Talented Genius

Chapter 1822: Master of the year

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Mingjiang Hospital.

After Lei Jiuzhi visited Zhao Dadi and his wife and brothers, he walked out of the hospital and invited Ye Tianlong to dinner at a nearby restaurant.

"Ye Shao, thank you for today."

On the wine table, Lei Jiuzhi respectfully picked up the wine glass and said to Ye Tianlong who had been busy for a long time: "It's not you who helped, my life is gone."

"This glass of wine toasts you."

The call from Xue Hu made Lei Jiuzhi thoroughly realize that Xue Shuang really wanted to kill himself.

Ye Tianlong smiled and touched the wine glass: "Lei, you are polite. We are friends. It is normal for you to help me and I help you."

Lei Jiuzhi sighed: "You and I have met both sides. How can Jiuzhi He De make you so adventurous?"

Ye Tianlong's words are very sincere: "Friends are not measured by the number of times they meet, the most important thing is whether the two are close and sincere."

"Although you and I have only met two sides, but you take my business seriously and make the Zhao Dadi couple from a scumbag to a normal person."

He looked at Lei Jiuzhi with a calm gaze: "This shows that Lord Lei really treats me as a friend."

"When you are in distress, I naturally have to help."

Lei Jiu pointed to a touch on his face, and then filled the two of them with glasses: "My little job is really insignificant compared to what you did today."

"Ye Shao's righteousness and affection are remembered in his heart with the nine fingers. Everyone will be brothers in the future. If Ye Shao can use the nine fingers, don't hesitate."

Lei Jiu said with a smile from the black, "Waste also has the effect of waste."

"Come on, I'll offer Ye a less cup to show my gratitude."

Lei Jiuzhi raised the wine glass, Ye Tianlong did not refuse, touched him with a smile, and then drank the wine again.

"Ye Shao, Xue Shuang is an important running dog of the Xue family. If you killed him and Yigan's men today, the Xue family will definitely pursue it."

After drinking three rounds, Lei Jiuzhi kindly reminded Ye Tianlong: "You must be careful when you come and go recently, and don't lock them in for revenge."

"I don't know if the police will intervene, but I know that using money is definitely better than using no money."

Lei Jiuzhi took out a check from his arms and handed it to Ye Tianlong to say: "Ye Shao, this is 100 million, not to thank you."

"It's used to manage relationships."

He was very considerate: "No matter how bad Xue Shuang and the others do, they will eventually have dozens of lives."

"Brother, this money is really unnecessary."

Ye Tianlong smiled and pushed back: "There won't be any trouble with today's affairs. I have the ability to deal with it without leakage."

"So you keep this one hundred million. Stone monkeys are injured and they need money."

He looked at Lei Jiu and said, "Believe me, the official will not intervene. I really can't help it anymore. Can I ask you for this one hundred million yuan?"

Lei Jiuzhi looked at Ye Tianlong with thoughtful eyes, and dozens of lives could be suppressed. Brother Ye's ability was beyond imagination.

At this time, Ye Tianlong's conversation changed at the right time: "By the way, brother, I am not gossiping, I just want to confirm something, do you have a grudge with the Xue family?"

"Do you have 33% of the Xuejia Casino shares in your hand?"

Lei Jiu touched the corner of his mouth, took a sip of wine after receiving the check, and then exhaled a long breath, without concealing it from Ye Tianlong:

"Don't hide it from Brother Ye, Xuejia Casino was actually founded by me, and its predecessor was Tianlei Casino.

Ye Tianlong was startled slightly, this name is really fresh...People are rich in wealth, and you are Tianlei.

Lei Jiuzhi didn't see Ye Tianlong's expression change, but he sank into a long-lasting memory:

"At that time, there was only one casino in the entire Australian city of the Feng family, and the gambling king was the well-known shadow governor of Southeast Asia. The Feng family completely monopolized the gambling industry in Australia."

"Later, the Australian city officials wanted a hundred schools of thought to contend, and the Feng family also wanted to expand the scale and raise the international level, so they issued three gambling cards to test the waters."

"I tried my best to get a card from the official hand."

He exhaled a long breath: "Kneeling in front of Feng's house for another three days and three nights before he was approved by the gambler to operate the casino."

"Even though it felt like kneeling and begging others to let go of their fingers and give them a little bit of meat, I knew that was an opportunity."

"China has such a large scale and such a wide international market. As long as it can survive the initial operation, it will sooner or later make a lot of money."

