Talented Genius

Chapter 1829: Bag stuff

When Ye Tianlong insisted on going to the banquet and played the dragon to the end, Jiang Ziran had no choice but to agree to his request, and then arranged a room for him to rest.

She went out to prepare something.

Despite being pressured by the respected Bing Ye, the Obei Hotel is a magical swordsman site after all, and Jiang Ziran still has to plan with both hands.

Ye Tianlong didn't rest either. He leaned on the sofa and told Lei Jiuzhi about what happened today, which immediately caused Lei Jiuzhi and others to laugh.

Even Tian Mo couldn't help laughing, as if it was a version of "wrong sedan chair to marry the right man".

"Ye Shao, thirty brothers have arrived."

After talking and laughing, Lei Jiuzhi in the video entered the main topic: "We temporarily set up three footholds to prepare for emergencies."

"We are going to go out tomorrow to see which place is suitable for a casino, and then we can buy or rent it."

"After we get the venue, we need to take the gambling card to report and register. It takes five working days to get the approval."

Lei Jiu pointed out that he was familiar with the road and reported to Ye Tianlong: "After legally registering the casino address, we will go to buy and make equipment."

Ye Tianlong smiled and interrupted Lei Jiuzhi's words: "Brother Lei, you are in charge of these matters. I will not interfere or ask."

"Unless there is a problem that can't be solved, you can talk to me or ask for help, otherwise you will decide this casino alone."

He gritted his teeth: "As for the funds, I will give you one hundred million first, and spend it slowly. When the spend is over, I will ask Ding Liuyue for money."

Thinking of the one million Zhao Ditian gave, Ye Tianlong's heart bleeds, it's really a drop in the bucket.

Ye Tianlong wondered if he wanted to ask Bailihua whether Feng Yuyan's three hundred million dollars had arrived. If not, would he take the opportunity to remind him?

"Ye Shao, I understand."

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Lei Jiuzhi had a ray of light in his eyes. This was Ye Tianlong's absolute trust in him, and he responded loudly:

"Don't worry, I must do it beautifully."

With Ye Tianlong's decentralization, Lei Jiuzhi's enthusiasm that had been silent for many years was reawakened, and he wanted to show his fists.

Ye Tianlong reminded: "I only have one request, open the business as soon as possible."

He believes that after the casino opens, Zhao Ditian's follow-up instructions will arrive, so it must operate as soon as possible.


Lei Jiu nodded, then smiled: "Ye Shao, in fact, I think you can settle down in Caoji Street."

"One is that we are separated, which can reduce goals and make you a little safer."

He is the target of the Xue family, and Ye Tianlong is the enemy of the Bao family. Together, they are the public enemy of Australia. It is better to separate the opponent's attention.

"Second, the people living in Caoji Street are all indigenous people, with strong folk customs, descendants of anti-Portuguese righteous scholars."

"They all have a blood of rebelliousness in their bones. If you can win their hearts, we will have support to stand firm in the future."

Lei Jiuzhi reminded Ye Tianlong: "Furthermore, the Caoji Street is located in a prominent area. It is a downtown area. If we get stuck there, we can attack and retreat and defend."

Ye Tianlong nodded when he heard the words, then smiled and asked, "Then I will settle in Caoji Street temporarily?"

Lei Jiuzhi laughed loudly: "This is a good idea, maybe you can still rub up feelings with Miss Jiang."

"This... forget it."

Ye Tianlong thought of Jiang Ziran knocking on the bottle to dry it, and he felt inexplicably furry: "The folks are sturdy, it's better to be less provoked."

Lei Jiuzhi laughed again: "Unexpectedly, Ye Shao would be afraid of her. It seems that Miss Jiang must be very interesting."

Ye Tianlong coughed: "Stop talking about her, just talk about business, Brother Lei, what kind of stuff is Shendaomen?"

"Shendaomen is a veteran gang in Australia City. It is a bit of a climate, and it can be regarded as one of the few local gangsters left in Australia."

Lei Jiuzhi apparently regained control over the situation in the Australian City: “Although the Australian City is a Chinese site, the Royal Sword Club is the most active.”

"The Royal Sword Society parachuted to Australia ten years ago and drove out three international gangs and then destroyed four local gangs."

