Talented Genius

Chapter 1835: Turbulent night

Two hours later, Ye Tianlong and Jiang Ziran walked out of the police station, but Gao Shengjin and Bingye were detained in solitary confinement without bail.

On the white powder, the fingerprints of Gao Shengjin and Bingye were found, and there was powder left on Bingye...

Although their lawyers dealt with it vigorously and were willing to pay heavy bail, the police refused without hesitation.

Two hundred grams of white powder is not a problem in the Black Triangle, but it is a felony in Australia City. How can Gao Shengjin be released on bail?

After leaving the police station, Ye Tianlong called a taxi and sent Jiang Ziran back to Caoji Street.

Although Jiang Ziran's emotions fluctuated, he quickly recovered calm after returning to Caoji Street, and did not mention tonight's matter with the bereaved dog.

Obviously, I am afraid that the neighbours and mother are worried.

Although it was 11:30 on Huidao Caoji Street, the whole street was still crowded with people, especially the restaurants and food stalls, which were full of customers.

Ye Tianlong discovered at this time that Lei Jiuzhi was right, and Caoji Street was really a prime location.

It is two kilometers away from the six major casinos, five kilometers away from the sea, and six kilometers away from Australia City University, and Caoji Street itself is a food street.

There are also many Portuguese-style buildings from the last century, suitable for remembering and taking wedding photos, so they are very popular, even late at night.

I didn't eat dinner at the banquet tonight, but suffered a lot of anger. In addition to tossing in the police station, Jiang Ziran took Ye Tianlong to eat supper.

The two walked slowly through Caoji Street. Along the way, dozens of neighborhoods and shopkeepers greeted each other one after another. Sister Jiang and Eisen kept shouting.

Milk tea, grilled shrimp, watermelon, and egg tarts were stuffed into Ye Tianlong's hands one by one. If Jiang Ziran refused, he would not have to eat supper.

Two minutes later, Jiang Ziran pulled Ye Tianlong to sit down in a food stall called "Pan Pang Pang".

"Sister Jiang, brother-in-law, are you back from the date?"

As soon as the two of them sat down, a chubby young man ran over and greeted him warmly: "It's a great evening, why don't you come out for supper?"

"What do you want to eat, a call, I will ask Xiaocui and the others to send it over."

The fat young man smiled very playfully, and took out a cigarette and handed it to Ye Tianlong: "Brother-in-law, come one."

Ye Tianlong didn't explain, but smiled and took it over: "Thank you."

"Okay, eight fat, stop making light bulbs."

Jiang Ziran glanced at the fat young man blankly: "Your brother-in-law and I are hungry, so hurry up to get two small stir-fries and bring me a little beer."

"Understand, understand, Sister Jiang, I will cook myself."

The fat young man poured tea to Ye Tianlong and Jiang Ziran: "I'll make up some waist flowers and the like to make up for you."

After speaking, he ran to the kitchen.

"Tenlong, I'm sorry, but you are affected again."

After the fat youth disappeared, Jiang Ziran said apologetically: "Don't worry, I will ask them to explain in private tomorrow."

"It's okay."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand: "As long as you don't care, I don't care, and it's also popular with everyone to eat and drink. It's good for me, haha."

Jiang Ziran expressed his gratitude, and then raised the tea in front of him and said: "Come on, toast you a cup, thank you for helping me through the difficulties tonight."

"Otherwise, I owe 300 million yuan, I really want to sell the shop and sell the building."

She bit her lip lightly: "I really didn't expect that Bing Ye would be so disregarded of his old feelings. He is now the one who has taken the blame."

"You can't be blamed, but human nature is sinister."

Ye Tianlong clinked glasses with her, then drank half a cup of tea, then smiled leisurely: "You have nothing to ask me?"

Jiang Ziran laughed heartily, and then asked, "What do you want me to ask you? Origin? White powder? Gambling?"

"To be honest, I have a lot of questions in my heart, but those are not important. The important thing is that I realize that you will not hurt me."

Jiang Ziran was very frank: "So I won't talk about you."

"It's a big sister, and the pattern is not small."

Ye Tianlong appreciates Jiang Ziran's atmosphere and sincerity: "Although you don't ask, but as a friend, I am willing to tell you something."

"I came from Mingjiang as a mercenary. I came to Macau City for two purposes, one is to open a casino, and the other is to collect 300 million US dollars in debt."

"Before I went to the banquet today, I inquired about Bingye's details in advance. Knowing his personality, I guessed that tonight will be a Hongmen Banquet."

He didn't cover up Jiang Ziran too much: "So I let someone prepare a bag of white powder."

"When Ye Bing was gambling with you, I found that his glasses and cards had problems. No, everyone in the wing had problems."

"It's just that I'm not familiar with the environment at first, so I haven't talked too much, nor have I challenged Bing Ye.

When Jiang Ziran listened quietly, Ye Tianlong added: "Later you were calculated to owe 300 million, and I knew I was going to teach them a lesson."

"I played for you, so I scrapped Bing Ye's glasses with the help of coffee, and touched his fingers twice on the white powder."

"Take advantage of the chaos and stick the white powder on Gao Shengjin's plaster."

"The plaster is fixed and the color is similar, so Gao Shengjin didn't find it."

"Actually, with the last one, I was sure to beat Master Bing, but I finally let him drive Black Jack."

"The purpose is to make them happy, and then take out Qian to suffocate them, and at the same time arouse their anger, so that plain clothes can fight."

Ye Tianlong drank another sip of tea: "By the way, I called the plainclothes and told me that there is a white powder deal in the wing."

"You know, the legalization of gambling in the Australian city, the eroticism is half-closed, and the order is maintained by the king's sword, there are too few opportunities for the police to contribute."

"So when you see drug traffickers, it is natural to be crazy for the anti-drug undercover."

"I can assure you that it is difficult for Gao Shengjin and Bingye to get out."

Ye Tianlong dispelled Jiang Ziran's last worry: "You don't need to worry about monitoring. How can people who come out of thousands install monitoring in the wing?"


After listening, Jiang Ziran directly gave a thumbs up and praised: "I always thought I was an old river and lake, but I just found out tonight, sitting on the well and watching the sky.

Ye Tianlong responded with a smile: "You are also very good, in your twenties, you are already the backbone of Caoji Street, leaving many people a few streets away."

There was a hint of helplessness on Jiang Ziran's face: "If it is forced, who wants to be the backbone?"

"My greatest wish is to dress beautifully and beautifully, to go shopping every day, buy and buy, some people hold them when going out, and some people hurt at home."

She burst into a smile, which had nothing to do with sweetness, but she was very hearty: "From time to time, she can be unreasonably acting like a baby."

"It's a pity that my father, who died early, left a mess and mother. I had to take charge of the poor children early."

Speaking of his dead father, Jiang Ziran's expression was painful, but he quickly recovered his calm: "Not to mention the mess."

"Come on, have a drink, it's nice to meet your friend."

Jiang Ziran looked at Ye Tianlong and smiled: "Today is the worst day, but it is also the best day."

Ye Tianlong smiled and clinked glasses with her, then took a sip of wine, and then asked: "What are your plans next?"

Jiang Ziran sighed softly: "What's your plan? I'm slamming with the magic knife door."

Things got to this point, and Gao Shengjin was sent to prison. Jiang Ziran could expect revenge from the magic knife, but she had no other way out.

The family is so big and can not be abandoned.

"Don't think too much, drink this wine, and then go home to take a bath and sleep well, I can assure you."

Ye Tianlong watched Jiang Ziran make a decision: "When you get up tomorrow, you won't have any troubles..."

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