"So I took my beloved woman, and my best brother worked hard together."

A touch of pain flashed in Lei Jiuzhi's eyes: "The woman I love is Zhang Xin, and the best brother is Xue Hu."

"One of them is in charge of logistical matters and the other is in charge of daily operations, and I deal with black and white, and I often go abroad to attract high-profile customers."

"In order to make the casino more popular, and to better maintain the stability of the casino, I also found time to learn gambling."

There was a hint of luster on his face: "I still have a talent for gambling. After less than half a year, I became the champion of gambling in Southeast Asia."

"With this name in the market, the old Qian and the underworld dare not come to the market to make money, and the business is getting better and better."

"I often go out. In order for Xue and Hu to deal with emergencies, I told them all the casino secrets and operational experience."

Ye Tianlong nodded lightly, without questioning, Lei Jiuzhi looked fierce and evil, but in fact he was a person of love and justice.

Lei Jiu pointed to a sip of wine: "After four years of operation and operation, the casino has completely stabilized, with more than one billion yuan in profits every year."

"In order to make everyone more motivated, I not only gave out three hundred million bonus casino employees, I also divided the shares evenly between Xue Hu and Zhang Xin."

"I enjoy the hard work of my career, better than those cold money, and they are my brothers, my women, they are worth sharing with me."

"So I passed the law to make a change. One percent was used as a bonus for casino employees, and the remaining 99 percent was divided equally among the three."

There was a joking flash in his eyes: "One person owns thirty-three shares."

Ye Tianlong shook his glass: "Later Xue Hu betrayed you?"

"Two people."

Lei Jiu said he finished his glass of wine in one sip. Although it was many years apart, he still felt pain when speaking:

"On Zhang Xin's birthday that year, I brought a group of high-profile visitors back from Dongyang and brought a South African diamond ring. I wanted to surprise her and propose marriage by the way."

"Who knows, on their birthday, Xue Hu and Liu Xin knelt down and told me that they had been in love for a long time, and Liu Xin was pregnant with a child."

He said with difficulty: "They want me to be perfect, and they told me that truly loving someone is not to occupy her, but to give her happiness."

Ye Tianlong sighed slightly. Fortunately, he has a different concept from Lao Lei. If you love her, you will have to fall on her. His brain is flooded with blessings for her and other men.

"I have forgotten my reaction at the time."

Lei Jiuzhi told the experience: "I only know that the last person left the casino in despair, and then went to the bar street of Australia to get drunk."

"The next day, Xue Hu found me and said that he hoped that I would take the initiative to leave Tianlei Casino for the consideration of Liu Xin's mother and son, so as to avoid embarrassment."

He coughed: "He will pay me dividends every year according to the share of equity, so that I don't have to do anything to eat and drink."

"If I don't agree, he and Liu Xin will unite and try their best to kick me out. The big deal will hurt both sides and bring down the casino."

Ye Tianlong was indignant: "This guy is really hateful. I want to see your feelings for the casino to death, so I threaten you like this."

Lei Jiu pointed out that he poured a glass of wine on his own: "Yes, he is a rascal, who doesn't care a bit."

"But I was not at all irritated at the time. It should be a smashing jar. I feel that my beloved woman and brother are gone, and what casinos are needed."

"And I really don't want the internal conflict in Tianlei Casino to collapse."

"So I left Australia City alone, wandering in several big cities in China, and I was drunk for seven or eight years."

He changed the conversation: "I was going to stay drunk until I was drunk and forget everything, but I met an old monk in Dali."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "Old monk?"

There was a gleam in Lei Jiuzhi's eyes: "Yes, a very wise and profound old monk, he was almsgiving in a street market in Dali."

"I was depressed at the time, so I took out the last coin on my body and threw it into his bowl, then cried and told him of my pain."

"I spoke for almost half an hour, and the old monk didn't say anything after listening, but directly beat me into a pig head with his compassionate palm."

Lei Jiu pointed back to the situation back then: "After the fight, he threw the one-yuan coin back to me."

"The coin just stood in a gap, allowing me to see both sides."

"I had an epiphany at the time. The master awakened me. Coins have two sides, and people have pros and cons."

"You are against the world, and the world is against you. You are good to the world, and the world is also good to you."

Lei Jiuzhi straightened his body slightly: "So I decided to be a human again, and finally came to Mingjiang to live a stable but prosperous life."

"I don't know when I will see that master again..."

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