Talented Genius

Chapter 1840: Help you settle

Although he was a little surprised that the **** did not have a good rest, Ye Tianlong still went to see him in the wooden building, and took a pineapple bun on the way.

"God, good morning."

Ye Tianlong walked into the room and saw that the **** was already sitting up and drinking cereal with great appetite, so he smiled and walked over:

"How is your body feeling?"

Seeing Ye Tianlong's appearance, the gods hurriedly put down the things in his hand, and stood up to greet Ye Tianlong with difficulty: "Gongong, are you here?"

He knelt down with a plop: "Let me kowtow to Eun Gong first."

Ye Tianlong hurriedly helped him up: "God, don't be like this, I can't stand the etiquette..."

The **** waved his hand: "My benefactor not only killed the beasts, but also rescued me from the pain. He can stand my head and thank you..."

"You don't know, these days, I am really worse than life, not only physically tortured by illness, but also mentally."

"I wanted to end my life more than once, but unfortunately I didn't even have the strength to commit suicide."

The gods breathed out a long breath: "Now that the benefactor appears, kills the villains, and relieves the illness, I am really grateful."

Ye Tianlong sighed: "Actually, I'm here to kill you..."

The divine master was taken aback for a moment, remembering what Ye Tianlong said last night, and a smile soon broke out: "Benevolence, you and I have never lived, and there is no intersection."

"I don't know where I offended you, please show me that my life was saved by you. You can take it back at any time without complaining."

His face is extremely sincere.

"You didn't offend me, it's the magic swordsman who is in conflict with me."

Seeing that he didn't know, Ye Tianlong told the grievances between Caojijie and Gao Shengjin, and he didn't even conceal the establishment of the North Australian Restaurant.

"That's it."

"It's the **** Gao Shengjin again. Through my illness, colluding with the Orientals is not enough to deal with me. It is really unreasonable to still bully men and women outside."

The **** was very angry: "Let me see him, I must strangle him to death."

It's just that even though he gritted his teeth, Ye Tianlong could still feel that the **** was weak.

"God, what is going on?"

Ye Tianlong looked at the **** and asked, "You are a dignified boss, and you have two or three thousand children under your banner. How can you be so downhearted?"

"Life and death are being manipulated."

The **** master coughed: "Benevolence..."

Ye Tianlong waved his hand to stop: "Don't call me benefactor, my name is Ye Tianlong, you can call me Tianlong."

"It's too ignorant to call Tianlong, I'll call you Shao Ye."

The **** said with a smile, and then he said with a tangled expression: "This is how it is, I suddenly got a disease a month ago."

"The high fever does not go away, there are erythema, the whole body is weak, and every day is as exhausted as running more than ten kilometers."

"It was even more uncomfortable in the middle of the night. It was cold and hot, as if it was baked on a fire for half an hour, and then submerged in ice water for half an hour."

He told his condition: "I found a lot of doctors to no avail. In the end, I was too sick to move. I could only lie at home and rest every day."

Ye Tianlong nodded slightly, it seemed that it was plump poison.

The **** continued to speak: "One day, Gao Shengjin suddenly brought an Oriental female doctor over and said that there was a way to relieve my pain."

"Although I don't like Orientals, I couldn't bear the torture at that time, so I finally accepted their treatment."

"It's strange to say that after the treatment, their health has indeed improved a lot, and it's not very uncomfortable."

He smiled bitterly: "I am very happy, so I left the Dongyang female doctor to take care of myself. Who knows this is the beginning of my nightmare."

"The Dongyang female doctor took advantage of my condition to not only gradually imprison my actions, but also to separate me from the rest of my cronies."

There was a touch of struggle on the face of the gods: "They want to visit or report to me, they must be arranged by Gao Shengjin and Dongyang female doctor."

"Finally, Gao Shengjin handled the affairs directly for me."

Ye Tianlong laughed and said, "Take the emperor to make the princes?"

"Almost, no, I was even worse. They completely controlled me, took away my wealth, and wiped out the cronies around me."

There was a touch of anger in the god's eyes: "Also let me order the killing of the hall master of the three halls, and let Gao Shengjin, the small hall master, be on top."

"A few veterans found something was wrong and wanted to break in to see me, but they were killed by one of their masked men and charged with betrayal."

"I want to get rid of their control, but the condition does not allow me to do anything."

"In addition to the softness of the body all day, there is also the need to take their medicine every day, otherwise the whole body will be hot and you can't even sleep."

The corners of his mouth moved: "I used the best of taking the medicine to shoot, but I was also injured by the masked person, and all my internal organs were injured."

Ye Tianlong secretly cried out that the masked man was quite bullish, but fortunately he was beaten into the sea by Tianmo and died nine deaths.

"In order to better control me, and to avoid the suspicion of more and more children, they transferred me here for healing a week ago."

The **** was very frank and told Ye Tianlong everything: "The guards are all replaced by Gao Shengjin's loyal and Oriental people."

"I thought I would never see the sun again. Who knows, the old lady sent Engong to rescue me."

Having said that, the goddess wanted to kowtow to Ye Tianlong again.

"God, please."

Ye Tianlong supported him, and then said: "God, Gao Shengjin was thrown into prison by me, and Mu Tengzi and others were also killed by me."

"You have to take advantage of this good opportunity to gather the backbone and children to tell the matter face-to-face, so that more than three thousand children will know about Gao Shengjin's face."

"In this way, the children of the Sacred Sword Sect will no longer be deceived. You have to know that many people now say that the Sacred Sword Sect will take refuge in the Emperor Sword Society."

Ye Tianlong reminded: "It can be said that the Sacred Sword Gate is already a pile of scattered sand, and it may fall apart at any time."

The **** nodded: "Okay, I will hold the Magic Sword Gate Conference right away."

He took out the phone and sent a few text messages, then hesitated to look at Ye Tianlong:

"Brother Ye, I hope you will stay and help me again. All of my cronies have been cut off. I don't have the confidence to completely control the magic knife door."

"I have a total of six churches under my banner, east, south, west, north, middle, and red. Two of them have the most people and the most money."

"One is Gao Shengjin's nave with more than a thousand people."

The **** said his difficulties: "There is another Zhu Tianao, Hongtang, there are 700 people, he is involved with the Bao family, and he is defiant."

"The remaining four halls add up to no more than 1,500 people."

"Gao Shengjin is the kind of yin knife stabbed in. Zhu Tianao is born rebellious, and he calls all day to give him my position."

"I used to have a group of veterans in hand, and I can barely suppress them."

There is a fatigue on the face of the god: "Now that almost all of my cronies are dead, and Gao Shengjin is in jail, I am worried that Zhu Tianao will not be able to suppress."

Related to the Bao family?

Ye Tianlong squinted his eyes: "God rest assured, I will help you settle it."

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