Talented Genius

Chapter 1836: Hands on

"Poke out!"

"Tell the Shendao Gang that Bing Ye and the police calculated Gao Shengjin."

"Tell Bingye's disciples and grandchildren to be careful of the magic knife to attack tonight."

"If you call the police again, it will be said that there is a big storm in the rivers and lakes, and the Third Hall of the Magic Blade Gang will bloodbath Bing Ye's family."

"No matter how much manpower and material resources are spent, we must let the dark waves surge before dawn in Australia."

At one o'clock in the morning, Ye Tianlong came out of the room arranged by Jiang Ziran, got into a motorhome driven by Feng Group, and issued three instructions in one breath.

The RV was seated with a few backbones of the Phoenix team, and when they heard Ye Tianlong's instructions, they drove and moved quickly to arrange things.

Sitting on the side of the car was the Oriole, Canshou, and Tianmo. Ye Tianlong turned his eyes to them: "How many people do we have?"

"Twenty people in the Feng Group, ten in the Bird Hall, 35 in the Longmen, five in the Dragon Division, and 20 in the Tiger Division."

The number of cardinals with guns was reported: "We have 80 people entering the Australian city."

"The Phoenix Group specializes in collecting intelligence, the Quetang is tracking and stalking, the 35 members of the Longmen are the casino team, and the five members of the Longmen are to protect Lao Lei."

Ye Tianlong muttered to himself: "These people have their own responsibilities and cannot be used to act. In other words, the only thing we can use is Tiger Master."

The Oriole asked, "Shao Ye, do you want to act?"

"Although Bird Hall specializes in tracking and stalking, it will not be too far behind Tiger Master."

The oriole is confident: "If needed, they can act."

"It is true that they need to participate in the operation, but they do not need to fight and kill."

Ye Tianlong simply issued a command: "Orientale, you take the children of Quetang to the main hall of the godsword."

"Find out the whereabouts of their principal, God, and find out the surrounding environment after locking him down, waiting for my next instruction!"

Decided to help Jiang Ziran and Caojijie solve the troubles once and for all, Ye Tianlong put the magic sword gate on the death list.

This is also a good start to deal with the Royal Sword Association.

Fast food, fast broadcast, fast hand, fast marriage, fast hotel, this is a fast-paced world, natural rivers and lakes should also be pleasant.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's instructions, the oriole nodded: "Understood."

Afterwards, he pulled the car door and went out. Just after landing, a car drove over and picked up the oriole.

Ye Tianlong looked at Canshou: "Canshou, tell the tiger division to rest for three hours, then check the equipment, change into battle clothes, and prepare to fight."

Canshou replied: "Yes!"

Ye Tianlong patted Tianmo's shoulder for the last time: "Tianmo, take a good rest..."

Tian Mo nodded, and then asked: "Should you call Mai?"

"No need to!"

Ye Tianlong shook his head: "Australia City is Mai's old site. He has too much involvement with Mrs. Feng, and letting him come is tantamount to creating problems for him."

"Let him rest well in Mingjiang."

He came to Australia with a mission. Although he didn't know what Zhao Ditian was going to do, he knew it was nothing trivial. So Mai is not allowed to intervene.

Avoiding the conflict of interest with the Feng family makes him embarrassed.

Tian Mo nodded, did not speak any more, and then closed his eyes to rest.

In the next few hours, dark waves were raging in the Australian city, and news that Bing Ye and the police had calculated Gao Shengjin circulated everywhere, causing a lot of noise.

Both black and white are circulating. In order to obtain the support of the police, Bing Ye set up a bureau to betray Gao Shengjin, and deliberately stayed in jail to cover up.

This caused many people to contempt Bingye's character, and also caused the magic swordsman to be angry at Bingye, shouting one by one to kill the Bingye family.

Then, a Molotov cocktail was smashed at the door of Bing Ye's house, and a gun was fired.

Eight nephews and nephews were also beaten by people of unknown origin. Two of them were also seriously injured. Several places where Bing Ye attaches great importance were also lost to gas tanks.

The situation is serious.

After receiving the alarm, the police not only sent people to investigate the incident and protect the Bingye family, but also deployed police forces to the third hall of Shendaomen to deploy control and warning.

At the same time, the police asked Shendaomen to surrender the man who shot Bingye's gate.

This made Shendaomen more and more disgusted, and it also made them feel even more that Bingye had a leg with the police, so people gathered to challenge the police.

The scene began to be chaotic...

At five o'clock in the morning, the sky is dark, there is no starlight, the sea breeze is like howling, and the leaves are rustling all over the mountains.

On a secluded cliff near the sea, twenty tiger divisions in eagle suits flew up to the top of the mountain with the help of springs.

On their backs, except for a long and narrow red axe, they all carried a six-shot crossbow.

The three-sided arrow is brilliant in the dark night.

After the twenty tiger masters climbed the top of the mountain, they bent over and ran for more than 20 meters, and then appeared in a garden behind the mountain.

This garden, named Jinfeng Garden, is where the gods settled.

According to the news from the Feng group, the goddess basically lived in the main hall of the city a month ago. He fell ill twenty days ago and went to recuperate here.

Although it was just a recuperation of the body, there were as many as a hundred guards, many of whom were skilled. The front door was heavily guarded, with countless checkpoints and monitoring.

After studying the situation, the oriole and the children of Quetang finally found that it is best to enter from behind the garden.

He also judged by the lights and the personnel that the **** was in the two-story wooden building closest to the cliff.

When the twenty tiger masters were ready to go, Ye Tianlong also came up with his remnant hands and Tianmo, and slowly walked to the front.

The three of them are very tall and straight, like piercing guns, standing in front, naturally revealing a sharp sharpness that makes people unable to concentrate.

This also made the 20 tiger masters excited.

A few dozen meters away in front of Ye Tianlong's field of vision, a two-story wooden building with more than 20 guards was dazzling in the dim light:

"This garden has three buildings, one is more refined than the other, and the other is more atmospheric."

Canshou looked at the wooden building and asked, "Why did the **** choose a wooden building where debris is piled up?"

Ye Tianlong also had some doubts. In addition to the wooden building being the worst building, it was too close to the sea, which was prone to moisture, which was not conducive to healing.

But this is the end of the matter, and it doesn't make much sense to think about it. He smiled faintly: "It's easy to know the answer."

"Take down the gods later, just ask, you will know."

Canshou nodded: "Okay, remind me, ask him."

"Tell the oriole, the bird hall does not need to participate in the war, just keep the exit."

Ye Tianlong took a mask and put it on: "Never let anyone escape."

Canshou responded respectfully: "I understand."

Ye Tianlong looked at the garden that was silent at this moment and didn't know that the danger had come, raised his right hand with a cold expression, and then slashed towards the sky.

"Do it!"

With this gesture, the twenty tiger masters rushed forward like a wolf smelling blood.

Canshou and Tianmo also rushed out, hitting the wooden building in sight at the fastest speed...

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