Talented Genius

Chapter 1850: Ask him out

When Ye Tianlong left with quiet Lei Jiuzhi and Jiang Ziran, Xue Fugui looked at his mother with a pitiful look:

"Mom, why don't you clean up those bastards?

"She ran into my car in public, kicked me, and yelled at you. If such people are let go, won't anyone be able to bully us in the future?"

Xue Fugui voiced aggrievedly: "Where is the Xue family's face?"

Mrs. Xue's mind was full of the shadow of Lei Jiuzhi, and she hardly heard her son's accusation, but hummed restlessly.

Xue Fugui was very dissatisfied when he saw this and shook his mother's white thighs: "Mom, did you listen to me?"

"What's the matter with you? Who is that old guy? If he says a few words, you just give up, and now you are still in despair?"

There was a gleam in his eyes: "You know that old guy?"

"do not know."

Mrs. Xue reacted, holding her son and said softly: "How can mother know such a person?"

After regaining her sanity, she didn't want her son to know how important Lei Jiuzhi was in her life, nor did she want his son to have too much intersection with Lei Jiuzhi.

Li Xin doesn't want to break the peaceful, rich and high-class life now, let alone lose it.

"But let's forget what happened today. It's not that my mother is afraid of them, but that there is no need to mix with these people and lower our level."

Li Xin comforted Xue Fugui: "Moreover, there have been many storms in the Australian city recently. It is better for us to do more than to do less."

"Look at your brother and Bao Jinyi. One of his arms was broken, and one of his fingers was broken. This is the consequence of fierce fighting."

She advised Xue Fugui: "Son, we are porcelain, don't touch the tiles, understand?"

"Well, I will listen to my mother."

Xue Fugui looked at his mother very ‘sensibly’: “But my Ferrari crashed, and it will take ten and a half days to repair it.”

"There is no car for these days. It is not convenient to go out and meet friends. Mom, you can buy me another one."

Xue Fugui blinked his eyes: "It doesn't need to be too expensive, about five million yuan will do. It is not easy to make money at home, and I can't spend money randomly."

"What a good boy."

Mrs. Xue stretched out her hand and stroked her son's face, her eyes filled with endless petting: "Seeing you are so sensible, Mom promised your request."

"Mom will write you a check later. If you like what car you like, you can buy it yourself. If it is not enough, just come and find me."

"But you must be careful when driving. Mom doesn't want anything to do with your son."

Mrs. Xue hugged her grown-up son tightly and sighed: "It's not easy for mom to raise you."

Xue Fugui nodded happily: "Everything listens to mother."

At the same time, he thought viciously, **** it! You must ask Sambo to get the woman out and go round a hundred times.

And that old guy, be nosy, and light the sky lantern...

Fifteen minutes later, the convoy drove into a luxurious manor. The manor occupies an extremely large area and consists of six buildings, all in the ancient Soviet style.

There are also two big stone lions at the door.

After entering the gate, the convoy drove slowly out of the way, then stopped at Building 3, and Li Xin and the others got out of the car one after another.

"Father, I was beaten."

As soon as his feet landed, Xue Fugui yelled aggrievedly, and then ran into the hall to tell his father today's shame.

Li Xin shook her head, tidyed up her clothes, and slowly entered the door with her handbag. Zhuo Yue's grace and slender legs always attracted attention.

When Li Xin walked into the hall, she saw Xue Fugui rushing into her husband's study. She gently shook her head, gave her bag to the nanny, and walked over.

She guessed somewhat that her husband already knew about the crash, and she didn't want Xue Fugui to talk nonsense and misunderstand what happened today, so she entered the study.

When he came to the large study room, a middle-aged man held a pipe in his mouth and patted Xue Fugui on the head lightly, comforting him with a playful smile.

The middle-aged man is Xue Hu, in his forties, with a head of 1.7 meters and wearing gold glasses. He looks pure and elegant, and he wears very formal clothes.

