Talented Genius

Chapter 1839: Feel him dangerous

Ye Tianlong worked hard for two hours and rescued the **** from the ghost gate. Then, he got another Rongjia universal pill from Canshou.

After taking the universal pill to the god, the **** quickly calmed down a lot, and his sleep began to stabilize a lot.

But Ye Tianlong discovered that the god's internal organs had been destroyed, and the plum blossom had been poisoned for too long, so his physical functions were exhausted.

Ye Tianlong judged that the **** would survive for another six months.

"What's this called?"

Walking out of the door of the god, Ye Tianlong asked two tiger masters to guard him, then took a wet tissue and wiped his hands, his face was very depressed:

"Thousands of miles came to kill people. People didn't kill them, and they took pills worth tens of thousands of dollars."

He wondered how to let the handicapped search this garden carefully, and how to get back the cost of the attack last night.

"Ye Shao, the corpses are buried, the blood stains are cleaned up, and the entire garden has been cleaned and disinfected."

While Ye Tianlong stretched out, Canshou ran from not far away: "We are now completely taking over this garden."

"Just, do we have to stay here?"

"Although we killed all the guards and cut off the telephone and the Internet for the first time, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no sacred swordsmen who will come by."

Canshou reminded him softly: "If they find out that something has changed and gather thousands of people to kill, we are afraid it will be very troublesome."

"It's okay, just let the bird hall stare at the entrance of the mountain road. When a large-scale enemy appears, we will run right away."

Ye Tianlong has confidence on his face: "It's not difficult to escape from behind the cliff. Staying in this garden is because I still want to talk to God."

"By the way, has Tianmo come back?"

Canshou nodded: "I walked back and took some people out after breakfast, because the masked person does not know whether he lives or die."

"Tianmo and Master Tiger forced him to the edge of the cliff. After fighting between the two sides, the masked man was seriously injured and fell into the sea by accident."

"Tianmo drove a speedboat to find him for several laps, but found no trace of him."

"Then there was a high tide again. He and the Tiger Master had to come back first. Just saw the tide receded, so they went out again."

Canshou informed Ye Tianlong of the situation: "He also said that when he comes back, he will report something important to you."

"Important things? Did he find anything? But tell him, don't worry."

Ye Tianlong smiled: "Such a high cliff, severely injured, but also encountered high tide, ninety-nine percent is dead."

"Even if we are alive, it will not do us harm."

Ye Tianlong didn't put the mysterious guy in his eyes. After confessing to Canshou, he went to eat something, and then found a room to take a good bath.

After Feng Group knew that Ye Tianlong and the others were going to take over the garden, they immediately purchased daily necessities and clothes.

So Ye Tianlong has enough clothes to change and wash.

He slept in a chair, and when he woke up it was eleven o'clock in the morning. He turned on the phone and found several calls and messages from Jiang Ziran.

Ye Tianlong returned one to her and told him that he would get up to wash after he was okay. Just after washing, the door of the room was knocked, and then Tian Mo appeared.

Tian Mo was wet all over, and his lips were a little dehydrated and pale, but his spirit was still tough.

He casually took a bottle of soda and drank it grumble.

"came back?"

Ye Tianlong wiped his face to refresh himself, then walked out to Tianmo and asked, "Haven't found the body yet?"

Tian Mo shook his head.

"It doesn't matter if you don't find it. In the environment last night, plus injury, he will probably not survive."

Ye Tianlong advises: "Even if he was not dead at that time, the early rising tide and the sun would be enough to kill him. You don't need to look for it. Take a good rest."

Tian Mo raised his head: "He is Huo Ziguang."

Ye Tianlong, who was about to take a bottle of water to drink, stopped all his movements in an instant, and his face was surprised: "What? That guy is Huo Ziguang?"

He was a little unbelievable. Ye Tianlong knew Huo Ziguang's skill. Although he was not embroidered with fists, he couldn't make it to the table.

How can it become a first-class high-tech position in a short time?

"I split his mask and saw his true face. It's Huo Ziguang."

Tianmo looked serious: "This is why I searched twice. I feel he is very dangerous."

"Huo Ziguang...Huo Ziguang...is it really him?"

Ye Tianlong suddenly remembered something and took out his phone to call up Lin Shaoqing's photo: "If he is Huo Ziguang, then he can explain this photo."

Based on the relationship between Huo Ziguang and Lin Shaoqing, he has the opportunity to enter and leave the Lin Family Qin Room. With his obsession with Lin Shaoqing, he can also explain the ceiling stickers.

"It's just how can he be so skilled?"

There was a trace of confusion on Ye Tianlong's face: "The explosive power and speed last night are definitely the rank of the sixth rank."

"No, there should be quasi-seven products."

Tianmo corrected Ye Tianlong one point: "Although he lacks skills and moves, his explosiveness and reaction ability are quite amazing."

"After a few months of tempering, he will definitely enter the seventh stage, and he has another advantage, the body is weaker to pain."

He added the last sentence: "He kicked the broken stone, but there was not much pain."

Ye Tianlong nodded: "This kid really surprised me."

Afterwards, he remembered the conflict in Gangcheng University when Huo Ziguang wanted to destroy Lin Shaoqing with sulfuric acid.

Ye Tianlong remembered that he had fought Huo Ziguang at that time, the latter was infinitely powerful and tireless, but he thought he was crazy and burst out.

It seems that Huo Ziguang is a bit crazy now, but his strength is not produced by hysterical struggles, but by his own cultivation and strengthening.

It's a pity that the killer was stopped by Lin Shaoqing at that time.

He still has a puzzle, it's really Huo Ziguang, where does his skill come from? Why did you come to the magic knife gate and still hang out with Mutoko and the others?

"Tian Mo, you will contact Lin Rudao later and ask him to secretly check Huo Ziguang's condition."

Ye Tianlong issued an instruction: "I want to know that he is still not in Huo's house, who has been with Huo's for the past three months, and the Huo's property in Australia City."

"In addition, let Tiger Shark send an additional team of people to secretly protect Lin Shaoqing's safety."

Huo Ziguang is now a dangerous factor. It would be okay if he fell into the sea and died. If he did not die, Ye Tianlong was worried that he would run to deal with Lin Shaoqing again.

This guy is a bit crazy about'You Tanzhi', but it's a pity that You Tanzhi doesn't have feelings for Ah Zi.

Tian Mo nodded.

Ye Tianlong patted him on the shoulder: "You will have breakfast later, take a good rest, I will send a few people to search for Huo Ziguang's whereabouts."

Tian Mo nodded again: "Okay."

At this moment, a tiger master ran over, knocked on the door, and shouted:

"Ye Shao, the **** awake, he wants to see you."

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