Talented Genius

Chapter 1862: Enjoy together (four more)

At ten o'clock in the evening, the restaurant closed in advance, the front door and the back door were closed one after another, and a few staff began to clean the lobby and wing rooms.

The owner of the restaurant, Riko Nakajima, is a 40-year-old woman with a pretty appearance, but with a graceful look and a friendly smile, she has the feeling of a young neighbor.

Tonight's mature beautiful woman, dressed in a beige kimono, looks solemn and generous, with her hair curled up high, making her pretty face fully revealed.

Her body was already exquisite and elegant, and the fit kimono set off her jade-like skin, which made her a little more enchanting while being solemn.

She is the core figure of the restaurant and a highly regarded person by Saburo Miyamoto, so she is always beautifully dressed and smiling.

Only at this moment, Nakajima's smile was more cold and anxious, standing by the window at the end of the second floor looking out the back alley, as if waiting for something.

It's ten o'clock, and Kanako and the others have not yet returned. According to the plan, the execution time will not exceed twelve hours, but now it is far beyond the time limit.

The few emails she sent anonymously did not get a response from Anoko and others.

The three lost contact.

All these signs indicate that Annako and the others are in danger, but Riko Nakajima thinks this is unlikely.

The magic knife gate is the mob, and the **** is an old bone. If there is such a little ability, how can he be a turtle for ten years?

And Kannako and the others are sharpshooters who feed out bullets, and their skills are quite good, even if they don't kill the god, they should be able to retreat.

As for Mutoko's death, Saburo Miyamoto didn't tell her too thoroughly.

In addition to Miyamoto's failure to figure out the matter and find the body, there is also that they locate the killing machine and are only responsible for receiving instructions to kill.

The rest is to be avoided if possible, so that the task will not be distracted.

Therefore, Riko Nakajima was puzzled by the disappearance of the three of Anoko.


When the time was pointing to ten thirty, a call came in. Riko Nakajima put on earplugs to answer, and Saburo Miyamoto's voice soon came:

"Has the task been completed?"

Riko Nakajima was silent for a while, and finally sought truth from facts: "Kannako and the others lost contact, I guess they missed."


Saburo Miyamoto became frustrated: "Three sharpshooters can't kill an old man? What does your bloodthirsty group do?"

"Thirty of you have followed me to Australia for ten years. In these ten years, I have only asked you to perform tasks eight times."

"But the money I smashed on you is enough to arm a reinforced regiment."

He unceremoniously yelled: "The best residence, the best food, the best equipment, but you can't kill a god?"

"My efforts are not in proportion to my gains. I am now beginning to wonder if it made you live so well that the guns lost their intent to kill?"

Although Saburo Miyamoto is short, he has a deep mind. When he first came to Australia, he knew it would be a **** encounter.

Therefore, he not only brought the elite of the Royal Sword Society, but also selected thirty people to be dead men, preparing to use the lives of these thirty people to lay the foundation for the Royal Sword Society.

Over the years, they have performed eight missions and 12 people have died. They seem to have suffered heavy losses, but compared to their original heroic thoughts, they are considered to be enough.

At least live longer than Nakajima and the others thought.

This also made Saburo Miyamoto always regarded himself as a benefactor, and felt that he had let Nakajima and the others live until now, so he was very angry that the task was not completed.

He felt that Nakajima had failed his trust.

Hearing Saburo Miyamoto's reprimand, Riko Nakajima immediately lowered her head: "I'm sorry, Miyamoto-kun, I am incompetent."

Saburo Miyamoto's tone was very unfriendly: "Don't tell me this nonsense."

"I have heard from Feng's family that the woman is 100% cooperating with the Sacred Sword Sect, and our people have lost control of the Sacred Sword Sect."

"Don't kill the gods quickly, we will soon be driven out by that woman."

"I'll give you two days. No matter whether Anoko is dead or alive, no matter how difficult it is, you must kill the god."

