Talented Genius

Chapter 1848: Chinese lady

Chapter 1848

Ye Tianlong woke up the next day, just after eating breakfast, he received two calls.

One was from Lu Xiaowu and told that everything went well and Huo Ziguang had been properly placed.

Another is Lei Jiuzhi, they will arrive at Caoji Street at nine o'clock.

Ye Tianlong told Lei Jiuzhi to call Jiang Ziran, Jiang Ziran immediately arranged happily and transferred more than fifty people to clean up the church.

At the same time, let Jiang's restaurant arrange three tables of meals at noon.

After the residents of Caoji Street knew that the church might open a casino, they all went so far as to beat them up.

Obviously we all know what business opportunities this will bring.

Lei Jiuzhi arrived on time with more than a dozen people. The warm hospitality from the neighbourhood surprised him, and at the same time made Lei Jiuzhi feel good about them.

A group of people tossed for a long time to make the church clean and tidy. After Lei Jiuzhi looked at the surrounding environment and area, they confirmed that the church could be rebuilt.

It was finally announced that Tianlong Casino would settle in the church, and Lei Jiuzhi also signed a lease with Jiang Ziran on the spot for ten years, one yuan a year.

And after completing the formalities, Lei Jiuzhi will let the engineering team move in as soon as possible.

Hundreds of neighbours were very happy to know about it, and Jiang Ziran promised that Caoji Street would be available to help at any time.

Ye Tianlong then told them the good news that Shendaomen would never send people to Caoji Street to make trouble. Everyone should live and work in peace.

Hearing this news, the residents of Caoji Street cheered completely and no longer had to live in fear, so they regarded Ye Tianlong as a hero.

After finishing the selection of the casino site, Jiang Ziran and the others treated Lei Jiuzhi with hospitality.

Approaching the afternoon, Lei Jiuzhi asked the staff to go back first. He, Ye Tianlong, and Jiang Ziran began to take a car around the periphery of the church.

This periphery has been expanded to five kilometers.

"Lao Lei, isn't the environment and location very suitable?"

Ye Tianlong, who was sitting in the car, looked at Lei Jiu and asked, "Why go around a big circle?"

Jiang Ziran, who was driving, also smiled and said, "Brother Lei is thinking about soliciting customers in the future?"

"Almost, I am thinking about future advertising and special cars."

Lei Jiu pointed to a pen and drew a circle on the map: "After all, we are a new casino. Advertising, welfare, and dedicated buses are all indispensable."

"I need to find a reasonable location and distance to arrange these things, so that visitors can be interested in our casino without giving up due to traffic."

"Moreover, the release of these things cannot conflict with other casinos."

He sighed softly: "Otherwise, we will either make people's wedding gowns, or they will smash them, where the hands and feet can't be counted in the corners."

"That's it."

Ye Tianlong nodded, then smiled and said, "I am unprofessional, so you can decide."

Jiang Ziran also smiled: "Lei Ge is systematic enough to do things, and far-sighted enough."

Lei Jiuzhi smiled politely and said, "It's just a little trouble."

Ye Tianlong asked, "By the way, have you run into an old person after having been around for a few days?"

Lei Jiu pointed at the corners of his mouth, knowing who Ye Tianlong was talking about: "I have been so busy these days, I haven't paid attention to others."

"Furthermore, what about bumping into it?"

"Australia City is China's Australian City, not Xue's Australian City. No matter how Xue Hu doesn't want to see me, it is impossible to prevent me from wandering in the Australian City."

Lei Jiuzhi's face was very calm: "The Xue family really doesn't want to see me, there is only one way, and that is to destroy me."

Jiang Ziran was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Lei Jiuzhi to have a grudge with the Xue family, but she didn't have any gossip, and concentrated on driving her car.

Ye Tianlong nodded: "It's good to watch, I'm also worried that you will be sad when you think about them."

"It was really worrying before, but now it's more calm. In addition to things that have passed for many years, there is also work that I have on hand."

There is a glow in Lei Jiuzhi's eyes: "Nothing is more important than preparing for the Tianlong Casino."

Ye Tianlong gave a thumbs up: "It's a man."


As the car was slowly moving, a Ferrari rushed past the side howling, at a fast speed, and the sound of the engine could be heard through the window.

Jiang Ziran stepped on the brake instantly to avoid collision.

It was just that although the car stopped in time, the front of the car was rubbed by the deflected Ferrari, and the light on the right side shattered on the spot.


Before Jiang Ziran, who dropped the window, could say anything, Ferrari stomped to death, and then several luxury cars stopped behind.

Afterwards, the car door opened, and a boy with a Chinese character face came out with a cigar in his mouth and a car lock in his hand:

"How do you drive?"

The boy was dyed with blond hair and wore a windbreaker similar to a gambling king. It was a bit imposing, but his blond hair made him look nondescript.

When four or five stylish male and female companions got out of the car door, the blond boy came over first, patted the car window vigorously and shouted:

"Seeing our car coming, don't you know how to let it go?"

He saw that Ye Tianlong and the others did not speak, and his arrogance became even higher: "Now that our car is broken, how do you compensate? Can you afford it?"

He pointed his finger on the Ferrari body, and a half-meter-long scratch was clearly visible.

Ye Tianlong didn't get out of the car the first time. He was purely worried about this attack, so he fell silent for a while and scanned the surroundings.

Before Ye Tianlong and Lei Jiuzhi got out of the car door, the hot-tempered Jiang Ziran had gotten out of the car, and he yelled unceremoniously:

"It was you who suddenly plugged in, which not only caused us to have an accident, but also directly damaged our car lights."

"I haven't asked you for compensation yet, are you the wicked sued first?"

Jiang Ziran split his head and covered his face to teach the other party: "Can you be more reasonable?"

Hearing Jiang Ziran's words, the blond boy sneered even more: "Be reasonable? I tell you, we are reason."

He hit with a backhand.


Corolla cracked a car window.

The blond boy proudly said: "This is reason."

Jiang Ziran raised his eyebrows: "You smashed our car?"

"Yo, yo, didn't you see it?"

The blond boy laughed loudly with a few of his companions, and then another swipe, the car lock slammed on the car hood, and a dent appeared.

Jiang Ziran's pretty face sank instantly, and he kicked out without beeping if he could do it.


The blond boy rolled out in an instant and hit the Ferrari windshield.

There was a loud noise, the car and the blond boy shook at the same time, two windows shattered and the car deformed.

The iron lock hit the car body even more, leaving a deep dent.


The blond boy fell to the ground with pain on his face, and many glass scars on his hands and feet.

"Damn! Dare to move me?"

The blond boy pushed away from his companion, picked up the car lock and yelled angrily: "Brothers, give it to me, and dispose of this girl."

Five or six companions shouted, ready to surge up.

"Rich, stop!"

At this moment, another Rolls-Royce drove behind, and then the door opened, and a graceful woman came out with a delicate face:

"This is a big crowd. Don't fight."

The jet black hair hung over the fragrant shoulders of the beautiful lady, the high and white forehead, and a few strands of bangs floated freely on the forehead.

This makes this lady in dress look unique, and the pride and superiority on her face also makes her age seem not so real.

The lady in Chinese dress walked up with a few people, and looked at the blond boy with a fond look:

"Rich, what is going on?" zGsGQ6gPHWsR6VeCaooqaxzXUlnOykhFtO4TfxTir2or1VR37Ffz48qYUF9RXF3Q==

Ye Tianlong clearly saw that Lei Jiuzhi saw this woman, his face instantly turned pale...

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