Talented Genius

Chapter 1841: Jianghu Rules

At four o'clock in the afternoon, more than 30 vehicles drove into the Garden of God's Lord, the doors of the cars opened, and groups of children from the door of the gods were drilled out.

The four bosses at the entrance of the hall also appeared one after another. They approached the wooden building together, and soon saw the **** sitting on the bench.

And Ye Tianlong beside him.

Ye Tianlong glanced at the four people in front of him, three men and one woman, revealing a grassy breath, as if they were the four hall masters from the east, west, north and south of the magic sword gate.

Although nearly a hundred people approached, Ye Tianlong couldn't feel the sharpness, and these sacred swordsmen lacked the aura of desperadoes.

It was almost the same as the Flying Dragon Gang in Liang Xiucai's hands. It was obviously suppressed by the Emperor Sword Society for many years and had no blood, and only wanted a bowl of stable food.

But this also has an advantage, that is, it will not rebel like Gao Shengjin.

The four hall masters came to the front of the wooden building, leading nearly a hundred people and shouting: "Good Lord God."

It's rare to see so many subordinates again, and the gods were shocked and stood up and waved: "Good afternoon everyone."

The East Hall Master shouted: "God, you look good today, much better than last month."

The **** laughed: "It's better to close the ghost door."

Hall Master West laughed and said: "Congratulations, God's condition has improved, so that the Sacred Sword Gate has become more important."

Hall Master Nan took the topic: "God, you haven't summoned us for a while, why are you free to call us over today?"

"Is it because of Gao Shengjin's imprisonment?"

Hall Master Bei sighed: "We have asked the police, but the situation is not optimistic..."

Ye Tianlong looked at them, although he didn't shy away from the gods, he still had two respects left. Just looking for opportunities to integrate would be a force.

At this moment, the gods interrupted their words: "No, I called you to come today. There are more important things. By the way, are everyone here?"

Hall Master Nan yelled: "Four small halls are here, Gao Shengjin is in prison, Zhu Tianao hasn't arrived yet, I heard that I found some Xiongguo women last night..."

"Don't wait for him if you don't come."

Hearing that Zhu Tianao hadn't arrived, the corner of God's mouth moved, and then he said loudly, "I call everyone over today. There are two things."

"First, in the past month, I haven't seen everyone, and I have done a lot of wrong things. It was not my intention, but was framed by the villain."

In an uproar among the four hall masters, the gods said that they had been calculated, and also deliberately pointed out the collusion between Gao Shengjin and the Huangdaohui.

Then, the goddess showed his hands, arms, back, and abdomen to let his subordinates know the pain he suffered during this period.

"Too despicable, too shameless."

Seeing the traces of torture, and the words of the gods, that life is better than death, nearly a hundred disciples of godswords were filled with indignation and shouted together:

"Gao Shengjin and the Dongyang people are too brutal, they tortured the gods like this."

"It's really unreasonable. It's not enough to suppress us for so many years. He also used three abuses against the gods."

Although the gods have been weak and well-preserved over the years, he is always the eldest brother of the swordsman, so being trampled by the Easterners will inevitably rise in anger.

"God, we fought with the Easterners, kill him without leaving a piece of armor."

A stunned green suddenly yelled out, his tone was full of enthusiasm: "I have been bullied for ten years, so I can no longer be a turtle."

"Kill the Imperial Sword Society, kill Saburo Miyamoto!"

"Skills can be killed, not insulted, fight to the death!"

A bunch of disciples of the sacred swordsmen shouted, this remaining **** made Ye Tianlong nod secretly, the sacred swordsmen could still be saved.

The subordinates roared like chicken blood, but the four hall masters were all silent, looking a little embarrassed.

It's okay to scold the Easterners, and it's okay to fight. In the past ten years, they have been overwhelmed. As long as they have food, they will not die.

After all, the strength of Oriental people lies there.

There was a touch of disappointment across Ye Tianlong's face. These guys are no longer bloody, but they can't be blamed. After all, the gods have compromised for ten years.

