Talented Genius

Chapter 1820: Can you swim?

The headshot of Scar Man's shot, and Ye Tianlong's slaughter, left the entire ship dead silent.

Xue Shuang, whose eyelids jumped, wanted to draw out a cigar, but he squeezed it several times without getting it.

It's not that they have never hacked and killed people, but it was the first time that they had seen Ye Tianlong acted unscrupulously.

It was a bit difficult to accept at the moment.

Lei Jiuzhi also looked surprised, but it was not that he accidentally made Ye Tianlong's move, but was shocked that Ye Tianlong had offended the Xue family for him.

Old Lei was touched.

The scared man was lying on the ground with his eyes staring, blood was splashing, but no one went to visit, and no one took revenge for him.

The scene was inexplicably silent.

"I said, don't want to kill me, or you will die."

Ye Tianlong blew the muzzle, then swayed back on the chair, and looked at Xue Shuang with an ugly expression:

"Master Shuang, have you decided how to solve today's matter?"

Ye Tianlong smiled very jokingly: "Do you want to force the tyrant to the end, or should you make a payment with Lei Ye and write a guarantee?"

"There is a kind."

After a brief visual impact, Xue Shuang reacted from shock, slammed the cigar in his hand, and then sat back on the sofa to light it.

After expelling two puffs of smoke, Xue Shuang swept across the dead companions on the ground and waved to stop the Xue family men who were pulling out their weapons to take action.

He flicked his finger at a close friend: "The eggs are scattered, the roads are blocked, and the entrances and exits are blocked."

The confidant nodded and took out his mobile phone to make arrangements. Soon, the dock and ship's side were closed, and a dozen hunks guarded the necessary passage.

There is no doubt that Xue Shuang will close the door and beat the dog, slowly dealing with Ye Tianlong and Lei Jiuzhi.

Lei Jiuzhi's face changed slightly, and he pulled Ye Tianlong's shirt: "Tianlong, you go first, I will deal with these things."

Ye Tianlong was killing people in public for him. Lei Jiuzhi didn't want Ye Tianlong to be involved. The big deal, he handed over the Xue family shares.

Ye Tianlong patted Lei Jiuzhi's arm and smiled: "Lei Ye, thank you, although one person has been killed, he still won't run away."

Lei Jiu pointed to subconsciously reminded: "Xue Shuang is the Xue family's white gloves."

Ye Tianlong is still calm and calm: "Aggrieved me, I even cut off the Xue family's hand, let alone a little white glove?"

Hearing this sentence, more than a dozen people around him were full of anger, and they all clenched their weapons. If Ye Tianlong had a gun in his hand, he would have rushed up early to take him off.

Lei Jiuzhi felt Ye Tianlong's calmness, and finally nodded without counseling.

"Young man, his tone is not small, but he is too self-righteous."

Xue Shuang slowly spit out a thick smoke, as if he didn't put Ye Tianlong in his eyes at all, on the contrary, he showed a hint of joking:

"Shooting, bleeding, killing a few cats, I often do it when I'm barefoot."

He pointed a little Lei's nine fingers: "Old Lei did it too. It looks pretty awesome, but it's not a big deal."

He stopped after seeing Ye Tianlong kill the Scared Man, subconsciously thinking that Ye Tianlong was jealous of his identity and did not dare to do anything to him, who was a heavy minister of the Xue family.

Therefore, Xue Shuang, who thinks he has a bottom in his heart, gradually came up with arrogance.

The ruthless master Xue Shuang, who has been around for most of his life, saw that Ye Tianlong was a bit courageous, but it didn't mean that he would compromise with the unknown stranger:

"You don't have the ability to shoot him, you can shoot me Xue Shuang."

"It's just going to be accurate, and the last shot is a headshot. Once I survive, the brother's blood feud, today's face, I will get it back ten times a hundred times."

"Whether it is you or Lei Jiuzhi, I will chop them into meat sauce."

Xue Shuang's eyes flashed a cold light: "You have family and friends, and they will be unlucky because of you."

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly: "Master Shuang, are you threatening me?"

"Yes, I threatened you, why?"

Xue Shuang recovered very confidently: "Come to blow my head too?"

"Let me remind you one more thing. The bullet in your hand holds six rounds. One round has been knocked out, and only five rounds remain."

"There are 31 people on the boat on the shore here. Even if you have no bullets and one shot, you can only kill five people."

"Then you will be cut off by others."

"I'm telling you, they are all blood-stained demons, Jiang Yang thief, and their methods of torture are more qualified than murder."

"There is a girl who offended me. Not only was she rounded off by more than 30 people, she was also cut off by a saw. It took three days and three nights to die before she died."

While talking, Xue Shuang poured another glass of red wine, then looked at Ye Tianlong with interest, sneered, drinking slowly, arrogant and arrogant.

Encouraged by his contempt, more than a dozen hunks stepped out of the scare man's headshot deterrence, staring at Ye Tianlong's eyes gradually becoming fierce.

They put on a posture of swarming at any time.

They believed that Ye Tianlong was just a gun. When everyone rioted at the same time, he would surely knock down his opponent, but he needed a chance, a warrior.

After all, the first person to charge is likely to get a headshot.

Lei Jiu took a step forward and uttered, "Xue Shuang, I caused the matter. You come to me."

"As long as you let Brother Ye disembark and promise not to trouble him in the future, I will give you the shares of the Xue family."

Lei Jiuzhi wondered how to ensure Ye Tianlong's safety: "Otherwise, everyone will shoot and break up."

"Lei Jiuzhi, do you think you are still qualified to negotiate terms with me?"

Xue Shuang snorted noncommittal: "You have been abandoned for many years, what else can you do? You can't keep it whether it's the shares or him."

Lei Jiu pointed out: "If it's a man, come at me."

"Of course I won't let you go."

Xue Shuang snorted: "Wait until I dispose of this kid, then I will settle accounts with you slowly."

With a word, more than ten Xue's thugs stepped forward and compressed their encirclement to look at Ye Tianlong and Lei Jiuzhi.

Ye Tianlong glanced, then looked at Xue Shuang with a smile: "It seems that there is no possibility of reconciliation today."

Xue Shuang drank a sip of red wine and sneered: "Young man, what are you talking about, today, let me teach you, do you know the world?"

Ye Tianlong shrugged his shoulders: "I don't understand."

"Young man, do you have a family background?"

"Family history? It seems not."

"Young man, are you number one in martial arts?"

"There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the world. How dare I say first."

Xue Shuang laughed loudly after hearing this, with a sneer on his face:

"Young man, if you don't understand the world, you will lose half of your life."

"If you have no family background, no one will protect you, and you will lose 20% of your life."

"Martial arts is not the best in the world. Without sufficient self-protection ability, I lost another 20% of my life."

"You have lost 90% of your life now..."

He picked up the cigar and let out a puff of smoke: "Whether the remaining 10% is lost depends on whether you can grasp it..."

"Get the shares from Lei Jiuzhi, and explode his head with a shot. I will let you go today.

Xue Shuang gave Ye Tianlong a humanity test.

When Lei Jiuzhi's expression changed, Ye Tianlong chuckled and asked, "Master Shuang, can you swim?"

Xue Shuang was taken aback for a moment: "No."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "Then you have lost your entire life."

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