Talented Genius

Chapter 1852: I carried

At 8 o'clock the next morning, Ye Tianlong drove to a tricky gift shop after eating breakfast.

Mrs. Feng is so big that Ye Tianlong is going to give her a gift to let her know that she is not'weak to be bullied'.

Ye Tianlong went around two circles before he found a shop with tricky gifts next door to a **** lingerie shop.

When Ye Tianlong came out of the car, he felt someone staring at him, so he instinctively glanced around, but he did not see any suspicious persons.

He shook his head, feeling that he was worrying too much. Maybe passers-by thought he was handsome, so he took a second look.

Ye Tianlong lost his thoughts and walked into the tricky gift shop. The shop is not big, but the decoration is quite luxurious and everything is complete.

Fire-breathing spiders, powder-spitting black snakes, bleeding clowns, electrocuted cakes...everything.

When Ye Tianlong entered, he saw several young men and women looking at various gifts and discussing which one to give to the teacher.

Ye Tianlong also strolled slowly in the merchandise area, looking for gifts suitable for Mrs. Feng.

While he was examining each gift, a little girl walked out of the cashier counter and handed two sandwiches to the two shop assistants.

When she was about to say something to the two shop assistants, when she saw Ye Tianlong who was choosing gifts, her beautiful eyes widened instantly.

She raised her small mouth slightly, and then squinted her eyes to look at Ye Tianlong, muttering to herself: "Ye Tianlong, it really is you, I thought I was wrong."

"This world is really small."

"Because of you, I lost my face in Antique Street, and Master and Senior Sister sent me to this place..."

"For Master and Senior Sister to be happy, I can't retaliate against you, but I want to make you suffer, otherwise it seems that Qingqing is too incompetent."

After speaking, Qingqing went back to the inside with a smoke, and then slipped out of the tricky gift shop. Not long after, she ran back.

Qingqing called the two shop assistants in turn to whisper...

Ye Tianlong naturally didn't know that the three girls were playing tricks, but only concentrated on carrying tricky gifts. Then, he picked a black snake that could spray powder.

"Hello, help me wrap this up, make it more beautiful."

After making the selection, Ye Tianlong came to the front desk with something, "How much is it?"

A clerk replied politely: "Three hundred yuan."

She put the gift that Ye Tianlong bought aside and packaged it for another companion, while she waited for Ye Tianlong to pay the bill.

Ye Tianlong handed the money to the clerk: "Okay, three hundred."

In almost five minutes, a beautifully packaged box was placed in Ye Tianlong's hand, and the clerk smiled brightly: "Mr. Go slowly."

"Thank you."

Ye Tianlong took the box and left the shop happily, thinking about Madam Feng's expression after opening it. He believed that it would be wonderful by then.

When driving the door, Ye Tianlong felt a pair of eyes staring at him again, frowned slightly, and looked back subconsciously, but still no suspicious person...

Just as Ye Tianlong was about to get into the car, suddenly, a passing Porsche made a turn and whizzed across his side.

"Boy, I recognize you, you belong to that bad woman."

The Porsche door opened, and an arrogant guy emerged. Ye Tianlong took a look at it, and it was Xue Fugui who secretly shouted that the road was narrow.

Xue Fugui pointed at Ye Tianlong and roared fiercely: "Hurry up and hand over that woman, or I will kill you today!"

As he yelled and shouted, another seven or eight cars drove, and soon more than twenty fashionable young people gathered around him, both men and women.

At first glance, you can tell that it is the young lady in good clothes.

In Xue Fugui's identification, they rolled up their sleeves and prepared to teach Ye Tianlong!

"Rich, is this kid hitting your car and kicking you?"

"It's not him? It's his companion? Anyway, it's a group, let him die!"

"Damn it! I dare to take the lead when I'm rich..."

"Fuck him, maimed him, and the woman will naturally appear."

Ye Tianlong glanced at these people, a touch of coldness evoked at the corner of his mouth, bullying in broad daylight, this Xue Fugui was really an unscrupulous boy.

Afterwards, he looked at Xue Fugui and his group and smiled faintly at the moment:

"I carried the crash. If you are upset, come to me."

He stepped up and stared at everyone: "It's just killing me, I'm afraid you won't have this ability."

"Isn't this capable?"

Xue Fugui and the others were immediately angry when they heard this, as if they had been greatly provoked, they turned around and went to take out their things in the car.

Car locks, steel pipes, chains, and even fruit knives, it can be seen that they are usually fierce masters.

"Give you ten seconds, kneel down and beg for mercy."

Xue Fugui yelled fiercely: "Otherwise we will abolish you."

At this age, it is the most rebellious time and the most fluctuating time of mind. It is not ashamed to beat people with blood, but to be proud.

So Xue Fugui's voice fell, and the young masters all rolled up their sleeves, and knocked each other with their weapons one by one, making a huge noise.

The beautiful female companions around them also cheered and roared at the same time, seeming to be quite excited about the upcoming rampage scene.

Xue Fugui looked awkward, holding a steel pipe high and shouting: "Kneel down!"

The others responded: "Kneel down! Kneel down!"

Ye Tianlong shrugged his shoulders noncommitantly, this kind of calm posture fell on Xue Fugui and they simply did not live or die:

"Damn! This kid is pretending to be a fork!"

"Brothers, move him!"

Xue Fugui roared furiously, then rushed up, smashed the steel pipe and hit Ye Tianlong.


Ye Tianlong stretched out his hand to catch the two-finger-wide steel pipe, and then kicked Xue Fugui five or six meters away, knocking down a bunch of companions.

Before the others rushed up with a roar, Ye Tianlong stretched out his other left hand, holding the two ends of the steel pipe, and spit out.


The steel pipe suddenly broke in two!

Then, Ye Tianlong folded the steel pipe again and kneaded it into a steel ball.


The steel ball fell to the ground and made a crisp sound. Although the sound was not loud, it seemed to be able to rupture a person's eardrum.

What kind of power is this?

A group of half-old boys all stopped their movements, and everyone's eyes almost popped out.

Xue Fugui, the fiercest clamor, was immediately petrified.

Before he could react, Ye Tianlong walked into the crowd and opened his bow to the group.


In the crisp slap, more than a dozen people covered their mouths and flew out. Two or three teeth fell out, but they did not dare to fight back!

Then, Ye Tianlong kicked the dazed Xue Fugui and trampled off his three teeth.

"I have something to do today, so I don't have time to play with you."

Ye Tianlong patted Xue Fugui's face and warned: "Next time I come to provoke me or my friends, I will screw your head off..."

After speaking, he turned around and got into the car and left...

Xue Fugui covered his lips in grief and anger, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number and shouted:

"Mom, that woman took someone to beat me..."

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