Talented Genius

Chapter 1844: Strong man with broken arm (six shifts)

Ye Tianlong didn't expect that he would meet Huo Ziguang here. Tian Mo had been looking for someone for a long time and was hit by a soy sauce.

He did not expect that behind Huo Ziguang was a mysterious man with a silver face.

Judging from the appearance of the two, it must be a mysterious person who healed Huo Ziguang, and shot when he and Jiang Ziran broke in.

"Pump pound!"

Ye Tianlong knew that the mysterious man's marksmanship was powerful. He knew that the opponent should not be underestimated when he first fought in the deep city, so he quickly moved his position.

Almost every time he moved away from the original position, the bullet shot over, very precise and sharp.

Ye Tianlong wanted to get closer, but the mysterious man didn't give him a chance at all. As long as he had a forward momentum, his gun would be directed at Jiang Ziran.

Ye Tianlong can dodge the mysterious bullet, but Jiang Ziran is difficult to avoid, so Ye Tianlong can only hold her and roll again and again.

Finally, Ye Tianlong threw Jiang Ziran into the corner of the church entrance: "Hide, don't come out, call the police."

Although he didn't know what happened, Jiang Ziran immediately lowered his body and took out his mobile phone to call the police:

"Hey Hey hey……"

At this time, Ye Tianlong glanced around quickly, confirming that there was no other vitality around Jiang Ziran, and he bent over and rushed towards the mysterious person.

He knew very well in his heart that the mysterious man was accidentally hit by himself, which meant that the latter didn't have much preparation, and this was the best chance to keep him.

And Ye Tianlong was very curious, what kind of face was behind that silver mask?

As his thoughts turned, Ye Tianlong bypassed several obstacles, and then locked the two figures in the night.

The mysterious man had withdrawn more than 20 meters, approaching the wall behind the church, and seeing Ye Tianlong rushing over, he immediately raised his hand and shot three shots.

"Boom boom!"

Three bullets shrouded in Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong kicked his legs on the ground, bursting with absolute speed!

He suddenly stopped speeding in the freeze-frame picture, and then rushed forward instantly, tumbling and hiding in the grass before the bullet was shot, avoiding the bullet.

His movements seem incredible, but they give people a sense of smoothness and indescribable beauty!

When the gun sound weakened slightly, he suddenly activated again, rushing out five or six meters diagonally, narrowing the distance between the two sides!

Ye Tianlong stared at the mysterious person who was slowly retreating and shouted, "You can't run away."

The mysterious man kept calm, holding the unconscious Huo Ziguang while pointing at Ye Tianlong with his gun.

Stable as Mount Tai

There was a hint of appreciation in Ye Tianlong's eyes. The quality of this mysterious man was really not for blowing, whether it was marksmanship or mental quality, it was first-rate.

"Although you have a gun in your hand, your bullet won't hurt me at all."

Ye Tianlong is very arrogant: "I am a ninth-rank body, and my reaction is faster than your bullet. If you are acquainted, put down your gun and have a good chat."


The mysterious man made no sound, but fired another shot. This shot was not directed at Ye Tianlong, but on the rusty lamp post.


The bullet was ejected obliquely, and the target was facing Ye Tianlong's side. Ye Tianlong stepped away, but the lamppost fell down with a click.

Ye Tianlong struck a spirit, and his feet flicked out.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that Ye Tianlong was in the air, the mysterious man fired three more bullets mercilessly.


Ye Tianlong's eyelids twitched, and his physical strength instantly dissipated. He fell to the ground like a winter melon, avoiding the three warheads in the air.

It was just that one brushed his shoulders, causing Ye Tianlong to feel pain and not bleeding, but the friction was great.

"Good ability."

Ye Tianlong picked up two stones and raised a smile: "It's just that if you only have this means, you really can't get out tonight."

The mysterious man still didn't answer Ye Tianlong, but he didn't shoot any more, but pulled Huo Ziguang slowly close to the wall.

Ye Tianlong leaned in unhurriedly, he figured out the distance between the two sides, ready to shoot when the mysterious man climbed up the wall.

"Deep city and sea, you shot me several times and almost hurt me today."

Ye Tianlong sighed softly: "You said, how could I let you go?"

Like a cat catching a mouse, he walked forward step by step, looking at the mysterious man quietly, as if it were his prey, and he couldn't escape.


The mysterious man's eyes were cold, he shot a shot at close range, and when Ye Tianlong avoided the bullet on the side of his body, he swished close to the wall.

At this moment, Ye Tianlong pointed his toes and a stone burst out.


The mysterious man subconsciously hid, Ye Tianlong took the opportunity to move and rushed up, and he immediately arrived in front of the mysterious man.

The corners of the mysterious man's mouth moved, and the empty gun smashed and punched.

Ye Tianlong didn't have any fear, and blasted a punch against the opponent's fist.


Two fists touched and there was a loud noise.

A brute force rushed to the tiger's mouth and spread all over his body, making Ye Tianlong unable to stop retreating.

The mysterious man also shook his arms, his eyes were blood red, and his feet were lifted off the ground instantly, and his body was flying into the air like a raised kite.

At the same time, he shot a marble in his mouth.

Ye Tianlong backed away, the marbles hit the ground, and a white smoke rose, with a pungent breath and misty vision.


Ye Tianlong cried out badly, the other party didn't want to face him head-on, but used his own strength to escape.

He ventured to rush through the thick smoke, trying to entangle the mysterious person. A sneer swept across the corner of the mysterious person's mouth, and he flicked his left hand skillfully.

A rope wrapped around the protruding object on the wall, and with a sudden pull, the mysterious man took Huo Ziguang to the wall instantly.

Ye Tianlong's face changed slightly, and he immediately shouted, his right hand violently raised, and two stones slammed at the mysterious man.


On one side of the mysterious person's body, avoiding the stone that was shot at his vital point, but holding the person somewhat insensitive, a stone hit his elbow.

The mysterious man's joints hurt, his arms softened, and Huo Ziguang he was holding slid to the ground with a'plop'.

"Pump pound!"

Ye Tianlong took the opportunity to kick again, and several stones hit the mysterious man.

The mysterious man originally wanted to turn around and catch Huo Ziguang, but when he saw the stone hit him, Ye Tianlong rushed over again, he had no choice but to give up Huo Ziguang.

With a wave of both hands, a dozen white marbles covered Ye Tianlong.

At the same time, he stretched his body and jumped to the other side of the wall to run.

Ye Tianlong avoided the popping marbles, and then rushed to the root of the wall with one stride, grabbed a gap with one hand and jumped up.


Ye Tianlong felt dangerous as soon as he appeared, and he instinctively let go and fell to the ground. At almost the same moment, there was a muffled sound, and a bullet grazed the wall.

Dog day!

Ye Tianlong was in a cold sweat and almost got a headshot.

After waiting for a while, Ye Tianlong slammed into the wall again. This time, he didn't feel the danger, but he didn't see the shadow of the mysterious person...

Ye Tianlong didn't jump down to chase, and he didn't know if the other party was still in ambush, so he took safety as the top priority and went down the wall to check Huo Ziguang...

Huo Ziguang was still unconscious, his face pale and scary.

At this time, the police car was violent outside, and many police officers rushed in. Jiang Ziran also rushed with a black box:

"Tianlong, I found this inside..."

Ye Tianlong took a look and was taken aback. It was the special box of Tianyao No.1, but there was no potion in it...

Ye Tianlong muttered to himself: "It seems that it's time to add fire to the capital."

At this moment, one kilometer away, the mysterious man got into a motorhome. Instead of changing his clothes, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number with a low voice:

"The strong man has his arm broken..."

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