High-end black suit, white shirt, tie, meticulous combing of hair, solemn appearance can go to the party.

After reassuring his son, Xue Hu took out another check and handwritten one to Xue Fugui.

Xue Fugui happily took the check, and then swiftly rushed out of the study and ran to another place: "Brother, I was beaten..."

"What is going on today?"

After Xue Fugui disappeared, Xue Hu turned his head to look at Li Xin and said, "Although Fugui said it was miserable, I know what he said will not be the truth."

"There was a car crash, it was not a big deal and it was resolved."

Li Xin closed the door with his backhand, and then walked to the chair in front of her husband and sat down. His slender legs made a mistake, and a beautiful arc was outlined:

"But I met an old acquaintance, an old acquaintance that neither you nor I can think of."

Li Xin's eyes were blurred: "Guess who it is?"

Xue Hu smiled faintly: "My good brother, your good lover, Lei Jiuzhi."

Li Xin was taken aback for a moment: "How do you know?"

"Not only did I know that he had come to Australia City early, I also knew he was here for revenge."

Xue Hu put the pipe on the ashtray, then got up and walked behind Li Xin, holding the woman's shoulders with both hands: "He gave me the phone back."

Li Xin's body was shocked: "He called you? What did he say?"

"He wants to kill me, kill you, kill our family."

Xue Hu pressed against the woman's ear and said, "Today's crash is definitely not as simple as an accident. It is very likely that Lei Jiu pointed out."

"You and Fugui have to be careful these days. Lei Jiu said that he hated us for many years and can do anything."

Li Xin was taken aback: "Kill us? No way? He didn't do anything when he hated it the most. Now after so many years, he should let it go."

"It's normal to see him on the road just now."

Mrs. Xue clamped her legs slightly: "The body is a bit old, but the spirit is fine."

"What does not mean?"

Xue Hu's voice was cold: "He has killed Xue Shuang, and our next target is us."

"He was ruthless to you and unrighteous to me, even if I gave him so much money to leave, he was still very angry."

"It can be seen how narrow-minded people are when Lei Jiu refers."

"I used 20 billion to buy 30% of his shares, but he refused, and killed Xue Shuang. What does it prove? It proves that he has become crazy."

Xue Hu's voice became gloomy: "He will kill me, kill you, kill fame and fortune, and kill the wealthy."

Li Xin was extremely surprised: "What? He killed Xue Shuang? When did this happen?"

She knew that Xue Shuang had been sent out by her husband to do something, but she didn't expect that he was looking for Lei Jiuzhi, let alone being killed by Lei Jiuzhi.

Xue Hu took the topic: "For several days, I was afraid you were worried, so I didn't tell you."

"A few days ago, I sent Xue Shuang to find Lei Jiuzhi to buy his shares for 20 billion, hoping that the equity can be clear, so that Huangdao can invest."

"You should be aware that the Feng family's brain is flooded to drive the Royal Sword Society. This is an excellent opportunity for us to expand."

"Unexpectedly, Lei Jiuzhi not only did not transfer the shares, but also killed Xue Shuang by scheming."

"Then I used Xue Shuang's cell phone to call me, and provoke us and the Xue family nakedly."

His expression was instantly hideous: "He wants to kill our whole family, and he will kill your first daughter afterwards!"

"Lei Jiu said, he has missed your taste for ten or twenty years..."

While talking, his hands continued to knead his wife, as if he was a violent bad guy.


Li Xin yelled, then asked in a low voice, "Then what should we do?"

I don't know why, when he mentioned Lei Jiuzhi, Xue Hu felt an inexplicable evil fire in his heart. He picked up the woman, and then pressed it down on the big table.

Li Xinjiao snorted, knowing what her husband was going to do. Although it felt a little abrupt, she didn't resist too much and spread her legs slightly.

He reached in and tore off Li Xin's little cloth, and then he pressed close to her ear and said:

"You go ask him out and talk about the last time..."

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