After the divine swordsmen shouted and weakened, the corner of Dong Hall's mouth moved a little, and he stepped forward and watched the **** speak:

"Ahem, God is our eldest brother, this hatred is definitely to be reported, but in no hurry, the Oriental people are deeply rooted, let's take a long-term view."

Hall Master West also nodded: "Yes, yes, only by considering the long-term plan can you win every battle."

Hall Master Nan also echoed: "Gao Shengjin is already in prison, and the Easterners are also seriously injured. We are in a hurry, and it is easy to jump over the wall."

Hall Master North changed the subject even more: "By the way, God, what's the second thing?"

There was also disappointment in the eyes of the gods, these really unconvincing hall masters made himself lose face in front of Ye Tianlong.

"The second thing, that is, this time to eradicate the traitors, kill the Orientals, and relieve my illness. Brother Ye is indispensable."

The gods stood up, looked around at nearly a hundred people and shouted: "I have made a decision, and Brother Ye will become the deputy head of the magic sword."

"Under one person, over ten thousand people..."

"I object!"

At this moment, a group of dark men and horses squeezed up from behind, arrogant and arrogant, drawing up the dust, and almost knocking over a few people.

More than a dozen men in black crowded a middle-aged man forward, and the eagle looked at the wolf with vigor.

The middle-aged man is in his thirties and looks a bit like Feng Xiaogang. He feels energetic and fierce all over his body.

There are several beautiful women around him, with cars, girls and younger brothers, who are all successful models of the underworld.

He walked up to the four hall masters, madly messed up: "Damn! Do you still have me in your eyes? Even if I didn't come, I dared to have a meeting?"

"There is no me in the magic knife gate, what is the difference with the boy scout?"

Ye Tianlong glanced around and made a judgment in his heart, Zhu Tianao was the eighth achievement, and then he looked at the beautiful woman beside him again.

They are all Oriental women, with a bit of Mutoko's style, and their feet are light. In the pitiful and pretty face, the beautiful eyes are very sharp.

Some raising hands can capture the shadow of the Royal Sword Association.

Ye Tianlong secretly cried out that the Emperor Sword Association was really generous, and would send money to women at every turn.

"Hall Master Lin, why are you opposed?"

Seeing Zhu Tianao making trouble, the **** stood up straight, and said two points of majesty:

"Brother Ye saved me, broke the conspiracy, saved the magic knife door, and became a deputy gang leader, of course."

The god's eyes became cold: "You object, it's better to talk about the reason."

"God, when you are old, you are not only cowardly, greedy and fearful of death, but also stuck with the old grudges, and often make wrong decisions."

Zhu Tianao took out a cigar, drew it on, and sneered proudly: "So this **** deputy gang leader, I firmly oppose it."

"You are always confused, we are not always confused, and will not let people step on our heads."

"No matter where this kid comes out, and no matter what he has done to you, that's your business, and I won't treat him as a deputy leader."

"And I don't think you are suitable to be the boss anymore. You should give up your position and let someone with the ability, such as me, come and sit down."

Zhu Tianao sneered: "If you have to stay in your position, you can, I will leave with the two thousand brothers in the middle hall and the red hall."

"There is no magic knife door of Lao Tzu, just a pile of scum."

Zhu Tianao is very arrogant: "I also tell you that after I stand on my own, the first thing I do is to destroy the magic sword gate."

The gods looked cold: "Are you threatening me?"

Zhu Tianao smiled noncommitantly: "Threat? No, I just show my attitude."

The **** still wants to speak, Ye Tianlong gently waved his hand to stop, raising a smile to speak:

"Palace Master Zhu, you have to leave the gate of the sacred sword, okay, you have to stand on your own, it is okay, it is going to rain, the mother has to marry, it is barely meaningful."

"It's just a person in the rivers and lakes, who has to act according to the rules of the rivers and lakes. Those who leave the gang without authorization, or those who stand up on their own, have three swords and six holes."

Ye Tianlong took a dagger from the side and threw it in front of Zhu Tianao: "After three knives and six holes, you and the magic knife gate are cleared."

"Otherwise, you are a traitor, everyone gets punishable."

He smiled calmly and asked, "You shouldn't understand this rule, right?"

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