Talented Genius

Chapter 1857: Cool (four more)

Too arrogant! Too rampant! Too pretentious!

Seeing Ye Tianlong touch the Dongyang girl again, whether it was Saburo Miyamoto or Lin Rushui, they were all stunned at what Ye Tianlong did.

No one expected that Ye Tianlong would provoke Saburo Miyamoto's bottom line so brazenly.

Madam Feng also narrowed her eyes, feeling that she was trapped by Ye Tianlong.

After a short silence, a group of Orientals screamed and rushed over, and roared murderously:

"Dare to humiliate Kannako and look for death!"

"Don't leave a hand, don't want to go out today!"

The Dongyang crowd was raging, and they shouted at Ye Tianlong one by one: "Guys who don't know their esteem and inferiority, must learn a lesson."

Saburo Miyamoto was also very angry, his fists clenched instantly and all the veins bulged out, but he quickly released his palm again and stopped his companion's impulse.

Then, he pointed to Ye Tianlong and shouted to Madam Feng: "Madam, your cousin is too shameless, too inferior, and too unqualified."

"He messed up the luncheon, and being so frivolous, Kanako is really a challenge to our bottom line."

Saburo Miyamoto had a look of cruelty in his eyes: "I implore my wife to be fair and give Kanako some dignity."

Saburo Miyamoto doesn't care about fighting a dog like Ghost Foot King, but Ye Tianlong is Mrs. Feng's cousin, so he has to be more cautious.

"My cousin is indeed a little bit inferior."

Mrs. Feng scanned the chaotic scene and knew that this meal would not be finished, so she smiled lightly, "But we can't blame him all."

"He used to live in Dashan, with limited contact, never seen the world, and very simple. Later, he went to work in the East with his friends."

"I got a lot of problems when I came back."

Mrs. Feng burst out word by word: "Lying is sexual, blackmailing, arranging to harm others, greedy for money and lust, and still not admitting wrong."

Ye Tianlong was very dissatisfied and said: "Sister, what's wrong with this? The whole Eastern people have it, even the prime minister is almost the same. This is a personality."

Saburo Miyamoto was not a fool. He could hear the two singing and Mai Tai Oriental, his eyes were cold: "Madam, what do you mean?"

"Your cousin is frivolous to our people and provokes our dignity. You don't uphold justice, and you ridicule."

He said coldly: "Will this be too pretentious?"

Mrs. Feng suddenly burst into a bright smile: "The meaning is very simple, that is, my cousin is useless and I can't discipline him."

"If Mr. Miyamoto is angry, he can be disciplined in the same way as he was in the club."

Madam Feng looked at Saburo Miyamoto: "Don't worry, as long as you don't kill people and prevent me from telling the village, I won't interfere."

"Maybe I will thank you for turning him from a scumbag to a normal person."

Ye Tianlong was startled slightly, and hurriedly shouted: "Cousin, you can't sell me."

Saburo Miyamoto was taken aback for a moment, and then he said meaningfully: "Madam, sure I want me to discipline him?"

Mrs. Feng didn't respond any more, just stood up and walked out of the wing. Lin Rushui and the Ghost Foot King and the group also followed, leaving Ye Tianlong behind.

"Hey hey hey, cousin, you can't do this."

Ye Tianlong was very depressed that this woman crossed the river and demolished the bridge, but wanted to keep up and was blocked by the Oriental: "I am your cousin, cousin."

A second before Mrs. Feng went out, she turned her head and glanced at Ye Tianlong: "Cousin, I wish you good luck."

After speaking, she really left.

Ye Tianlong shouted three times: "Sister, sister, sister..."

Saburo Miyamoto thoughtfully, he vaguely felt that Ye Tianlong should not be Mrs. Feng's cousin, otherwise Mrs. Feng would not let go.

And even if the two are siblings, Madam Feng dared to retreat as an advance to lead her own army, he must accept it strongly, otherwise Madam Feng does not know his courage.

