Talented Genius

Chapter 1858: Strength (five shifts)


Before Ye Tianlong's cool feeling fell, Mrs. Feng had already changed her face, and she no longer took a kick out of her demeanor.

This **** was so irritating, he gave himself Xiao Nei Nei in the morning, and the club held his hand tightly, and just now gave another ambiguous indirect kiss.

Is it tolerable or unbearable.

Lin Rushui was also stunned. He didn't expect Ye Tianlong to escape so quickly, let alone make an intimate action towards Madam Feng.

Over the years, has there ever been a man who dared to be such a frivolous lady?

Ye Tianlong shrank his abdomen swiftly, escaped from a heavy leg, and then grabbed Madam Feng's jade foot and shouted:

"Madam calm down!"

Knowing that he was wrong at this time, he hurriedly explained: "I ate too much mustard, it's hot, and seeing water is like seeing fate."

"I didn't mean to offend you."

Ye Tianlong looked aggrieved: "Look at my fault, you know how miserable it was just now."

Lin Rushui was slightly surprised, and cried out that the Orientals were really spicy, and forced them to eat mustard before beating them. Doesn't this mean choking people to death?

Madam Feng yelled, "Let go of your hand."

Ye Tianlong realized that he was holding Madam Feng's white ankle, so he hurriedly released his fingers:

"Madam, you just abandoned me. I didn't intend to offend you. Can we count on a parallel game?"

He resorted to his assassin: "For Wei Weiwei's sake, forgive me once."

Hearing the words Wei Weiwei, and looking at Ye Tianlong's red lips, Madam Feng was less ashamed of three points, but she still sternly shouted:

"Ye Tianlong, you have already made me angry. For Weiwei's face, death is unavoidable, but life is inevitable."

"Your casino's annual filial piety fee, 300 million yuan per year for the first three years, rose to 500 million yuan, if you don't give you any color, I really think I'm a bully."

Ye Tianlong felt anxious, didn't he drink a bottle of water, a little water? Three hundred million rose five hundred million, six billion in three years, diamond-encrusted is not that expensive.

"Madam, don't, I didn't mean it."

Ye Tianlong thought about it for a while, and put forward a condition: "So, isn't the Feng Family going to drive away the Emperor Sword Society? I know you are inconvenient to tear your skin."

"You give Saburo Miyamoto and them to me. Within a month, I will level them all so that the sword will roll out of Australia."

He stated the condition: "They are gone, and the annual tribute is cancelled. I will take care of all the underground business of the six casinos under the Feng Family."

As soon as these words came out, Madam Feng and Lin Rushui were slightly surprised. They didn't expect that Ye Tianlong would also know about the imperial sword drive and would dare to make a one-month deadline.

"Are you settling the Emperor Sword Society?"

Mrs. Feng looked at Ye Tianlong carefully and said: "Australia is different from the mainland, and many things have to be regulated. Don't be self-righteous."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath: "No matter what the rules or process, I will give you the result you want anyway."

"One month later, there will be no more royal sword clubs in Australia, and the Feng family canceled the filial piety fee and let me take over the royal sword club business at the same time, how about?"

"This will not do any harm to Fengjia Baili. Without any effort, the white-eyed wolf can be driven out of Australia, and there is no need to worry about the risk of a break."

"The most important point is that it is much better to have someone like me who knows the roots and the ground to take over the underground business than you choose a new gang to station in."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Of course, Mrs. Feng can also maximize the benefits and gather the strength of the Feng family to drive away the Royal Sword Society."

"It's just that before you break the Imperial Sword Society, it is estimated that you will have to endure Saburo Miyamoto's forcing the palace, or you and your family will be in danger of assassination."

He added meaningfully: "After all, Saburo Miyamoto will inevitably jump over the wall after breaking the royal sword."

"Ye Tianlong!"

Madam Feng sat up straight and looked at Ye Tianlong coldly and said, "I know you are a little capable, and you have a background. The conditions you said are good."

"Just what do you take to make me think, are you capable of driving away the Emperor Sword Society and accepting underground business?"

"If you lose your strength and don't drive away the Imperial Sword Society, and you are killed by Saburo Miyamoto and the others, the Feng family's situation will become very dangerous."

"Saburo Miyamoto is likely to use your victory over the prestige to make harsh demands on the Feng family or make trouble, causing the Feng family to suffer heavy losses."

Madam Feng's thinking is very clear: "Take a step back, even if you drive off Saburo Miyamoto, how can you stabilize Feng's casino order?"

"If the Emperor Sword Society sends someone from the East to make trouble, what will you do to deal with them?"

Madam Feng's eyes became deep: "These things can't be solved by cynicism."

Ye Tianlong stared at Madam Feng, "Don't believe me?"

Mrs. Feng maintained her rationality: "To cooperate, we always have to show some strength, relying on your lips, you can only fool the little girl."

This woman is really sensible, feelings belong to feelings, and business belongs to business, which is not bad at all.

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath, then smiled faintly: "Madam, I will take you to a place."

Madam Feng calmly said, "Where?"

"Let the driver get out of the car, Ghost Foot King and the others go back."

Ye Tianlong asked the driver to stop the car: "I will take you for half an hour."

Madam Feng looked at Ye Tianlong, and finally nodded...

Twenty minutes later, Lincoln's car drove into the Magic Sword Garden, and after crossing a long narrow road, came to a temporary training ground.

The door opened and Ye Tianlong invited Mrs. Feng out.

Madam Feng's vision suddenly widened. After looking around, her pupils suddenly dilated and her body became stiff.

Although the sky was a bit dim at this time, and the sea wind howled, which affected her sight, Madam Feng was still able to lock a group of people in front.

Nearly a hundred outstanding figures that are as straight as a javelin are so dazzling and conspicuous, so unshakable.

Although I can't see the faces of nearly a hundred people, I can clearly feel the powerful aura that radiates from them.

That momentum is stronger than the howling sea breeze.

And these people's eyes are all like wild wolves, with faintly gleaming eyes.

Although Mrs. Feng was 20 meters away from them, she could still feel the breath of death in those eyes.

These are simply a group of beasts.

Madam Feng asked subconsciously, "Who is this?"

Ye Tianlong said softly: "Shen Daomen son."

"This is impossible!"

Mrs. Feng, who had already investigated, did not believe it at all: "Although the Sacred Sword Gate is crowded and powerful, they are all mobs."

"The gods haven't made progress for ten years, where is there such a team?"

There was a touch of sadness and regret in her eyes, if it was not the magical swordsman who was too incompetent, there was no need to let the emperor swords sit and be strong.

Ye Tianlong leaned close to Mrs. Feng's ear: "The **** is already in the past. I am now the Supreme Emperor of the Swordsman Gate."

Madam Feng's eyes were cold: "You?"

Ye Tianlong nodded: "Me!"

"One day and one night, I killed Mutoko and the gang, saved the dying god, stabbed Zhu Tianao to death, and severely sentenced Gao Shengjin..."

"The Sacred Sword Gate is now a piece of iron, and I am building a tiger wolf division."

Ye Tianlong shouted in a long voice: "Drive away the emperor sword!"

"Recover my magic sword!"

Nearly a hundred people roared at the same time, a majestic aura, accompanied by the sea breeze soaring into the sky, shaking the earth.

"Drive the emperor sword, and restore my magic sword."

Exciting and heroic, people are excited.

"Madam, this strength..."

Ye Tianlong held Mrs. Feng's hand: "I don't know if it is enough, or is it not enough?"

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