Talented Genius

Chapter 1834: Nice job

The atmosphere is heavy, awkward, and also contains a wave of anger!

Gao Shengjin and Lao Bi looked ugly, and Ye Bing was even more angry, as if they were about to strangle Ye Tianlong.

Jiang Ziran looked surprised, looking at the broken glasses on the table in disbelief.

Then she yelled: "Master Bing, are you paying a thousand?"

The corners of Bingye's mouth were moved, and his emotions were extremely furious, and he shouted at Ye Tianlong: "Tricky kid, you are shameless!"

He didn't expect that a round he won with his skill and luck would be so easily erased by Ye Tianlong, and he would detain himself with a sly.

"Ye Bing wears a pair of infrared glasses, which can see the marks on special cards, and then make the most sensible decision."

Ye Tianlong's voice was low and deep: "In this situation, people and gods are absolutely angry."

"Black Jack, who got it out of a thousand, can you say he won my twenty points?"

He shouted: "No!"

"In Mr. Gao's words, as long as the gambler pays a thousand, he will lose no matter what the result is."

"With more than twenty pairs of eyes at the scene, you can see Bingye's move. In this round, anyone with a normal mind will know that I won."

Ye Tianlong looked at Gao Shengjin and Lao Bi, "Mr. Gao, Mr. Bi, is there anything wrong with what I said?"

The corners of Gao Shengjin and Lao Bi's gang moved their mouths, and they never thought that Ye Tianlong would be stabbed in this way.

"If everyone feels that the glasses are not cheating, we can seal them up, and ask professionals to check them and the cards."

Ye Tianlong smiled and blocked Bing Ye's retreat: "I believe the official will give us a judgment."

"Boy, you are mean! You are shameless!"

Bing Ye furiously jumped into thunder, pointing at Ye Tianlong and yelling: "You dare to yin me, I think you have enough life."

He has fully understood now. Ye Tianlong was afraid that he had discovered that his glasses had a problem early, so he drank coffee and sprayed it on purpose, causing the line to malfunction.

This prevented Bing Ye from being able to control the overall situation with his glasses to achieve victory, and also allowed Ye Tianlong to turn from one chip to thirty-two.

During the period, he deliberately didn't point out his glasses.

When he let go and took a black jack, the situation was extremely unfavorable for Ye Tianlong, so Ye Tianlong jumped out and took out Qianshuo and turned it over again.

Ye Bing felt bitter, but he couldn't explain, he couldn't say that he really started cheating with glasses. If he was stained with coffee, he would rely on his strength, right?

It will only make people feel that he is incompetent, and it will make things worse and worse.

"Master Bing, are you angry into anger?"

Ye Tianlong looked at Bing Ye with a flushed face, still smiling calmly and said, "The glasses are yours, the cards are yours, and you are the one who gives you money."

"How come you become my yin?"

"It's better to be a human being."

"According to the rules of the casino, a thousand hands will be broken and the compensation will be doubled. In other words, Bing Ye owes me a hand and 640 million yuan."

Ye Tianlong's tone is very sincere: "Take out the fraction, just give me 600 million, it's a friend."

Seeing Ye Tianlong's arrogance, not only did Bingye's face become ugly, but the two cronies' eyes suddenly widened, and there was murderous intent on their cheeks.

Before Bing Ye gave the order, they already shouted sharply, "Boy, presumptuous!"

When the voice fell, the two clenched their fists and rushed towards Ye Tianlong.

Without Ye Tianlong's voice, Jiang Ziran's pretty face sank, and the corners of his thin mouth evoked sharp arcs, and his toes jumped on the ground with strength, like a ghost.

No hands, only legs, a pair of round long legs kicked out, accompanied by a sharp roar!

Jiang Ziran's attack speed was so fast that it made people feel at a loss. In a blink of an eye, the toes hit the ribs of the two.

Not only precise and sharp, but also powerful.


Two men with big arms and round waists fell to the ground one after another, struggling to get up but unable to fight anymore, eyes involuntarily showing shame.

They didn't even touch Jiang Ziran's clothes.

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Ziran yelled: "Set up a situation to harm me, cheat by a thousand, and now you are going to beat people, do you still have a sense of shame?"

The whole wing room was silent, as if time had become frozen.

Ye Bing looked a little ugly.


