Talented Genius

Chapter 1837: Mask Man (four more)

Although there were seven or eight guards in the back mountain, after Tianmo and Canshou personally opened the way, their necks were cut off with almost no parry ability.

One by one guards fell to the ground like wood.

These self-declared guards are the safest, never stunned!


A decent sword leader with a decent skill used his arm guard to barely hold the leaf knife that the hand had smashed, wanting to take the opportunity to call out a warning.

But a black knife pierced his throat like a poisonous snake, like lightning, and then the black knife drew an arc, and his head rolled out instantly.

The cooperation between Tianmo and Canshou is incomparably tacit.

Ten seconds later, Tian Mo and Canshou led the Tiger Master, rushing into the garden in an unmatched manner, the sword was shining, and the crossbow arrows flew horizontally.

It was not until a guard uttered a scream that the entire garden woke up from sleep, and then the stern alarm sounded.

Then, more than 30 talents rushed out shirtlessly.

The Tiger Master did not panic in the face of the startled enemy, and while killing with a knife, he shot an arrow to suppress it.

Canshou and Tianmo alternately rushed to kill, and the blood was always flying with the sword up and down.

Screaming, screaming again and again!

One encounter, the garden guard fell over fifty people.

Several of them had guns in their hands and wanted to shoot at a long distance, but they were mercilessly killed by a knife.

Twenty tiger masters are like wolves and tigers. With the advantages of crossbow bows and battle clothes, they can crush the swordsmen to death, and they cannot prevent an effective counterattack.

Then, Zan Shou and Tian Mo took the Tiger Division soldiers into two paths, suppressing the remaining guards all the way, and attacking the two-story wooden building all the way.

Ye Tianlong also swayed forward from behind.

The guard at the gate of the magic sword in the wooden building was quickly rushed, no longer able to protect the gods, and frightened to throw away his weapons to escape.

Tian Mo led Tiger Master to kill while advancing.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong's ear moved, and he screamed: "Be careful!"


As soon as the voice fell, a dozen people in black flashed out of the wooden building, raising their hands, and 30 darts shot out.

Castration is fierce.

Fortunately, Ye Tianlong gave the warning in time, and the tiger division rushing in front was able to protect his head for the first time, allowing the eagle's suit to bear the darts shot over.

"Pump pound!"

A dozen darts hit the Tiger Master, making a series of sharp noises, but there was no splash of blood and no screams.

When the man in black was stunned for a while, the tiger division behind buckled the crossbow, and dozens of crossbow arrows shot past.

The four men in black couldn't dodge, and were pierced by crossbow arrows.

Just when the other people in black were about to shoot darts again, Tianmo had already exploded and the black knife struck out a brightest light.

An enemy who had just raised his hand was chopped in half.

The head is different.

A large swath of blood sprayed in the light.

In the next second, Tianmo pounced on the enemy like a tornado, with murderous aura like a river in the rush.

The ten tiger masters also roared and rushed up, as a group of two, tearing each other like wild animals.


When the enemy was holding an axe, another axe chopped on their necks, and then the two axe made a mistake, slashed on both sides, turning over the attacker.

And the two or three enemies who wanted to release darts were killed by Tian Mo in a quick beat.

In less than two minutes, more than a dozen people in black were killed or injured.

The Tianmo and Tiger Master did not stand still, they opened and closed to attack the enemy, and when the sword fell, there was always a scream.

Moving forward, Ye Tianlong picked up a dart and glanced at it and whispered: "Orient?"

He recognized that this was a hidden weapon of the Royal Sword Society.

Ye Tianlong raised his head and looked at Mulou: "Does the Sacred Sword Gate really become a vassal?"


As Ye Tianlong's thoughts were turning, with a soft drink, a figure burst out from the wooden building, and flew out from midair to Tianmo in front of him.

Following that roar, the Toyo Sword in his hand smashed against Tianmo forcefully, and the howling from the Toyo Sword was even more ear-piercing than the sea breeze.

Ye Tianlong recognized at a glance: "Mu Tengko?"

Facing Mu Tengko's imposing sword and the violent attack like a mountain dumping, Tian Mo's eyes also showed a fierce look.

The black knife suddenly raised.

Following the dazzling light of the knives, the two knives collided fiercely.


Mutoko flew upside down in the sound of a metal collision!

She slammed into the wall of the wooden building like a sandbag, and stuck the oriental knife on the ground like tofu. She held the oriental knife and refused to fall down.

In the light, Mutoko's face appeared deadly pale, but her eyes still stared at Tianmo.

Tian Mo stepped forward with a blank expression and swiped a knife to the head.


The head flipped two or three times in mid-air, and a blood mist bloomed in midnight.

At the same time, ten tiger masters raised their swords and dropped them, cutting the rest of the men in black to the ground. Then the light of the axe flashed again, and the door cracked and cracked.


The wooden door collapsed.

A light blasted out, Tian Mo and the others squinted subconsciously.

At this moment, a cold light flashed and took a tiger master's throat.

Ye Tianlong's eyelids twitched, his right hand flashed, and he shot the darts he was playing.


The darts hit Hanmang and landed all together. Ye Tianlong took a fixed look, and there was a golden knife on the ground.


When Ye Tianlong looked at the hall, he heard a loud bang in the building, and a huge black figure broke through the wooden window and escaped from behind.

He was wearing a mask on his face, and he couldn't see his true color.

A few obstacles made no sense to him at all, he ran almost flat on the ground, extremely fast, and he was 30 meters away in a blink of an eye.

The route is the cliff behind.


Tianmo moved his feet and chased him with his knife.

"be careful."

Ye Tianlong let out a shout, and then let the three tiger masters follow up to cope, lest any accident happen.

After that, Ye Tianlong walked into the wooden building. The guy who ran away was very powerful, but he wouldn't be a god, it was the vigorous power flowing from young people.

The seven tiger divisions also rushed in, making a quick search and guarding all dangers such as bombs and traps.

Except for the furniture, there was almost nothing on the first floor. Ye Tianlong looked around and judged that this place was more of a guard resting place.

Ye Tianlong made a circle, but stopped when he passed a small room.

This is also a small bedroom, only about ten square meters, can only accommodate a table and a bed. What attracts Ye Tianlong is the pile of iron bars on the bed.

The iron rods were intertwined like twists. He picked up one and scanned it, and quickly judged that it was brute force.

"This strength is too abnormal, right?"

Ye Tianlong looked at these iron rods and his eyelids jumped, and then thought of the masked man who ran away, guessing that it was that guy 80% of the time.


Ye Tianlong threw the iron rod back, and when he was about to take out his mobile phone to tell Tian Mo to be careful, Yu Guang saw another photo.

This picture is on the ceiling opposite the bed, and you can see it clearly when lying on the bed.

This is a photo of a young girl, dressed in white, stroking the piano with her hand, looking back and smiling, full of charm.

Ye Tianlong glanced at it and said in surprise, "Lin Shaoqing?"

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