Talented Genius

Chapter 1821: So cool


When the voice fell, the yacht suddenly shook violently. The wine glasses and the food on the table were all poured out, and the more than 20 people standing on the table were also unstable.

Xue Shuang's sofa also slid out and hit the wall with a bang, making him dizzy.

Ye Tianlong held Lei's nine fingers, his feet sank, and stabilized his center of gravity.

Ma Xinxin rushed out of the cabin and screamed in panic: "It's not good, the boat is in water, the boat is sinking..."

The Xue's macho body shook, and he subconsciously scanned the surroundings, and quickly discovered that the huge yacht was sinking uncontrollably.

The feeling of shifting the center of gravity down gave a great impact, just like sinking in a swamp of death.

At the same time, the iron bridge connecting the yacht to the shore also cracked with a crack and fell into the river and disappeared without a trace.

Xue Shuang's expressions changed.

Then, Xue Shuang shouted: "Kill that kid."

More than a dozen elite Xue family tried hard to stabilize the center of gravity and took out weapons to attack Ye Tianlong.


There was another loud noise, the yacht swayed again, and the hull sank 30 degrees on its side. A dozen people fell out of the boat and screamed into the sea.

The weapons in his hands are flying around.

Although several Xue masters responded well and caught the solid objects on the ship in time, they were unable to attack Ye Tianlong.

With both hands busy holding the solid object, how dare you let go?


Xue Shuang also smashed his head against the railing.

The hull shook again, and Xue Shuang slid another two meters and fell into the sea. He used his hands and feet together, clinging to the railings, and did not fall into the sea.

Very embarrassed.

Two cronies rushed to hold him and shouted, "Master Shuang, Master Shuang!"

"Asshole, you play yin!"

Xue Shuang shouted at Ye Tianlong: "I want to kill you, kill you."

He didn't expect that Ye Tianlong was arrogant and arrogant in front of him, not simply pretending to be a fork, but to attract attention and facilitate the sinking of the ship.

It's just that when he finished speaking, Xue Shuang's eyelids jumped again, and his vision found that the shore men who were coming to rescue fell like wood.

More than a dozen people died in a single click.

The Dalmatian took the ‘bad dog’ and broke the neck of the enemy on the shore. The enemy didn’t even fought back without touching the knife or gun in his arms.

Then, Xue Shuang heard the sound of speedboats coming from the river, and then saw five speedboats arriving.

There are three in each of the four speedboats, holding spearguns for fishing. They are like a group of wasteland hungry wolves, approaching the Xue elite who is swimming desperately.

One person drove the speedboat and the two held spearguns. In the horrified eyes of their opponents, they began to kill, and one by one long and narrow fish arrows shot out.

The Xue family elite who was in the water and had no weapons was no different from the fish on the chopping board.

Their burly and fierce bodies are lively and passionate lives, often annihilating and disappearing in a tragic posture.

Xue Shuang watched his subordinates die one by one in the sea, his expression passing by a touch of pain that could not be concealed.

Then, he looked at Ye Tianlong not far away and shouted:

"Who are you?"

No matter how arrogant he is at this moment, he knows that Ye Tianlong is not easy, otherwise, how can he have the courage to slaughter the ship in broad daylight?

Ye Tianlong smiled lightly and motioned Lei Jiu to get on another speedboat. Then he pulled a rope and walked slowly in front of Xue Shuang:

"Master Shuang, am I right?"

Ye Tianlong said softly: "Can't swim, you have lost your entire life."

Xue Shuang could no longer maintain his demeanor, and shouted angrily: "Who are you?"

"Old Lei's friend."

Ye Tianlong patted Xue Shuang’s old face: “It’s really not a big deal to shoot and bleed.

"Boy, do you dare to move me?"

Xue Shuang yelled: "I am a veteran of the Xue family. I have been with Xue for more than 20 years. You killed me and the Xue family will not let you go."

He also turned his head to Lei Jiuzhi and shouted: "Lei Jiuzhi, you will not die."

Lei Jiuzhi did not make a sound, and stood quietly on the speedboat to watch this scene. Something in his heart had already awakened.

"The Xue family won't let me go?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "You are wrong, I will not let the Xue family go, Lord Shuang, the game should be over, and be a good man in the next life."

Xue Shuang struggled desperately: "Boy, don't be arrogant, you are not worthy to oppose the Xue family, even Lei Jiuzhi is not qualified."

"Thirty minutes ago, the Scar Man felt the same way, and ten minutes ago, you thought the same way."

Ye Tianlong's smile remained bright: "As a result, one was headshot by me, and the other wanted to follow the yacht Shenjiang."

"If the Xue family is like you, then it will be trampled on by me sooner or later."

He buttoned Xue Shuang on a button: "If you don't believe me, I will burn the paper to tell you."


When Ye Tianlong was about to get up and leave, Xue Shuang's mobile phone rang in his arms, Ye Tianlong smiled and stretched out his hand, and then left the rapidly sinking yacht.


The river slowly flooded the railings of the yacht, allowing Xue Shuang half of his body to enter the water. Xue Shuang let go of the railings and splashed in the water a few times to swim away.

It's just that, as he said, he can't swim, struggling with all his strength, but still to no avail.


Xue Shuang suddenly gave up the struggle and laughed wildly, like a severely wounded and dying beast wailing, with an indescribable sadness and helplessness.

The dignified Xue family's white gloves have killed countless people and done bad things. Domestic and international gangs rolled around calmly, but they capsized in the ditch of Mingjiang.

Xue Shuang's suffocation and pain of death.

"Help, help."

When Xue Shuang's head was submerged by river water, another woman screamed from the river. Ye Tianlong looked up and saw Ma Xinxin struggling.

Although she can swim, the vortex of the sinking yacht still sucked her towards the bottom of the river, making her scream.

"Keep her."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to stop Master Tiger from killing her: "Useful."

Soon, the two ropes were lost, entangled Ma Xinxin who was gradually desperate...


When Tiger Master and Dog Camp handled the scene properly, Ye Tianlong was sitting on the speedboat back to Tianlong Garden, and Lei Jiuzhi sat beside him in silence.

I don't know if he is thinking of the previous experience or experiencing the **** experience of today, Lei Jiuzhi has lost that carelessness, and has more melancholy and silence.


Ye Tianlong was about to relieve Lei Jiuzhi, but when he heard Xue Shuang's mobile phone vibrate again, he took it out and found that there was an overseas number on it.

The number is marked Xue Hu.

Ye Tianlong wanted to hang up, but finally pressed the hands-free button, and soon a deep voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Why didn't you answer the phone just now? Did you get the shares? Did you kill Lao Lei?"

The other party is very majestic: "If you don't get his shares and make the equity clear, will the Emperor Dao throw money in."

When Lei Jiuzhi heard this sound, his body was shocked, his eyes were cold, and there was still a touch of pain.

Xue Hu asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Guess..."

"who are you?"

Xue Hu's voice changed, extremely sharp: "Where is Xue Shuang?"

"Shuang is dead, cool is dead..."


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