Talented Genius

Chapter 1838: Familiar people (five shifts)

Seeing Lin Shaoqing's photo here, Ye Tianlong's face was full of surprise.

It's not that the underworld also has fans of Lin Shaoqing, but he discovered that this is a relatively private photo.

This photo is not a public place, nor a performance hall. It is Lin Shaoqing's independent piano room in the Lin family.

And the photo is not a pose, but Lin Shaoqing, who has played the piano, turned back after being called out. There is no doubt that the photographer and Lin Shaoqing should be familiar.

At least this person can get in and out of Lin Shaoqing's piano room.

"Could it be that a certain girlfriend took a photo and sent it to the Internet to download it to the underworld?"

Ye Tianlong made a speculation in his heart, but quickly dispelled the idea. Lin Shaoqing has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and is even more stubborn about public image.

She will never allow photos of playing the piano in casual clothes to be uploaded to the Internet. The photos of her playing the piano that appear on Weibo and the media are all in formal dresses or costumes.

But if it is not an internet photo, where would the bedroom owner get the photo? Did he have a close relationship with Lin Shaoqing before?

Ye Tianlong was a little confused. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone. He took a picture and prepared to send it to Lin Shaoqing tomorrow.

Just after the filming, a tiger teacher ran down from upstairs: "Ye Shao, there are people on the second floor."

Ye Tianlong went upstairs immediately.

Soon, he came to a large bedroom, which exudes medicine, alcohol, and a gloomy atmosphere.

Ye Tianlong turned the lights up to make his vision clearer, and he quickly locked onto a long and narrow rocking chair.

On the rocking chair, there was an old man in grey clothes, with sunken eyes, dry nose, and skinny body, like a rotten wood that could break at any time.

His body still exudes a breath of Chinese medicine.

Ye Tianlong stepped forward to look at the old man, examined it and asked two words: "God?"

Hearing someone talking, the gray-clothed old man opened his eyes with difficulty, staring at Ye Tianlong and Master Tiger hoarsely: "Who are you?"


Ye Tianlong smiled: "Kill all your guards, and swords and guns stand into the room. Can't the gods see that we are here to kill you?"

The gray-clothed old man's eyes lit up: "Kill all the guards? Did you kill them?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Of course, there are more than 100 people, and it is estimated that few live, including Mutoko's group of Orientals."

"Look, the blood is still hot."

Ye Tianlong took an axe, slightly to one side, let the **** feel the heat of blood.

"Kill well! Kill well! Kill well!"

The gray-clothed old man suddenly lighted his face, exclaimed three times in excitement, and then spit out a mouthful of blood against the floor.



Ye Tianlong was stunned: "What's the matter?"

He guessed the beginning and the process, but didn't expect this result.

To kill or not to kill, Ye Tianlong was a bit tangled.

"Cough cough cough--"

At this moment, the **** master coughed again, his eyes closed tightly, but his body kept shaking and his old face became more and more red.

Ye Tianlong was startled slightly, touched the forehead of the **** with the back of his hand, it was hot, and he had already caught the red spots on the face and neck of the god.

This symptom is exactly the same as Feng Jiutian.

"Plum Poison?"

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth slightly, and then shouted to Master Hu: "Quit, quit, get me a pot of hot water by the way."

A ghost messenger, Ye Tianlong wanted to save the god, he couldn't kill him, he would kill again.

This can be regarded as the fault of the little genius doctor, who can watch the genius commit suicide, but cannot watch him die.

When Ye Tianlong decided to save the gods, Tianmo was chasing after him, clinging to the running mask man.

The mask man runs very fast and is very familiar with the terrain. He jumps over stones and vegetation everywhere, and his actions are more dazzling than parkour.

It's just that he never got rid of Tianmo.

After running for more than half an hour, the masked man rushed to the edge of a cliff and stopped. There was no way to go in front of him, and he would jump into the sea again.


With nowhere to go, the masked man roared and turned around abruptly, and his body blasted out like a cannonball.

His strong body of 1.8 meters brought a whirlwind when impacted, and the strong visual impact made people feel that he could tear people apart.

The expressions of the three tiger masters who were half a beat behind changed. Unexpectedly, the huge masked man had such agile movements and rapid speed.

In order to avoid Tianmo's loss, they quickly adjusted the electric switch to the maximum to make Tianmo's vision clearer.

Tian Mo was still calm, and when the masked man threw a punch, he dodged at a faster speed.


The mask man missed a hit, did not stop, and then a cold kick swept across, and the target went straight to the abdomen of Tian Mo who was blocking it.

Tianmo's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't expect this guy's attack rhythm to be so smooth.


Tian Mo leaped in the air, a backflip like a light feather, avoiding this leg sweep.

But the stone behind him suffered, was swept by the mask man, and shattered into five or six pieces with a bang.

The momentum is amazing.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tian Mo moved behind the mask man.

Before Tian Mo could attack, the masked man seemed to have eyes behind his head, and he swept back with a swinging leg!

This back swing leg is extremely powerful, and the angle is tricky.

Tian Mo could only leap back, and he could have avoided this blow.

The three tiger masters who pressed over said secretly: "This masked person is indeed powerful, no wonder Ye Shao wants them to help out."

"Boom boom!"

Seeing that the attack failed again, the masked man couldn't stop yelling, and opened his hand at Tianmo.

The mask is clean and neat, and under the urging of his powerful muscles, it is extremely powerful.

Every time it strikes, it is like a cannonball carrying out a powerful bombardment, causing Tianmo to retreat again and again with indifferent expression.

Tian Mo knew very well in his heart that to fight against this kind of big man, it is best for every blow to work, otherwise it would be a waste of physical strength, after all, the opponent had thick skin.

When the masked man was attacking the fat man for the seventh time, he tripped under a stone and shook his body uncontrollably.


It was in this neutral position, Tian Mo suddenly got in through the gap in his attack, and then punched him in the face.

Then there was a hand knife stabbed in the mask man's throat!


The masked man stepped back four or five steps, his chest rising and falling, unable to hold back, spouting a mouthful of blood.

It's just that he didn't stop there, roared, and pulled out a dagger.

Tianmo also flashed a black knife.

The two rushed to each other without saying a word, you come and I meet in the shadow of the sword.

Suddenly, Tian Mo leaped upwards like an arrow, then swooped down.

He blasted past like a cannonball, and completely detonated his murderous aura in an instant.

In the solemn gaze of the mask man, the black knife drew a perfectly circular arc and slashed towards the mask man's sternly.

This blow contains the power to make people tremble.


The masked man couldn't hide, he could only scream, and tried his best to block up.

With a loud noise, the two knives collided fiercely in the air, a vigorous air current erupted, and the three tiger masters retreated subconsciously.


The mask man who was retreating quickly screamed, the knife broke, the mask was also cut, and there was an extra scar on his face.

If he hadn't retreated in time, I was afraid that he would be split in half on the spot by a black knife.

Because of this, his face was also drawn with blood, and blood was sprayed.


The masked man yelled like crazy, and while waving a half-cut knife, he covered his face and walked back.

Then one accidentally stepped on the edge of the cliff, his center of gravity was unstable, and one staggered and fell out of the cliff.

Tian Mo rushed over, seeing the mask man waving his hands, the mask fell to both sides, revealing his young face.

Huo Ziguang.

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