He wants to beat Ye Tianlong.

Saburo Miyamoto locked Ye Tianlong tightly again, and sneered: "Cousin, your sister is gone, do you have anything to say?"


Ye Tianlong retracted his gaze and said with a grin, "Take another touch."

After speaking, he shot again without warning and grabbed a handful of Kanako proudly.

Kannako screamed, very embarrassed: "Asshole!"

Saburo Miyamoto couldn't control it anymore, and shouted at a dozen of his subordinates: "Move him!"

Too presumptuous, in front of them, touched three hands back and forth.

More than a dozen people rushed up to fight Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong picked up the mustard box on the table, ate the mustard into his mouth, then took another sip of sake, and squirted at the rushing crowd.


The sake full of wasabi molecules was sprayed out, and it instantly turned into a mist in mid-air, and hit the oriental people who rushed over.


Five or six screams were made almost at the same time, and the six Orientals who could not evade covered their eyes and jumped, making them so hot that they couldn't open their eyes.

The rest of the people also backed away in embarrassment, avoiding the invisible artificial spray that hurt people. Kannako also clutched her pretty face, looking in pain.

Even Saburo Miyamoto retreated to the door subconsciously, so as not to get caught in his eyes by Ye Tianlong.


Ye Tianlong didn't wait for them to stand firm, kicked the wooden table, knocked over four or five people, and then retreated to the window.

He took a lighter to directly light the curtains, and the walls and tatami mats quickly caught fire...

"It's on fire, it's on fire."

Saburo Miyamoto almost vomited blood.

At this moment, Mrs. Feng was getting into an extended Lincoln car, leaning on the seat and taking out the mirror to take a picture, keeping her makeup delicate.

Lin Rushui in front glanced at the restaurant, and then looked at the calm Madam Feng: "Madam, do you really care about Ye Tianlong?"

"Saburo Miyamoto has more than a dozen people, and the restaurant is also his site."

Lin Rushui reminded softly: "No matter how powerful Ye Tianlong is, I'm afraid he won't be able to break through..."

Mrs. Feng said indifferently, "Are you familiar with him? You care about him so much?"

"Madam is serious, I just saw him for the first time, I don't know him, let alone feelings."

Lin Rushui replied respectfully: "I just think others are pretty good."

"I don't know who leaked the secret. We want to drive away the Royal Sword Society, so that our plan is completely disrupted, and we have a bad relationship with the Royal Sword Society."

"It's just that we are not at the final stage. We can't tear our skin. So Saburo Miyamoto forced his wife to take an attitude today. I am very worried."

Lin Rushui said his own point of view: "Fortunately, Ye Tianlong resolved the dilemma."

He promised that Saburo Miyamoto would continue to cooperate with the Imperial Sword Association, tacitly agreeing that the five-year contract was valid, and the Feng family could only drive out the Imperial Sword Association for the next five years.

I didn't agree to Miyamoto Saburo's cooperation, I was afraid that the confirmed sword would soon cause trouble, so the Feng family could only drag it until everything was ready.

So Ye Tianlong helped solve the problem with his righteousness today. Lin Rushui thought he was pretty good, so he didn't understand that Mrs. Feng abandoned him like this...

"If he can't even get through this predicament, what right does he have to let me asylum in the future?"

Mrs. Feng's pretty face didn't fluctuate at all: "What's more, he even showed me..."

She twisted open a bottle of soda, took two sips gracefully, and was about to ask the driver to drive away, but saw that the car door was suddenly opened.

"Go, go!"

Ye Tianlong opened his mouth wide, spouting hot air and got in: "Give me water, drink water."

He snatched the water bottle in Madam Feng's hand, and Gululu poured it into her red and swollen mouth, and it instantly bottomed out.

Ye Tianlong's thoughts were still not exhausted, his fingers slipped on Madam Feng's red lips, and the remaining drop of water was put into his mouth...


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