Talented Genius

Chapter 1815: Human heart (four more)

Mingjiang, Tianlong Garden, on the deck, Ye Tianlong roasts whole lamb.

The trip to Australia City is under preparation, so Ye Tianlong still has a little time to go for amusement, and he has not let go of the rare leisure.

When the tempting aroma of mutton floated, Bailihua also walked outside, with a calm smile on her face.

"Bailihua, are you back?"

When Ye Tianlong saw her appear, he was very happy and shouted: "It just happened to be back. The lamb has just been roasted. Come and try a piece."

He cut off a piece of mutton and gave it to Bailihua. It was golden and tender. Cumin was just right, and it made people appetite.

"Thank you."

Bailihua took the mutton and took a bite carefully. She was more resistant to the mutton, but her eyes lit up at the entrance and there was no such stinky smell.

She took a few more bites, and her expression was satisfied: "Yes, not bad, better than the usual bowl of lamb soup."

"It's delicious?"

Ye Tianlong said triumphantly: "I personally roasted this, the authentic Middle Eastern roast lamb technique, two more, right?"

"Let's wait a while."

Although Bailihua wanted to have two more pieces, she could only dispel her thoughts when she thought of business affairs, and pulled Ye Tianlong to the side and said:

"The black widow has just received news from the capital. The Jin family discovered from the autopsy report that Jiang Canxue had a problem, and Yu Luosha led people to surround the Xiangshan laboratory."

"More than 300 people blocked the entrance and exit, all with guns and live ammunition. Jade Luosha is going to enter the laboratory to investigate Tianyao No.1."

"However, the security of the Rong's laboratory is not vegetarian, and the confidant Wang Nima in Rong Shengli also fought with swords and guns."

Bailihua explained the situation at the time: "The two sides are almost about to go to war."

"Zhanqinglou arrived in time with the highest instructions, the Rong family and Jin family all evacuated, and Dragon Soul took over the laboratory."

She has a touch of rejoicing: "This will temporarily resolve the conflict, otherwise many people will die."

Ye Tianlong picked up a fork and skewered a piece of lamb: "My big brother, he is too straight to be a man, I don't know how to work around."

"The dragon soul should appear slowly for half an hour, let the Jin family and the Rong family do a good job."

There is a trace of regret on his face: "If you don't fight a fight, how can the hatred of both sides become bone?"

"A good opportunity was wasted."

Bailihua glared at Ye Tianlong: "I know you don't like the Jin family and the Rong family, but you can't entice them to fight like this."

"If the first battle in the laboratory breaks out, the Jin family and the Rong family will definitely be in full conflict, and the Song family will add to the flames again, I am afraid that China will become chaotic."

There is concern in her eyes: "Five families, each of them legally holds three thousand guns, regardless of the war, the impact will be quite amazing."

This woman is really kind.

Ye Tianlong sighed to Bailihua, then stuffed a piece of mutton into his mouth: "How did the situation change after my sister took over the laboratory?"

Bailihua took the topic: "The officials called Jin Sanqian and Rong Shengli to talk and announced that the case will be fully investigated by the Disciplinary Department."

"Until the relationship between the Rong family, Jiang Canxue, and Tianyao No.1 is understood, the Jin family cannot take any drastic actions against the Rong family."

She added the last sentence: "Similarly, the Xiangshan Laboratory was sealed, and the Dragon Soul took over until the case was over."

"The two hands handed over 1,000 firearms and a fine of 1 billion. Participants in the conflict had officials lodged, detained without officials, Rong Shengli and Jin Sanqian internally reviewed to show punishment."

"Three minutes ago, I received the news that Jin Sanqian and Rong Shengli both signed the mediation statement."

"Wang Nima and Jade Rakshasa were also arrested and detained for a month before they can come out."

Ye Tianlong was slightly startled, a little surprised by the official strength. He thought that it would be fine for three drinks. He didn't expect to receive a gun and fine, and detain him for a review. It was an accident.

He guessed that Zhao Ditian was putting pressure on 80%.

"Things are temporarily suppressed."

Bailihua called up a photo: "But I heard that Jin Sanqian's face was very gloomy, and 80% regarded Rong Shengli as the murderer behind the scenes."

Ye Tianlong glanced at it. It was a screenshot of Rong Shengli and Jin Sanqian. Both of them had ugly faces, and there was anger in their eyes, which obviously tore their faces.


There is a trace of relief on Ye Tianlong's face: "Regardless of the results of the Tianyao No.1 investigation, the relationship between the Jin family and the Rong family is considered to be a crack."

"Jiang Taibao and Jiang Canxue are dead, and the Jin family can't let them vent. They all sighed in their hearts and wanted to let them go."

"So as long as it can be confirmed that Jiang Canxue hit Tianyao No. 1, the Rong family will become the enemy of the Jin family."

"The Jin family who needs to vent will be determined to death: If it weren't for the Rong family to develop a natural medicine, Jiang Canxue would not fight that thing and would not be able to kill Jin Xuejun."

Ye Tianlong's smile became playful: "Rong Shengli showed me so much, this is a gift I gave him."

In the death of Jin Xuejun, the Jin family always needed to find a ‘murderer’ to support them, so as not to make Jin Xuejun’s death too priceless and meaningless.

Jiang Taibao and Jiang Canxue were already dead, so they couldn't become the ‘murderer’. The Rong family who developed Tianyao No. 1 naturally became the target of the Jin family.

Bailihua was silent for a while, and then asked: "What shall we do next?"

"How to do?"

Ye Tianlong ate the remaining lamb: "Don't do anything, the situation is at this point, let's do extra things, it will make people doubt."

"Leave everything to the black widow, she will work well."

He exhorted: "Just to remind her that I must erase the traces of me in it."

Bailihua joked: "I want to erase the traces so I am worried that the Jin family knows that you are playing chess?"

"This is just one reason."

Ye Tianlong looked at the lights of Wanjia that lit up ahead: "The most important thing is that I don't want to break our relationship with Confucius and Bai Shikang."

Bailihua tilted her head: "I don't understand."

"A person who is too stupid, and a person who is too smart, it is difficult to have friends around, even if there are, it is difficult to go deeper."

Ye Tianlong looked at Bailihua and smiled, "Do you know why?"

Bailihua shook her head: "I don't know."

"A person who is too stupid will become a cumbersome, will make people jump, will be exhausted, and maybe they will be sold out unintentionally."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "So few people make friends with stupid people."

"A person who is too smart can be very uncomfortable to get along with, because he can see through you at a glance what you think and do."

"Your whole person has become transparent, and you have a clear view of your mind. You are in front of him as if you are not wearing clothes."

"He will make you panic and fear, and you will worry from time to time. You don't even know if you were sold by him."

Ye Tianlong stretched out and said, "So, in front of Confucius and Bai Shikang, I cannot be too stupid, nor too smart."

Bailihua nodded: "It makes sense."

Ye Tianlong smiled slightly more coldly: "Of course, there is a realistic consideration."

"Jin Xuejun is the core nephew of the five families. The five families can smash and kill each other, but ordinary people are not qualified to kill him."

"It's not allowed to kill him and retreat completely."

"Confucius Zixiong and Bai Shikang are the nephews of the five great families. No matter how grievous they are, they will feel the same about Jin Xuejun's death."

"They will fear the danger posed by such outsiders, and they will instinctively defend this sense of security."

"If they knew it, I was the one who killed Jin Xuejun..."

Ye Tianlong saw it through:

"The lighter is to stay away, the more important is...punish!"

Four more today.

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