"In the end, it severely inflicted the Magic Sword Club, became the biggest black force in Australia, and became a partner of the six major casinos, entering every casino."

"The Kingsword Club is responsible for protecting the safety of the six major casinos, while monopolizing the six major casinos' loan sharking and peripheral gambling business!"

"Australia City's gambling industry is the largest and the most profitable. Therefore, the Royal Sword Club only operates the casino business and pays the gambling king money on time every month."

He explained in an easy-to-understand manner: "In that case, it's like major hospitals contracting out an outpatient department to the Putian department."

"In the underground world outside the casino, the Royal Sword Society rarely pays attention to it. After all, those are hard money, and the pay is not proportional to the gain."

"Shen Daomen used to be a partner of the Feng family. After being driven out of the casino by the Royal Dao Club, he could only collect protection fees and pimp to survive."

"Recently, it has reconnected with the Bao family and Xue family, and is responsible for the demolition and relocation business. It has only recovered a little bit."

"By the way, the boss of the Magic Sword Society is called God Lord."

Lei Jiuzhi told Ye Tianlong: "Old Jianghu, but timid and fearful, he would be defeated by the Emperor Sword at the beginning, so he was devastated and spent life in a humble state.

"I heard that I was seriously ill a few days ago and I have been lying in bed without seeing anyone..."

He exhaled a long breath: "That's all I know. To understand the specific situation, you need to inquire."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "In this way, the magic sword will have a grievance with the emperor sword."

Lei Jiu pointed back: "That's right."

"But this is not right. If the Divine Sword really hates the Emperor Sword Society, how can Mutoko come to help Gao Shengjin today?"

Ye Tianlong had a trace of doubt in his eyes: "Mu Tengzi is probably a member of the Imperial Sword Club, and her fists and feet are clearly imperial."

Lei Jiuzhi hesitated for a moment: "Is the rumors true?"

Ye Tianlong asked: "What rumor?"

Lei Jiuzhi quickly replied: "It is rumored that the Magic Sword Association has surrendered to the Royal Sword Association in exchange for the good life now."

"I always thought it was nonsense. After all, the two sides had fought dead before, but judging from what happened to you today, this rumor is probably true."

He shook his head regretfully: "If this is the case, the **** is too much of a thing, even the enemy will kneel..."

Ye Tianlong digested the news, and then changed the conversation: "Who is Bing Ye?"

"Master Bing?"

Lei Jiu pointed for a moment, then laughed: "He's not dead yet? That's an old pervert who has a four-curved ditch kiss with Feng's family."

"I used to be a daily supervisor of the Fengjia Casino. He liked to get into the room of drunk female guests to molest and take pictures, and then send someone to blackmail them."

With a hint of joking in his tone: "Later, the Feng family found out that he was given a warning and had to remove his supervisory position."

"In order to save his image and preserve wealth, he deliberately set fire in the utility room, and then went to fight the fire by himself, trying to make the Feng family feel that he was loyal to the master."

"Who knows that the fire was too big to be extinguished, it also burned Ye Bing's hair and left a scar, scaring him out of the casino."

"If the non-firefighters arrived in time, it is estimated that half of the Fengjia Casino will be burned. It can be said that it will not die."

Lei Jiuzhi said the result at the time: "After Feng Gambling King found out the matter internally, he chopped off a finger and drove him out."

"Only because of the reputation of the Feng Family Casino, the Feng Family didn't declare his scandal, so that he could continue to eat with that little qualification."

"Ye Bing was also cheeky, saying that he was a hero of the Feng family. In order to protect the interests of the Feng family, he burned his forehead and his fingers in the fire."

"The Feng family has a big business, but the Bing family distorted the facts but also said that the Feng family treated him favorably, plus a little ditch, so he didn't bother to correct the Bing master."

Lei Jiuzhi gave a judgment: "In short, this is a hypocrite, and his stomach is filled with bad water. Be careful when dealing with him."

Ye Tianlong nodded, he knew a little bit about Bing Ye, and then he was not optimistic about the mediation tonight.

After pondering for a while, Ye Tianlong said softly: "Brother Lei, help me get things..."

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