Talented Genius

Chapter 1847: Late night chicken soup

When Lu Xiaowu heard Ye Tianlong's words, her pretty face changed slightly, and then she moved closer to the crowd.

At this moment, more than a dozen soldiers are pressing on Huo Ziguang, wanting a crowd of tactics to take him down.


Seeing so many people surrounding him, Huo Ziguang didn't have any fear at all, instead he laughed wildly, his hands were wrong, and they just caught the wrists of the two.

Twisted sharply.

The two of them were dislocated in an instant, and then the wrists were jerked up. The two soldiers were thrown out like big stupid chickens, knocking over three of their companions.

The five huddled together in embarrassment.

At this moment, a tall soldier suddenly jumped over a companion, his palm flashed, his right hand bulged out, holding a short stick, he swung round and fiercely.

He is extremely fast, and suddenly violent, people are instantly dazzled.

Seeing the emergence of a strong opponent, Huo Ziguang not only was not afraid, but was still in a crazy posture. He laughed and raised his left hand.


He used his left arm to hold the blow abruptly, and then put an elbow on the right arm of the tall soldier, a muffled sound, and the short stick dropped to the ground, making a clinking sound.

Then Huo Ziguang straightened his elbows.


After a sweep of the army, Huo Ziguang's arm hit the tall soldier's chest fiercely, and the latter snorted back five steps, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.


Seeing that their companion was injured, three more capable soldiers rushed forward, grabbing hands, military fists, and cudgels.

Huo Ziguang still laughed madly, then clenched his fists, struck with lightning, raging, and instantly knocked them down.

Then, with a very accurate left uppercut, he blasted the person in the front with a stick, and the latter flew upside down for more than three meters.

The soldiers who fell on the ground coughed one by one, their faces were so painful that they couldn't scream.

This Huo Ziguang power is really terrifying.

Two black-clad men found a gap, and two short sticks slammed Huo Ziguang's thigh fiercely.

Two notes were muffled, and Huo Ziguang left stick marks on his thighs, but his body was not knocked out. After shaking twice, he recovered his calmness.

Huo Ziguang laughed extremely angrily, grabbed the short stick that was too late to evacuate with his backhand, and then knocked out his head repeatedly.


Two men in black costumes were knocked out and battered.

A few more soldiers rushed up, but still did not reverse the situation, Huo Ziguang blasted out quickly with both hands.

The besiegers flew out one by one, without any suspense.

Although several anesthetic needles were shot on him, they had no effect on him. Instead, he pulled them off and reflected the two of them.

The rope was also torn off by him.

Huo Ziguang was as perverted as the Hulk at this moment.


When Ye Tianlong was about to take a shot, he saw that Lu Xiaowu had already exploded.

She quickly narrowed the distance between the two sides, and when Huo Ziguang pulled off a rope, her right leg suddenly lifted, and it lighted out like a meteor.

The speed of her knees was faster than Huo Ziguang's hands.

Just as Huo Ziguang's fingers touched his calf, the soles of Lu Xiaowu's feet hit his belly hard.


Huo Ziguang's face instantly became bloodshot and flushed, and his heavy body of more than one hundred jin flew upside down like a cannonball, and didn't stop until he hit the lamp post.


In this collision, Huo Ziguang broke at least two bones.

He slid down from the pillar and threw up a lot of blood on the ground.


Before Huo Ziguang stood up with a frantic smile, Lu Xiaowu leaned close again like a phantom, with a wrong hand, like a goddess scattered flowers.

Her hands slid across Huo Ziguang's body, but she could accurately hit Huo Ziguang's bones regardless of whether it was tapping or grabbing points.

Wherever her fingers touched, vital points and bones would become fatal loopholes.

There are two hundred and six bones in the human body. In Lu Xiaowu's eyes, there are two hundred and six flaws.

Her fingers were as soft as silk, and she immediately climbed onto Huo Ziguang's right shoulder, and her thumb instantly pressed down like a piano key.


The joint between the shoulder and the arm was strangely separated.

Just as Huo Ziguang wanted to pull away, he was pulled by another rope with his left foot. In this gap, his unconscious forearm was held by Lu Xiaowu with the other hand.

Push up and down.

All the bones of the arm and even the hand were removed by her lightly.

At this moment, the bones of Huo Ziguang's whole body were like dominoes that had been torn down, half of his body was almost paralyzed.

Then, Lu Xiaowu tipped his toes, Huo Ziguang's knees shook, his joints dislocated, his center of gravity became unstable for an instant, and the whole person fell to the ground with a "plop".


Huo Ziguang struggled hysterically, constantly roaring, trying to stand up, but could do nothing.

Lu Xiaowu faintly said: "Take it."

Yi Qian's men and soldiers swarmed up.

Lu Xiaowu smiled and looked at Ye Tianlong, but Ye Tianlong subconsciously covered... the 207th bone...

An hour later, Huo Ziguang was handcuffed with his hands and feet, locked in a cage, and finally sent to a military plane.

In order to avoid night long dreams, Lu Xiaowu wanted to take him away overnight.

Although Ye Tianlong was reluctant to give up, he still hugged her and said goodbye: "Safe journey."

Lu Xiaowu nodded with a smile, and then got into the car, but when she entered, her pretty face was hesitant.

That is Lin Chenxue is facing huge trouble.

However, Lu Xiaowu thought about it for a while, and finally did not mention it to Ye Tianlong, lest Ye Tianlong be distracted by opening a casino.

Seeing the special plane disappearing in the night sky, Ye Tianlong felt a sense of melancholy. He hadn't seen Lu Xiaowu for a long time, but it was so hurried to meet again.

Then he withdrew his gaze from the sky, got into the car and left the barracks.

Half an hour later, Ye Tianlong appeared at the Jiang's restaurant on Caoji Street. Although it was already three in the morning, the restaurant had not closed yet.

He came so late to talk about things so as not to have too much doubt in Jiang Ziran's heart and to prevent her from worrying about herself.

When he walked in, he saw Jiang Ziran leaning on a chair, guarding a lamp, unconsciously sketching out the account book in his hand, as if he had settled accounts.

Ye Tianlong smiled and walked over: "You haven't slept yet?"

Jiang Ziran was thinking. Hearing Ye Tianlong's voice, he struck a spirit. He looked up and saw that Ye Tianlong smiled instantly:

"You're back?"

Jiang Ziran was very happy: "I thought the police wouldn't let you out so soon... I'm calculating today's accounts..."

Ye Tianlong said: "I am a hero who catches bad guys, how can I not come back?"

"Just come back."

Jiang Ziran dropped the pen, got up to greet him, and then said softly: "I have been warming the chicken soup, and I will wait for you to come back to drink it."

"You take a break and I'll bring out the chicken soup."

Ye Tianlong felt a touch of warmth in his heart, and shouted to her back: "By the way, get two chicken drumsticks and another rice..."

"it is good."

Jiang Ziran smiled slightly, the corners of his mouth turned up, nothing about love, only quiet care...

Ye Tianlong sat down and saw the account book at a glance. His expression was stunned. There was no income or expenditure on it, only a densely packed hundreds of Chinese characters:


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