Talented Genius

Chapter 1851: Lady's shelf

Naturally, Ye Tianlong would not be clear about the liveliness of Xue Hu and his wife. His attention was more in the casino.

For the next three days, Ye Tianlong was very busy with Lei Jiuzhi and Jiang Ziran.

With the help of more than a hundred neighbours on Caoji Street, the cleanup of the church was quickly completed, and the engineering team also settled in smoothly under Jiang Ziran's efforts.

The dilapidated old church in the past has begun to take on a new look, and the residents of Caoji Street have become excited. After a meal, they talked about the construction of the casino.

Also because of this news, the popularity of Caoji Street has become more vigorous, and land prices have risen even more.

With the help of Ye Tianlong's prescription, Jiang's mother has reduced the pain by more than half. With more energy to wander around, she often ran to the church to see everyone working.

Jiang Ziran was extremely grateful when he saw this, and tried his best to help Ye Tianlong.

With Jiang Ziran's great help, Lei Jiuzhi can also get out of the formalities. He is familiar with these light vehicles, so it is not difficult to handle them.

In just three days, all procedures were completed and construction was about to begin.

Just before the project was approved by the engineering team, Lei Jiuzhi found Ye Tianlong, wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Ye Shao, everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng."

"However, although we have taken legal gambling cards and obtained official permission from the Australian City, according to the rules, we should pay respect to Fengjia Mountain."

He smiled and looked at Ye Tianlong: "Look at this mountain, you go or me?"

Ye Tianlong frowned: "You still want to worship the mountain?"

"I know you have a background and official support, but Feng's family is after all the number one in the Australian city and the leader in the gambling industry."

Lei Jiuzhi told me as a person who came over: "How much face is still to be given."

"Worshiping this mountain, we may not have any benefits, if we don't worship this mountain, we are afraid that we will continue to have trouble."

"This trouble is not about swords and soldiers facing each other, but a bunch of small actions, stopping the water and electricity, and then intimidating the construction team..."

He reminded: "The most important point is that although opening a casino will compete with the peers, it is more to integrate and develop together."

Lei Jiu pointed to Ye Tianlong to inform the rules of the casino. Everyone held a group and shared the cake to eat. It was far more cost-effective than fighting each other to the end.

"I understand, leave it to me, and you can plan to build a casino with peace of mind."

Ye Tianlong nodded, and then laughed loudly: "I happen to have some fate with Mrs. Feng, I will go to worship her and relive the past by the way."

Ye Tianlong didn't mind worshipping the mountain since he wanted to give face to the Feng family.

He also thought about taking a look at the little girl for Miao Tiannu by the way. Of course, he would not go under this pretense, which would discredit the friendship between the two parties.

Lei Jiuzhi smiled brightly: "Ye Shao is really a friend all over the world, even Mrs. Feng knows, this is the flower of the Australian city."

"The king of gambling phoenix will be dead, and Mrs. Feng is the only one who is outstanding. There is a saying in the world, whoever wins the phoenix is ​​the king of Australia."

After speaking, he laughed and turned away.

What does Ye Tianlong mean? What do you mean? Why doesn't this young man understand?

Lei Jiu pointed out that after going back to the church to work, Ye Tianlong walked back to the Jiang's restaurant, took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Miao Tiannu asking for Mrs. Feng's phone number.

Seeing that it was still early, Ye Tianlong called Mrs. Feng to make an appointment to meet.

The phone rang four times before connecting, and a woman's voice came from Ye Tianlong's ear: "Hello."

Ye Tianlong hurriedly smiled and said: "Mrs. Feng, hello, this is Ye Tianlong. We have all met in heaven, and there have been conflicts."

"Do you have time? I want to meet you."

Ye Tianlong spoke with a cannon, but as soon as the voice fell off, he listened to the woman on the other end of the phone and replied in an unsentimental tone:

"Hello! I am Mrs. Feng's assistant, Lin Rushui."

"Madam is busy now, I will convey to her what you just said."

She finished her words coldly: "As for whether Mrs. Feng will see you, and when will I have time to see you, wait for my call to inform..."


Ye Tianlong gave a hum, and wanted to ask two more questions, but the other party didn't give him a chance at all and hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Ye Tianlong was stunned for a while, with a wry smile, Mrs. Feng was too tugged, just seeing her, but she didn't even hear her voice.

But Ye Tianlong didn't fight back either. Lin Rushui had already said so thoroughly, it would be a bit stalker to fight back.

Ye Tianlong didn't know if Miao Tiannu was treated like this or not. If so, the King of Ten Thousand Mountains would be as sad as himself.

Putting down the phone, Ye Tianlong found a bottle of beer, drinking and playing to eliminate the fun.

I just didn't play a few times, and I received a few more emails, one from Shangguan Xiaozhi, informing that the three hundred Longmen children would arrive in Australia in batches within these two days.

They will be injected into the magic knife gate and become the team and structure that controls the magic sword gate.

One letter came from the Zhan Qinglou, asking him to pay close attention to the situation in Australia, especially the personal safety of Mrs. Feng while preparing for the construction of the casino.

After the rumor of driving away the Emperor Sword Society came out, the Emperor Sword Society hated Mrs. Feng, and once the skin was torn, the Emperor Sword Society would most likely target her.

The Zhan Qinglou also reminded Ye Tianlong that the imperial sword would fail to control the magic sword gate, but it did not mean that they would let the magic sword gate rise again and would surely cause trouble.

She suggested that Ye Tianlong send someone to protect the god.

Ye Tianlong clicked his finger and quickly responded to these emails, arranging things skillfully.

Just about to move his finger, the phone vibrated ‘buzzing’ again, and Ye Tianlong put on his earplugs to answer: "Hello, who?"

"Mr. Ye Tianlong? I'm Mrs. Feng's assistant, Lin Rushui."

In Ye Tianlong's ear, Lin Rushui's voice soon came: "I have conveyed your words to Madam."

"Tomorrow at 10:10, until 10:40, Mrs. Feng can see you for half an hour."

She reminded Ye Tianlong: "I hope you will arrive at the Phoenix Club on time...

Hearing these words, Ye Tianlong felt a little depressed, why did Mrs. Feng look like this? I don't care about my help in Tiandu at all.

It's like wearing a skirt and don't recognize people.

Thinking of this, Ye Tianlong stretched and replied noncommittal:

"Your wife is really busy. I'm just seeing her, and I don't want to hold her thigh. If she really doesn't have time..."

Before Ye Tianlong could finish speaking, Lin Rushui said indifferently, "Mr. Ye, Madam has only half an hour free."

"Will you be able to come on time tomorrow? If not, I will notify Madam and cancel your meeting tomorrow..."

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth and wanted to reject the other person directly, but felt that it was too cheap for her. Ye Tianlong prepared to see the weather, his proud wife:

"Tell her, see you tomorrow in the Phoenix meeting."

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