled, and your working hours have been extended by half, which is not good for your health."

"I want to rest too, but there are too many things."

Rong Shengli's face was helpless: "Yina, Chenxue, Ye Tianlong, and Bai Shikang. Now there is another Jin Xuejun."

"By the way, I haven't seen Chenxue in the past two days, where did she go?"

He smiled a little more calmly: "I gave her a half-month holiday and didn't come to see me..."

"She rested for two days, and then went back to the laboratory."

Wang Gebi hesitated for a moment: "It seems that there is something important and I haven't left the laboratory for two days."

Rong Shengli shook his head: "This kid, can't be free, workaholic."

Wang Gebi added: "She also asked people to order a potential instrument, which is still one hundred. I heard that the eighty one is broken."

Rong Shengli, who was about to take a sip of the bird's nest, shook his body slightly and raised his old face, endlessly surprised:

"That one-million-dollar potential instrument is broken? How could it break?"

"Although it has not been mass-produced due to human rights issues, it only accepts secret orders from customers, but it is the most advanced and sophisticated one."

That instrument was brought by Rong Shengli and asked Lin Chenxue to obtain it from a foreign military factory for the purpose of observing the reaction of God's Medicine targets with different potentials.

Lin Chenxue refused to experiment with normal people, so Rong Shengli found some people with advanced cancer for her and continued to improve some data.

Wang Gobi was a little surprised by Rong Shengli's reaction: "Lin Chenxue said that it was accidentally knocked down."

"It's even more impossible. She has always been careful in doing things, and always cherishes the equipment. If she hurts herself, she won't hurt the equipment."

Rong Shengli put down the bird's nest in her hand: "And even if she breaks the instrument, why does she order one hundred?"

Wang Gebi smiled and shook his head slightly: "I don't know, maybe Ms. Lin thinks that the value is a little bigger. After all, 80 is an order, and 100 is an order."

A ray of light flashed in Rong Shengli's eyes: "You are wrong, the 80 to 100 potential meter is not simply an expansion of the data range."

"This change in value not only makes the cost of the instrument 5 million US dollars, but also requires experts to rebuild the process and system, which takes at least half a year."

"The detection of a value of one hundred requires the instrument to be more precise and powerful, which also destined the instrument coefficient to be further improved and perfected."

Rong Shengli captured the key: "The value of 80 is enough for more than 90% of people to use it. Why does she spend so much trouble getting the value of 100?"

"Whose potential is so terrifying and needs a value of one hundred to bear?"

There is no need for generalized instruments, and specialized instruments are needed, which shows that she has special needs.

Rong Shengli's eyes became deeper, and then a little more sharp, Lin Chenxue began to hide something from him, which is very bad...

he does not like.

"Du Du Du!"

At this moment, the door of the room was knocked heavily, and Rong Shengli recovered his calmness. He picked up the bird's nest and drank slowly while tilting his head towards Wang Gobi.

Wang Gobi walked to the door meekly and humbly, opened the door, and saw an eager face of glory at a glance.

Wang Gebi was about to speak, but Rongguang squeezed in regardless of his words, his voice rushed:

"Dad, it's not good."

"Jin Sanqian sent three hundred gunmen to surround the largest laboratory of the Rong family!"

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