Talented Genius

Chapter 1816: Back-to-back person

Ye Tianlong is a person who knows how to relax. The Jin family and the Rong family have already fought and let the dragon soul intervene. He clearly wants to stand by.

For the time being, he could not be involved in the battles of the five major families of this size, and what's more, all the goals he wanted to achieve were also achieved.

Jiang Canxue and Jin Xuejun died, the Jin family was separated from the Rong family, Tianyao No. 1 became the focus, and a guitar box completed its entire mission.

Therefore, Ye Tianlong gradually withdrew his attention from the capital, and let Tianmo and Mai all return to Mingjiang.

Ye Tianlong set about the arduous task of Zhao Ditian opening a casino.

In the past few days when he came back, he thought about looking for Lei Jiuzhi, but Zhao Dadi and his wife told him that he had something to go out. It is estimated that he will be back in these two days.

Ye Tianlong can only wait patiently.

No dream for a night.

Ye Tianlong slept very soundly, very sleepy.

Rong Shengli was not sleepy. Not only did he not practice calligraphy on the desk, he also found a hookah that had not been used for many years and sucked it.

He was not as calm as he used to be, very depressed, very depressed, and his mood was unprecedentedly bad, and he was no better than Jin Sanqian who died of Jin Xuejun.

Jiang Canxue's autopsy report not only broke the relationship between the Jin family and the Rong family, but also caused the Xiangshan Laboratory to be taken over by the Dragon Soul, and even the data could not be exported.

Although the Dragon Soul can be absolutely trusted and will not reveal the secrets of the Rong family, Rong Shengli is still very annoyed when facing a laboratory that is not under his control.

"Dad, haven't you slept yet?"

Time points to eleven o'clock, and the eldest son Rong Guang knocks on the door and comes in with Rong Shengli's bird's nest in his hand: "Drink a bowl of bird's nest porridge and go to bed early."

Rong Shengli ignored his son's concern, and took a puff of smoke and said, "How is the situation now?"

Rongguang took the topic softly: "Everything is implemented in accordance with the mediation agreement."

"Both the Rong family and the Jin family handed in a thousand guns, and the fine was immediately hit the treasury. Wang Nima and the others were also arrested for reflection."

"The Jin family stopped provoking the Rong family, but Jin Sanqian is still full of anger. I feel that he will bite us whenever he finds an opportunity."

"We explained it more than a dozen times. Jiang Canxue has nothing to do with us. The injection may not be Tianyao No.1, and even if it is, it may not be us."

He had no choice but to say: "But the Jin family just didn't listen, and believed that we killed Jin Xuejun."

"So I urge the persons in charge of all parties under the Rong family to give me peace of mind these days, and all marginal sites will be closed at all costs."

Glory reveals a steady state: "I won't let the Jin family find a chance to attack."

"well done."

Rong Shengli looked up at his son, with a trace of satisfaction in his eyes. Although his son was not as good as Baishikang, he still looked at things sternly.

This was also the main reason why he let his son handle the affairs. After that, Rong Shengli exhaled a long breath: "How is Xiangshan Laboratory?"

Rongguang quietly took over the topic: "Dragon Soul takes over."

"Wang Nima and the others were sent to detention. Two hundred R&D personnel were also placed under house arrest because the task force needed to collect evidence from them."

"Several logisticians wanted to get something to change and wash, but they were all stopped by Zhan Brothel."

With a touch of solemnity, he said, "Except for Dragon Soul, no other personnel can enter the laboratory."

Rong Shengli squinted his eyes: "Chen Xue is also inside?"


Rongguang nodded: "She happened to be checking some data, so she was also put under house arrest by Dragon Soul."

"But because she is the leader of the laboratory, Dragon Soul arranged a separate room with two female guards to guard her."

He made a judgment: "It seems that she will be the focus of the question."

Rong Shengli's grunt stopped slightly, his eyes thoughtful.

"Although the laboratory was fully taken over by Dragon Soul, the Jin family spies did not leave completely. They arranged three vehicles to monitor outside the cordon."

Rong Guang told the elderly: "The Rong family wants to sneak back into the laboratory or bring something out. They probably can sniff it out the first time."

"Unexpectedly, Jin Lao, who was gentle and elegant in the past, has become a mad dog that bites at the sight of others."

Rongguang shook his head, scornful of Jin Sanqian.

"Mad dog? The whole world is crazy, and he won't be crazy for three gold coins. He is using it to play."

Rong Shengli raised his head and snorted: "He wants Jin Xuejun's death to be valuable, and he wants someone to be responsible for the suffering of the Jin family during this period."

"After being stabbed by the three of Ye Tianlong, the Jin family was hurt and Jin Xuejun was almost lost to Heicheng Town."

Rong Shengli snorted: "This time Jin Xuejun died again. If the Jin family does not drag the Rong family into the whirlpool, it will only appear that the Jin family is too incompetent!"

"A well-known general who has fought many battles and was accidentally stoned to death by a child, do you think those in power will truthfully declare?"

"Definitely add a little story."

"The child is described as an enemy genius spy, and the smashed stone is described as an assassination artifact, so that it makes sense to die."

"Only in this way can this general die violently and beautifully."

"The Jin family is in this psychology now, whether it is the Rong family or not, as long as they can get involved, they will pour dirty water on us."

Rong Shengli bowed his head and grunted, "The Rong family must be shot while lying down this time."

"The thing I regret most is that I didn't use Bai Shikang and the others to suppress falling into trouble, but did my best to resolve the crisis for the Jin family."

"In order to prevent Bai Shikang from targeting the Jin family, I gave my old face to persuade me, and almost fell out. Who knows that Jin Sanqian turned his face and refused to admit his favor."

Rong Shengli was very disgusting with what Jin Sanqian had done: "Human, it's better to be selfish as expected."

Rongguang nodded, and after a moment of silence, he hesitated and asked:

"The Jin family's face is clear now, although it is a headache and there are losses, but it does not cause much harm to the Rong family."

"The real trouble is the potion on Jiang Canxue."

"Dad, did Jiang Canxue injected Tianyao No.1? If so, where did Jiang Canxue get it?"

Rong Shengli's movements were slightly stagnant, and then narrowed his eyes to speak: "The laboratory has never given Tianyao No.1 to Jiang Canxue."

Rongguang asked a key: "Have the laboratory been lost or let go?"

Rong Shengli did not answer. He just lowered his head to smoke the hookah. No one knew what he was thinking, but this attitude was already an answer.

The glory is tight: "Dad, Rujiang Canxue's injection is really Tianyao No. 1, which shows that Tianyao No. 1 is a finished product that can affect the human body."

"No matter how she comes, we will be in trouble."

"There were regulations in those days. For this kind of genetic potion, the coefficients are not before the safety line, and there must be no finished products that can be applied to the human body."

"In other words, no matter who gets the injection, whether it is stolen or released by yourself..."

"This potion can be made into a finished product without reporting and an independent base, and it can still work on the human body. This is a serious crime that endangers national security."

He carefully reminded Rong Shengli: "If Jiang Canxue is really Tianyao No.1, we must now find a way to deal with the blame from above."

Rong Shengli raised his head and sighed softly, "Yes, it's Tianyao No.1, then you need someone to hold the pot."

Rongguang squeezed out a sentence: "And it must be a person with weight."

"This person violated the national law, did not comply with the laboratory regulations, made drugs without authorization, and accidentally lost it, so that Jiang Canxue picked up the injection and harmed others, himself, and Rong family..."

Rongguang added softly: "The Rong family is responsible, this person is guilty."

Rong Shengli squinted his eyes, and Lin Chenxue's shadow appeared in his mind...

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