Gao Shengjin laughed: "Master Bing, if things happen like this, let's not use the fig leaf, just put them all on me."

He roared: "One hundred!"

Bingye bit his teeth: "Stop them."

As soon as these words came out, the black man and the people around Gao Shengjin all pulled out their weapons and surrounded them.

Lao Bi, they dodge one after another, and no longer hold justice.


Jiang Ziran didn't talk nonsense. He pulled up a chair and pulled out. With a loud noise, three men in black clothes were knocked over by her, and fell to the ground with a groan.

The chair also shattered into seven or eight pieces, showing the ferocity of Jiang Ziran.

Upon seeing this, Gao Shengjin yelled: "Take a gun at them."

Several men raised their swords and guns.


When Jiang Ziran's expression tightened, the thick door was suddenly kicked open, and the three big men in black who were guarding the door fell in with a grunt.

Then, more than 20 plainclothes rushed into the wing, one by one wearing body armor, with live ammunition, holding guns in their hands, shouting at Gao Shengjin and the others:

"Don't move! Don't move all!"

A big-nosed police officer shouted murderously: "We are the Australian City Police, let me down all weapons!"

Ye Tianlong pulled Jiang Ziran against the wall, spreading his hands to show that humans and animals are harmless.

Seeing someone breaking in, Gao Shengjin and the others thought it was a grass chicken neighbourhood, and subconsciously turned around to counterattack, but just raised the knife and gun, they saw the bullet shooting.

"Pump pound!"

In the indifference and intensive gunfire, eight men in black costumes were beaten through the shoulders and knees, screaming and falling to the ground, blood shooting.

The big-nosed police officer shouted again: "Raise your hands!"

Bingye and Laobi were about to smash to death, but they recognized the police and immediately lowered their swords and guns to avoid being beaten into a sieve.

Three people dropped their weapons slowly and were shot over by plainclothes, and then prodded their heads.

Lao Bi was going to get his mobile phone and was kicked.

These plainclothes are nervous, like facing a big enemy, and also make the atmosphere very solemn.

"Everyone, I am Gao Shengjin of the Sacred Blade."

Gao Shengjin, who raised a hand, went out of the house: "What's the matter?"

"Gao Shengjin? That's him!"

"Take it down!"

Without waiting for Gao Shengjin to finish speaking, the three plainclothes rushed up like wolves, pressing Gao Shengjin on the gambling table quickly, and then searched for his weapon.

A short gun and a dagger were dropped on the table, followed by a mobile phone and a wallet, and finally a box was found, opened, and a pill.

Ye Tianlong glanced at it and judged that this was the Rongjia universal pill.

The plainclothes immediately sealed up the pill, and then proceeded to search.

Gao Shengjin was furious: "What are you doing? What are you doing? We are from the magic knife door. You treat me like this, and I want to complain to you."

Nothing seemed to be found, and several plainclothes frowned.

Ye Tianlong approached Master Bing when he saw it and stepped on his toe.

Bingye groaned, subconsciously bowing slightly, and still screaming, "Bad son!"


Ye Tianlong opened his mouth wide: "Is there a problem with the plaster?"

Gao Shengjin was taken aback.


As soon as he finished speaking, a plainclothes man picked up a wine bottle and slammed it on Gao Shengjin's plaster, causing him to let out a painful ouch.

Rude and decisive.

The plaster shattered, the pieces fluttered, and a bag of white powder stuck to a piece of plaster fell down, at least two hundred grams.

There are also several coffee fingerprints on the packaging.

Fifty grams of **** is a death sentence, and two hundred grams is enough to die four times.

"Team Liu, white powder!"

A plainclothes wearing gloves picked up the white powder, and after a little inspection, he was overjoyed and shouted: "The line report is true. Someone is selling drugs."

Gao Shengjin looked surprised and looked at Baifen in disbelief: "This is not mine—"

Ye Bing and the others were also stunned, not knowing which one it was.

Ye Tianlong yelled out at the right time: "Master Bing, you did a great job."

Ye Bing was startled first, then his face changed drastically.

Gao Shengjin's eyes shot towards Bing Ye instantly, endlessly sharp and endlessly shocked.

Ye Bing waved his hand: "It's not me..."

Officer Big Nose roared: "Take them all back."

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