Talented Genius

Chapter 1846: Potion absorption

Chapter 1846: Potion Absorption


Ye Tianlong became happy when he heard the words, and hurriedly took the phone over, and after scanning the password, he tore it up: "With this bargaining chip, I have enough confidence."

"Xiao Wu, you don't know, it's really hard for me in Australia City."

"If you want money but no money, no one wants someone, no one wants a place, there are a lot of enemies..."

He shook Lu Xiaowu's hand and confided: "I was **** to the worship hall yesterday. It was a tear."

"In one day, become a great hero on Caoji Street, and overnight, become a great benefactor of the magic knife gate."

Lu Xiaowu slapped her face unceremoniously: "You still hold Lei Jiuzhi in your hand. You said you want no one, money or money, and no site?"

Ye Tianlong pretended to be surprised: "Xiao Wu, how do you know so clearly? Are you secretly following me? You love me deeply?"

Lu Xiaowu almost fell and wanted to cry without tears. What is this all about, and then she quickly changed the subject:

"By the way, Tianlong, I secretly tell you the good news. It is very wise for you to win the magic sword."

She smiled and asked, "Do you know why the Oriental and mysterious people want to control the magic sword at any cost?"

There was a hint of interest on Ye Tianlong's face: "There is something in it?"

Lu Xiaowu smiled and threw out: "It's a gossip."

"I heard that Mrs. Feng, who is about to take control of the Feng family, feels that it is a shame that the Huaxia people's casino will be controlled by the royal knife to control the underground business."

"Furthermore, with the semi-retirement of King Feng Gambling, the Emperor Sword Association is sitting on the top, and Saburo Miyamoto has become more and more frantic and has no bottom line."

"They not only owe casino fees, but also often hurt gamblers. This year they have forced gamblers to jump thirteen times."

Her pretty face was very soft: "Mrs. Feng intends to drive away the Royal Sword Club of the Fengjia Casino, and is going to change to a Chinese gang to take charge of the underground business."

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up: "You mean, Madam Feng is about to break with the Emperor Sword Association?"


Lu Xiaowu nodded: "The Emperor Sword will hear the wind, and while talking to Feng's family, it will use the magic sword gate as a backup."

"Don't look at the sacred sword gate. The **** is also old and old, but it has always been the number one gang of Chinese in Australia, with three thousand manpower and eight yuan."

"The most important point is that Shendaomen has shown the Feng Family a scene before. Whether it is old love or experience, Shendaomen is not lacking."

She exhaled a long breath: "Therefore, the probability of the Sacred Sword Gate re-entering is extremely high, which is why the Emperor Sword will see them into the Sacred Sword Gate."

Ye Tianlong nodded and understood: "This is a two-handed preparation. One is to destroy the magic sword gate, so that no one can use Mrs. Feng and can only continue to use the royal sword."

"Secondly, Mrs. Feng is determined to use the Chinese gangsters, and they have a chance to be selected with the shell of the magic sword."

He sighed softly: "I understand completely now why the Emperor Sword Society hasn't used it for ten years, and now it's about to infiltrate the magic sword gate."

"That's right, the Emperor Sword Association is this kind of plan."

Lu Xiaowu grabbed Ye Tianlong's palm and shook it: "Therefore, you have no intention of saving the gods, and taking the magic sword gate is definitely an important bargaining chip."

"If you can persuade Mrs. Feng to let the Sacred Sword Gate replace the Emperor Sword Society, you will earn a lot of money in Australia."

"Six Phoenix Casinos can bring you at least nearly tens of billions of profits every year."

"With the Feng clan, it won't be difficult to win the top five gamblers."

Lu Xiaowu calculated an account for Ye Tianlong: "You can imagine the underground business of 21 casinos."

Ye Tianlong's eyes lit up slightly: "It is indeed impressive, after all, Australia City is the world's largest gambling city."

The operating record of the Fengjia Casino is one billion yuan a day, and more than a dozen cash counters have been burned out. It can be bundled with the Fengjia. There is no shortage of oil and water.


Just when Ye Tianlong turned his mind, there was a beast-like roar from the camp, and then four or five people flew out with humming.

It was the place where Huo Ziguang was held.

Those who fell to the ground were three soldiers and two medical staff.

Ye Tianlong and Lu Xiaowu slapped together and rushed over.


Before reaching the front, there was another crazy roar, and then two figures fell out of it and fell to the ground grinning.

In the next second, a thick air current gushed out, and a huge figure burst out like a cannonball, and fell heavily on the hard ground outside the camp.


The ground where both feet fell instantly cracked, and dozens of more cracks like spider webs appeared, shocking.


The huge figure screamed frantically, and then tore off the shackles on his hands, banging his chest with both hands, like a chimpanzee.

His expression was terrible and his aura was shocking. Many people heard his hiss and covered their ears subconsciously.

Huo Ziguang.

As the lights flickered, the figures shook, and six men and women in black blasted out from the camp, and they surrounded Huo Ziguang with their training.

They all had a rope or short stick in their hands, and two of them had anesthesia needles in their hands.

The two groups of soldiers also charged with live ammunition and aimed at the red-eyed Huo Ziguang with their submachine guns: "Don't move!"


Huo Ziguang didn't respond, just screamed at the sky, as if there was endless resentment in his heart.

Lu Xiaowu waved to the surrounding soldiers not to shoot, and then shouted to a black-clad woman who was running over: "What's the matter?"

"Leader Lu, we just finished the hand-over procedure and handcuffed Huo Ziguang with shackles, and gave him a sedative."

The black-clad woman responded with guns: "He started to fall into a coma and did not respond, but after the sedative injection, he suddenly woke up."

"Not only did he scream, he kicked the nurses and soldiers away."

"Then he broke his fetters again, waved his hands wildly, and banged his nerves."

There was a dignified look on her face: "The two brothers couldn't dodge, and he was knocked into flight."

"Sedated him?"

Lu Xiaowu asked: "It's useless?"

Injecting tranquilizers is to get Huo Ziguang to the capital to avoid accidents on the way.

In Ye Tianlong's narrowed eyes, the woman in black shook her head: "It's useless, I feel it's counterproductive..."

"Take him down."

Lu Xiaowu watched Huo Ziguang's command, and there was still a solemn look in his eyes: "Live, I want to live!"

It was easy to kill Huo Ziguang, but the hard part was to capture it alive, but they couldn't shoot it directly. Huo Ziguang involved too many things, and it was just a personal testimony.

He would be the best gap to open the mysterious man.

The woman in black replied loudly: "Yes!"

She immediately rushed to the center of the incident and told the soldiers to put down their guns. She couldn't shoot unless she had to...

Ye Tianlong looked at Huo Ziguang in front of him, then looked at Lu Xiaowu's box again: "I now understand why this is an empty box."

"The Tianyao No. 1 inside was not taken away by a mysterious person, but by him, into Huo Ziguang's body."

His eyelids twitched: "Huo Ziguang has been trembling and unconscious, but it was the shock of digesting the potion. Now that the potion has been absorbed, he also woke up."

Huo Ziguang played against Tianmo last night and was a quasi-rank 7 master. Today, he was injected with Tianyao No.1 again, I'm afraid it will be more difficult and tricky. zGsGQ6gPHWsR6VeCaooqaxzXUlnOykhFtO4TfxTir2or1VR37Ffz48qYUF9RXF3Q==

He reminded Lu Xiaowu: "Be careful."

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