Talented Genius

Chapter 1817: Was taken away

At six o'clock in the morning, Ye Tianlong got up and went up to the fifth floor after a morning exercise, overlooking the entire Tianlong Garden.

Cao Qiankun, Di Kuangtian, Hongjian, and Mai live here, and Huaruyu, Chen Linger, Zhao Keke and Zheng Xiaolan also often appear here.

Coupled with the dinosaurs, Han Qinhu, and Ning Hongzhuang who come whenever they want, Tianlong Garden is always lively.

When returning to Mingjiang this time, Ye Tianlong brought two more guests to make Tianlong Garden more warm.

Leaning on the railing, Ye Tianlong took a deep breath of fresh air. Then, he received a text message, Zhao Dadi told Lei Jiu about the plane in the morning.

Ye Tianlong sent him a text message back, telling him that he would visit Lei Jiuzhi in the morning and let Zhao Dadiao say hello to Lei Jiuzhi.

Zhao Dadi immediately responded.

"The casino business can start now."

Ye Tianlong stretched his waist, feeling more happy, then turned to the other side and looked at the entertainment facilities.

He saw the Hua Jun playing in a small football field at a glance. The little guy was playing football cool and amazing.

Out of consideration for the safety of the scavengers and the training of the Chinese army, Ye Tianlong took the old and the young from the capital to Mingjiang.

Although my grandmother is a little bit reluctant to live in the capital where she has lived for many years, she also knows that she and the Huajun can't bear things like the last kidnapping.

And she could see that Ye Tianlong was good to Hua Jun and hoped that Hua Jun had a good future, so she finally brought Hua Jun to Tianlong Garden.

It's just that she didn't follow Ye Tianlong's arrangement and spent the rest of her life leisurely. She worked diligently after getting acquainted with the people and the garden.

In her words, Ye Tianlong's kindness will be repaid by Hua Jun in the future. She is doing things now, just paying a little interest.

Grandma was determined to do things, Ye Tianlong had no choice but to arrange a row of cabins with Hua Ruyu to take care of her.

If she does not specify the area for her grandma, it is estimated that she will work from the first floor to the sixth floor, from the stern to the bow.

"Hua Jun, good morning."

Seeing the Hua Jun sweating comfortably on the football field, Ye Tianlong raised a smile and seemed to return to his happy childhood playing football in Africa.

"Brother, good morning."

Under the guidance of his grandmother, Hua Jun was no longer called Uncle Ye Tianlong, but his brother. He was very happy to wave his hand when he saw Ye Tianlong upstairs.

During the speech, both feet did not stop, it was natural to bump the ball.

The football seemed to grow on him, beating unhurriedly and regularly.

"Hua Jun, the technology is good."

Ye Tianlong patted his hands and shouted: "Come on, kick one up and see how strong your feet are."

"Good Le."

Hua Jun laughed, then raised his right foot, the football moved forward, he stepped on with a stride, and the back of his foot hit the football hard.

A high ball.


The football went up in a parabola, just to stop in front of Ye Tianlong.

This ease of control not only amazed several guards, but also praised Hong Jian and Cao Qiankun. They were indeed talented teenagers.

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand to easily take it, and then praised the Hua Jun: "beautiful."

Then he backhanded the football down: "Come on, shoot!"

The football fell from a high altitude with a swish, hitting the Chinese army like a cannonball.

When Hua Jun saw this, he didn't panic, and took two steps back calmly, adjusting his angle naturally.

When the football fell to a height of two meters, he paused with his left foot, bounced, and then an upside down golden hook.


The football was accurately kicked by the Chinese army, and the cannonball hit the goal 20 meters away.


Ye Tianlong couldn't stop applauding and cheering, Cao Qiankun and the others clapped their hands vigorously, with a hint of surprise in their eyes. Train them well, the captain.

"Thank you brother, uncle, and sister."

Seeing so many people cheering, the Hua Jun ran over to hug the football, bowed to everyone one after another, maintaining due politeness and humility.

"Hua Jun, you will buy some clothes and school supplies with Sister Bailihua later, and arrange for you to go to a school next week."

Ye Tianlong looked at Hua Jun and smiled: "If you want to play football, you should read books."

Hua Jun heard the words and shouted sensibly: "Thank you brother."

Ye Tianlong smiled and waved his hand: "Don't thank me first, I have one more thing to say, you have two choices when you go to school."

"One is an ordinary private elementary school, which is similar to your school in Beijing, with a cost of 10,000 yuan a year."

"One is an expensive football elementary school, which has everything, the equipment and teachers are also first-rate, and there are targeted football training every day."

He looked at Hua Jun with calm eyes: "This noble football elementary school has a tuition fee of 360,000 yuan a year."

When returning to Mingjiang from the capital, Ye Tianlong considered Huajun going to school, and also saw a few noble schools online.

"If you choose to go first, my brother will sponsor you and let you go to school for free."

"If you are going to aristocratic school, all your expenses, my brother will be temporarily responsible."

His voice sank: "But when you grow up in the future and can make money, you have to return the tuition to me. Which school do you want to choose?"

Cao Qiankun also looked at Hua Jun with a smile on their faces, knowing that Ye Tianlong had taught Hua Jun the first lesson: take responsibility for their own choices.

Hua Jun was silent holding the football, his face was tangled, interest and pressure were intertwined, after a long time, he straightened his body and shouted:

"Brother, I'm going to the noble school."

Hua Jun made the final choice: "I will return the tuition fee to you in the future, with profits."

"Okay, that's it."

Ye Tianlong laughed, and then shouted to Bailihua downstairs: "Bailihua, you arranged for him to go to the Future Star Football School this week."

"If the progress of learning and training falls behind, you can ask the teacher to help make up for it."

Ye Tianlong looked at Hua Jun and said: "Thank them for twice the market price. Of course, this money will also be credited to Hua Jun's account."

He is very satisfied with the bravery of the Chinese Army. If he has no confidence in earning hundreds of thousands in the future, there is no need to play football.

Bailihua smiled softly and walked over to pat Hua Jun's head: "Okay, no problem, Hua Jun's talent can keep up with the progress."

Hua Jun shouted: "Thank you Brother Tianlong, thank you sister Baili."

His small face is very happy, but also very confident, believing that there will be achievements in the future.

Upstairs, the scavenger lady who wiped the railing was very happy, and then put her left hand into a pocket and took out a black bead in thought.

After watching for half a minute, she woke up again, took back the black beads, and continued to wipe her responsible hygiene...

Ye Tianlong waved to Hua Jun: "Hua Jun, have a lot of fun, if you have enough fun, I will go to breakfast."


When Hua Jun nodded sensibly, Ye Tianlong's phone vibrated, and when he looked down, Zhao Dadi...

Ye Tianlong put on his headphones and answered, "Uncle Zhao, what about? Lei Jiuzhi is back?"

"Tianlong, it's not good!"

Zhao Dadi was panicked: "Lei Jiuzhi was taken away by the Australians——"

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