Talented Genius

Chapter 1828: Ask for a red envelope (five change)

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the third floor of the restaurant.

There were six dishes and one soup in front of Ye Tianlong. When he was not full, he continued to let go of his belly to eat, roast duck, suckling pig, and lobster.

It's just a huge table with only two people, he and Jiang Ziran.

Hundreds of neighbourhoods have dispersed, and the restaurant has also been cleaned up and rested. After Jiang Ziran sent his mother back, he called Ye Tianlong to the third floor.

This restaurant belongs to Jiang Ziran, so she can arrange it calmly.

"thank you."

Looking at Ye Tianlong who was eating a lot, Jiang Ziran's face became more kind: "It's not you who made the move today, I guess I'm going to stumble."

Although her skill is also good, there is no one-hundred-percent chance to fight Mutoko alone, which makes it difficult to get back today's face.

Now that Ye Tianlong shot, not only broke Wu Tengzi's leg, but also caused Gao Shengjin and the others to kowtow, and Jiang Ziran felt extremely smooth.

"You are welcome, meeting is fate."

Ye Tianlong spit out a bone, then smiled and said: "Actually, I am not your Aisen, you have admitted the wrong person."

He somewhat guessed the ins and outs of things, and Jiang's mother didn't have much time, and his greatest wish was to see the future son-in-law.

The careless Jiang Ziran couldn't find her boyfriend, so she found an extra actor in desperation, and wanted to play a play today to comfort her mother and the neighborhood.

It's just a mistake, thinking of him as that ‘fiance’.

"I already know that I admitted wrong."

Jiang Ziran smiled: "In addition to film and television companies that can't have a trick like you, there is also that I receive emails from the other party."

"The handsome guy they sent to act with me fell into the sea when he disembarked, so he couldn't come over to be my fiance."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback for a moment. It turned out that it was that guy. This world is a coincidence.

Jiang Ziran changed his words: "Just don't blame me, Ma Daha, who told you to have a copy of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" in your hand, a lily?"

"This is the joint code that I agreed with the'fiance'. After all, I don't want too many people to know about this scene."

In order to avoid this matter as much as possible, Jiang Ziran not only looked for someone in the field, but also asked the dragon sleeve to connect with him with "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

This can prevent the other party from knowing her in advance and accidentally leaking out.

Although she had seen the photo of the "fiance", it was only short of time, similar in appearance, and the secret code matched, so she wronged Ye Tianlong.

Several explanations during Ye Tianlong's period fell on Jiang Ziran's ears, but they made her mistakenly believe that Ye Tianlong was sitting on the ground and raising the price, so she hit him with fifty thousand yuan.

Thinking back to all this now, Jiang Ziran was a little embarrassed.

Ye Tianlong was stunned again. He didn't expect it to be the turmoil between "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and Lily Flower. He could not help but cried out that the world was really fate.

At this moment, Jiang Ziran held up a glass of wine and smiled:

"I'm sorry, I'm mad today, I delayed you, and also dragged you into a turmoil and punished yourself for a cup."

After speaking, she finished her glass of red wine in one breath.

Looking at the generous woman, Ye Tianlong had a hint of approval on his face, throwing away the suckling pig and raising the goblet:

"It's okay. I came to Australia City just to stroll around. After this encounter, my memories are interesting. I can also have a good blow with my friends."

"So you don't have to punish yourself for a drink, it should be, to drink to our knowledge."

After speaking, Ye Tianlong also finished a glass of red wine.


Jiang Ziran gave Ye Tianlong a thumbs up: "I like to make friends with people like you, and you don't need to twitch your mother-in-law."

"I don't know if I have the honor to meet you officially, Jiang Ziran."

Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand and shook it: "Ye Tianlong."

"Tianlong, nice to meet you, everyone will be friends in the future."

Jiang Ziran poured another glass of wine for the two, then took out a check and handed it to him: "This is half a million."

"First, thank you for your help in acting today, which made my mother have her wish."

"Second, you defeated Gao Shengjin and the others for me and sought justice from the brothers in Caojijie."

"Three, I hope that you will leave Australia City immediately with this money. Although you are good at it, it will be very troublesome to provoke a magic sword."

"We are born and raised here, with our roots here, plus a few hundred neighborhoods, there is no way to go, otherwise I would leave here early."

With a sincere voice on her face: "I hope you will leave Australia City soon."

From the previous threat to the present, the magic knife gate also invited a good player like Mutoko to show that they are bound to win the Caoji Street.

Jiang Ziran didn't want to be implicated in Ye Tianlong.

"Okay, I accept the money."

Ye Tianlong thought for a while, and finally took the check and accepted it: "I will leave after I eat."

"It's just that I'm leaving. Your mother and the neighbor asked me about me. How do you answer?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and asked, "Is the fiance coming and going in a hurry, is it too suspicious?"

"It's okay, I will find an excuse to explain."

Jiang Ziran's style is decisive and straightforward: "Furthermore, it doesn't matter if they suspect it, those are nothing compared to your safety."

Ye Tianlong looked at Jiang Ziran with admiration. Although this woman was a little bit daunting, she was very open and upright, no wonder she was the older sister.

After he finished eating, he wiped his hands: "I'm leaving, if Gao Shengjin brings his hands to revenge, how will Caoji Street deal with it?"

"Hundreds of neighbours, hundreds of brothers, it is not easy to be overwhelmed."

Jiang Ziran showed a sense of strength: "It's really smashed, and the magic knife can't be cheaper."

Then, she changed her conversation: "And I have already met my online cousin Bingye. He was the director of Fengjia Casino, and he is very familiar with all three teachers."

"With his early suppression, the magic knife door dare not mess around."

Ye Tianlong nodded gently: "That's good..."

Although Ye Tianlong felt that the director of Fengjia Casino should be able to endure, but the retired director may not have any deterrent.

Only seeing Jiang Ziran full of confidence, Ye Tianlong couldn't bear to pour cold water.

"Sister Jiang, Sister Jiang."

At this moment, a duty manager ran upstairs and reported breathlessly:

"Master Bing just called and asked you to take'Aisen' to the North Australian Restaurant for dinner tonight..."

Jiang Ziran's eyelids twitched: "It's okay for me to go. Eisen has something to go back to Hong Kong, so he won't go there. You will return to Bingye for me..."

"Sister Jiang, Bingye said..."

The manager on duty whispered: "He will give you a banquet. One is to congratulate you on your engagement, the other is to see Eisen, and the third is to make a head wine."

"He wants to resolve the grievances between Caojijie and Shendaomen..."

Jiang Ziran was slightly surprised, as if he didn't expect Bing Ye to know what happened in the restaurant so quickly, and then looked at Ye Tianlong worriedly.

Obviously he was worried that the Sacred Sword Gate would be bad for Ye Tianlong.

"Master Bing wants to see me so, then I'll go over to have a meal."

Ye Tianlong laughed and looked at the embarrassed Jiang Ziran: "By the way, ask for a red envelope..."

He believes that there will be another good show tonight.

Five shifts today.

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