Talented Genius

Chapter 1823: The new master should be so (four more)

Mrs. Xue's name was Zhang Xin, and she became Liu Xin soon, so please correct it.

After eating this meal for three hours, Ye Tianlong and Lei Jiuzhi didn't leave the restaurant until after four o'clock.

Ye Tianlong looked at Lei Jiuzhi, who had drunk a lot of alcohol but was not drunk: "Master Lei, although Xue Shuang is dead, Xue Hu will not give up."

"Looking at his attitude on the phone, your shares not only involve annual dividends, but also affect his cooperation with the Royal Sword Association."

He reminded: "So he will continue to deal with you."

"He wants to come, just come."

Lei Jiuzhi straightened his body slightly, without the carefree face on his face, and added the tenacity of the hard work in the past:

"This time, I want him to see, what I don't want to let go, he can't take away even his brains."

There was a ray of light in his eyes: "I will hold these thirty-three shares and defend my last little dignity."

Ye Tianlong showed a hint of compliment and stretched out his hand to pat Lei Jiu and pointed out: "This is a man who dares to love and hate."

Lei Jiuzhi suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Zhao Dadi said that you were looking for me for something. I don't know if you need my help?"

"It's like this."

Ye Tianlong did not conceal: "I wanted to go to the Australian City to open a casino, the funds are in place, and the manpower is sufficient."

"But the lack of a professional management talent is a professional manager. After all, gambling is one thing, and managing a casino is another."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "So I planned to hire you to help with a high salary."

"But seeing this today, and hearing you talk about the pain before, I think it's fine."

"The Xue family now sees you as a thorn in the eye, and Australia City is your painful place. It is not appropriate for you to go to Australia City with me."

He sighed: "I will find someone again."

"Go to Australia City? Open a casino?"

Lei Jiuzhi looked at Ye Tianlong in surprise: "Have you got a legal license? Without a legal license, you will be suppressed by the police when you get a slot machine."

Ye Tian nodded: "I got it, it's legal."

Lei Jiuzhi was puzzled: "How is this possible?"

"In order to maximize the consumption of the cake of the Australian city gambling industry, the Feng family gave the official a lot of money and got the gambling card in six cards."

"Each gambling card can open three, Feng's house can open six, and 21 casinos are enough to digest the current source of customers."

"Squeezing in another gambling card is tantamount to grabbing a cake from their bowl. How can the Big Six Gamblers allow this?"

Lei Jiuzhi's head quickly turned: "How can the Australian city government issue you a license?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and replied: "I have a good relationship with the government and I am interested in the gambling industry, so I made one."

Lei Jiuzhi nodded lightly and did not speak. He somewhat judged that Ye Tianlong was definitely not a good relationship with the official, and most likely he was an official.

Otherwise, it is impossible to get valuable gambling cards, after all, Australia City has not issued new gambling cards for ten years.

Ye Tianlong asked: "Lao Lei, you've been in the Australian city before, and you have eaten the gambling industry. Do you have a reliable person to introduce me?"

"Tianlong, you don't need to find other people."

A gleam in Lei Jiuzhi's eyes: "I'll be your professional manager, and I will help you open the casino in Australia."

Ye Tianlong hurriedly shook his head and replied: "How can this be done? Is the city of the Xue family located in Australia, or are you sad, so that you will not be blocked in the past?"

"Xue Hu is going to kill me, what else is sad for me?"

A touch of indifference appeared on Lei Jiu's face: "The last bit of love between me and them is gone today."

"And avoiding and hiding is not the best way. He will find me by all means, and even people around me will have trouble."

"Rather than being a bereaved dog, it's better to stand up and fight."

"I am going back to Australia. I want to help you build a casino. I want to crush the Xue family. I want to take back what I lost."

He has a low voice: "It's not that I want to tell them how capable I am, but that I want to tell them that it is mine and I must return it to me."

Ye Tianlong hesitated: "Are you really willing to go back to Australia City?"

"Going back to Australia City, you can either help your friend or be fair to myself. Why not?"

Lei Jiuzhi straightened his body: "Besides, I also need your protection, so I can take advantage of you."

"it is good!"

Ye Tianlong shook Lei Jiuzhi's palm: "That's it. You seek justice. I will build a casino. Let's go to Australia to work hard."

He didn't squeeze anymore, Lei Jiuzhi faced it directly, and it was indeed better than hiding. After all, it was difficult for Lei Jiuzhi to escape when things were involved in the Royal Sword Society.

Lei Jiuzhi also firmly grasped Ye Tianlong: "We will become the new star of Australia."

He decided to give Ye Tianlong the rest of his life, so he went crazy and trusted.

"Huh? That master is familiar?"

At this moment, Lei Jiuzhi's gaze suddenly stagnated, and he locked onto a gray-clothed monk in front of him.

The monk in grey clothes carried a suitcase and ate a piece of cake slowly. He walked slowly and unobtrusively, but he was inexplicably peaceful and peaceful looking at him.

Ye Tianlong took a look: Isn't this the master of the bond between two sides? What a coincidence in this world.

"It's him, it's him!"

Before Ye Tianlong could say hello, Lei Jiuzhi jumped up excitedly, and stopped the gray-clothed old monk who was eating the pie and shouted, "Master, Master."

The gray-clothed old monk was frightened by Lei Jiu's fingers, and was choked by the big pie, coughing again and again, and drank two sips of warm water before pressing it down.

"Do you still recognize me?"

When the old monk looked at Lei Jiuzhi coldly, Lei Jiuzhi happily shouted, "I am Lei Jiuzhi, the one beside the Daming Lake in Dali."

"I gave you a coin at that time and I asked you to complain for half an hour."

"After you listened, you didn't say anything. You just beat me up to wake me up, and kindly returned me a coin..."

Lei Jiuzhi was grateful: "I thought I would never meet you again. I didn't expect to see you again. It's great..."

The gray-clothed old monk smiled and did not speak, but slowly raised his right hand.


"Master, don't have to beat me up to wake up."

Lei Jiu pointed at this gesture, just like the great mercy rise in the past, he was immediately scared and ran back to Ye Tianlong:

"I just wanted to tell you, thank you for your guidance that made me half awake."

Lei Jiuzhi smiled and shouted: "Today, Tianlong completely woke me up, you don't have to fight anymore."

The gray-clothed old monk lowered his hand and moved forward slowly, only with a grunt from the corner of his mouth:

"Guwazi, a piece of merit money beeping for so long, so much delay...

Then, he swept over Ye Tianlong not far away, and then looked at Lei Jiuzhi who had awakened, with a touch of praise in his eyes:

"If you are not a buddhist person, you can cross people and yourself, and have the world in mind. That's how the new master should be..."

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