Talented Genius

Chapter 1843: The church is dangerous (five shifts)

After getting the magic sword gate, Ye Tianlong allowed nearly a hundred people to stay in the garden, becoming the guards of the gods, and also undergoing the training of handicapped hands and tiger masters.

Ye Tianlong wants to make these nearly a hundred people his backbone, and at the same time weaken the strength of the four hall masters.

After all, the children who can take to the meeting are all the elite of the four halls, and it is a matter of killing two birds with one stone to transform them into their own strength.

Ye Tianlong asked Canshou and Tiger Master to systematically train them, and he also called Shangguan Xiaozhi so that she could get her hands to the magic sword gate as soon as possible.

He worked so hard to save the gods, and even took the magic sword gate, the biggest intention is to use the shell to strengthen the dragon gate power.

Sooner or later, Longmen will attack the city of Australia. Instead of landing and fighting like Ancheng, it is better to use the magic sword to dominate the city.

Born and raised in Shendaomen, he is a veteran gang, and even the largest Chinese gang in Australia. Wearing its coat, the dragonmen can penetrate more easily.

After handling the tail of the hand, Ye Tianlong instructed God to take the medicine again, and then left the Magic Sword Garden and ran back to Caoji Street for dinner.

Jiang Ziran sent a text message and asked him to eat together tonight. She stewed a pot of chicken soup.

Compared to the **** killing of the magic knife gate, Ye Tianlong prefers beautiful food, so he ran back to Caoji Street while it was still dark.

On the way, he received a call from Lei Jiuzhi.

Lei Jiuzhi said helplessly: "Ye Shao, we went out for another day, but we still couldn't find a suitable place."

"The price is either too high or the location is inappropriate."

"Occasionally I find a property with a good price and a suitable location, but in the protected area of ​​the six major casinos."

Lei Jiuzhi spoke objectively: "So the site selection is estimated to take two or three days."

Although Ye Tianlong was a little eager to open, he knew that Lei Jiu pointed out that they did their best. After all, choosing a place is not to buy food.

"It's okay, choose slowly, rather than arrogantly."

Ye Tianlong said softly and relieved: "Although I want to start business earlier, don't make a random decision. You can look for it slowly, and I will also find someone to pay attention."

Lei Jiuzhi was overjoyed: "Ok, thank you Shao Ye."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Tianlong leaned on the chair and rubbed his head, wondering whether to call Feng Yuyan and ask her to help find a good property.

But thinking of the woman who mistook herself as a disciple, Ye Tianlong finally shook his head, not wanting to owe her favor.

Ten minutes later, Ye Tianlong appeared at the Jiang's restaurant in Caoji Street. He just showed up at the door and saw Jiang Ziran coming from the cashier:

"Tianlong, here comes?"

She greeted Ye Tianlong to go to a table in the corner to have soup: "I thought you were busy with people, so you don't have time to come back for a drink?"

Ye Tianlong smiled and walked over: "Anyway, I have to eat, where to eat? Not to mention Sister Jiang's chicken soup."

"This enlightenment is good."

At this time, there was no meal, so there were not many guests in the restaurant. Jiang Ziran greeted Ye Tianlong and sat down, and then waved to let people bring the soup:

"You ran out a long time ago. After running for a day, where did you go to play?"

Hearing Jiang Ziran asking himself, Ye Tianlong hesitated for a moment. He didn't tell the magic sword gate, but just laughed:

"Didn't I tell you? I came to Australia to open a casino. I went to find a place."

Ye Tianlong complained to Jiang Ziran: "It's a pity that I didn't see it for a day. It's either expensive or the location is not good."

"Casino? Location?"

Jiang Ziran tilted his head and looked at Ye Tianlong: "What conditions are needed?"

"The place is big enough, the location is not biased, the transportation is best, and the price or rent should not be too outrageous."

Ye Tianlong smiled and replied: "As long as these conditions are met, then there is basically no problem."


Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Jiang Ziran's eyes lit up, and after drinking tea in one sip, he pulled Ye Tianlong out of his seat:

"I will take you to a place."

Ye Tianlong was taken aback: "Where are you going? The chicken soup hasn't been drunk yet."

"It's okay, come back and eat."

Jiang Ziran pulled Ye Tianlong out of the restaurant and ran to a side alley. It didn't take long before she took Ye Tianlong to a church.

A dilapidated but very large church.

This is an ancient church, about 100 meters away from the restaurant, at least half a century of history, covering a very large area, and strong walls.

The appearance is mottled and dilapidated, the statue is also collapsed, there are no priests and followers, but although it is dilapidated, it still stands in the front.

Jiang Ziran smiled and pointed: "How about a casino here?"

Ye Tianlong looked at the church and the area, nodding happily:

"It's a good place to open a casino here, with good traffic, adjacent to Caoji Street, and the area is big enough. It can be rebuilt or rebuilt to be a casino."

Ye Tianlong asked again: "I just don't know if the owner is willing to sell or rent. If so, will the price be outrageous?"

"This is my family's property."

Jiang Ziran stretched out a finger: "I will rent it to you for a dollar."

Ye Tianlong was surprised: "Your property? A dollar? Rent it to me?"

"Yes, it's really my property. If you don't believe it, I will show you the title deed."

Jiang Ziran was generous and generous: "It's not a joke to rent you a dollar, except thank you for helping me win back 300 million..."

"There is also a casino here, which can make Caoji Street more popular, and the property value will be higher. We indirectly benefit."

She takes a long view: "The money earned will never be worse than the rent."

"This church is rented to you, and the neighbours and I will have no problem, but I don't know if you can enter the eyes of your law?"

"Of course it caught my eye."

Ye Tianlong hurriedly took the topic: "The rent for a dollar is similar to that of a white pick, but it is suitable or not, I want to ask my friend to come and see."

"I'll leave him your number, and he will personally show it tomorrow!"

Ye Tianlong took a few photos and sent them to Lei Jiuzhi's mailbox to show him whether this church is suitable for a casino.

Lei Jiuzhi quickly replied to the email and asked Ye Tianlong to go in and take a few more photos to let him see if it was a renovation or a rebuild.

"Go, let's go in and take a look."

Ye Tianlong took the phone and walked forward: "By the way, take a few internal photos."

Jiang Ziran smiled and said: "Go, I will show you."

The two quickly approached the cathedral. Although the weeds showed signs of man-made destruction, they were uninhabited for a long time and still grew very crazy.

Ye Tianlong was taking pictures while walking forward, and when he was about to step up the stairs, he smelled a touch of blood and sea water.

Ye Tianlong grabbed Jiang Ziran: "Be careful!"


When the voice fell, a bullet shot out.

Ye Tianlong hugged Jiang Ziran and turned it over, moving quickly to avoid the bullet.

At this moment, a window next to him was knocked open, and a man with a silver mask broke out, holding a person in his left hand and a gun in his right hand.

The person in his arms is Huo Ziguang with a scar on his face.

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