Saburo Miyamoto gave a rude instruction: "You can't kill the god, just use your head to see me."

Riko Nakajima's eyelids twitched, and she responded loudly: "Miyamoto-kun, don't worry, we will kill the **** at any cost."

Saburo Miyamoto thought of Ye Tianlong again: "Also, after killing the god, I will send someone to kill the kid yesterday."

"If it weren't for him, at the restaurant yesterday, we could force the palace, and even add some ingredients to Mrs. Feng's food, but it was a pity that he was mixed up."

He was murderous: "I can't swallow this breath, he must die."

Riko Nakajima said again: "Understood."

"Annako is back, Annako is back."

At this moment, there was a roar of cars at the front door, and then a happy voice came from the front door.

This shout is also in Oriental language.

Riko Nakajima's body shook slightly: "Kanako is back?"

She hung up the phone hurriedly and rushed downstairs with her mobile phone. When the store door opened, seven or eight clerks who had a deep relationship with Annako rushed out.

There is no doubt that I worried for a day.

Riko Nakajima also brought a group of people to the door, and saw a small truck parked at the door. The truck was dilapidated and muddy, like a country entering the city.

The man who drove was a middle-aged man with a towel on his head, looking honest and honest.

And behind the truck, lying on top of the cargo was a faint and charming child covered with a blanket. It was Konako covered in blood.

The middle-aged man yelled: "This girl gave me five hundred yuan, let me bring her here."

Seeing Annako was still alive, Riko Nakajima was relieved.

"Kannako, Kannako."

Seven or eight men and women leaned over, trying to lift her down from above.

Riko Nakajima also asked to open all the doors of the store, so that Anoko could come in better, but just after the order, she frowned again:

"Who called Annako to come back just now?"

A dozen shop assistants were taken aback for a while, looked around at their companions, and then all shook their heads together: "We heard Kyanako coming back..."

Worried all day, when they heard Kyanako coming back from outside, they naturally rushed out to greet her.

Riko Nakajima realized that something was wrong and screamed, "Withdraw."

"Pump pound!"

As soon as the voice fell, five knives poked out from underneath Kyanako's cargo, and they all stabbed into the Oriental who was going to lift Kyanako down.

Streams of blood burst out.

The four screamed mournfully, and fell to their knees while holding their hands...

The five tiger divisions overturned the cargo and landed, and then the axe flashed, the heads and chests of the enemies behind the two vehicles blossomed, and two more hatchets were added.

In the next second, a cold light flashed from the driver's cab, and the blade blade turned white light, and flashed by howling.

The three people around Riko Nakajima shook their bodies, spurting blood from their throats and fell to the ground.

They pressed their necks unwillingly, breathing heavily, but their bodies slowly softened, and their eyes were too unbelievable.

It seemed that he didn't expect to be killed like this.

Riko Nakajima yelled, "Be careful!"

"One group confronts the enemy, the second group takes a gun."

She stayed sensible and issued instructions, and at the same time she drew herself into the lobby of the restaurant.

Although their skills are good, firearms are the biggest advantage, so in the face of menacing enemies, Riko Nakajima instinctively wants to fight with guns.

Her eyes were red and she vowed to get the gun and kill all the attackers.

It's just that Riko Nakajima was about to reach out to the bar to get a gun, only to find that the hall didn't know when there was an extra person.

Ye Tianlong was standing inside the bar, holding a knife and a piece of puffer fish, and he did not hurriedly cut it on the chopping board, carefully and carefully.

Beside, there was a pot of sake warmed.

People who didn't know thought he was a cook.

Ye Tianlong didn't kill him in the face of the accident at all, and it didn't matter who Riko Nakajima was going to take the gun. His smile was very bright:

"Miss Nakajima, the autumn is high and refreshing. It's a pity to fight and kill on such a good night. It's better to sit down and have a drink and talk.

"Today's puffer fish seems to be fresher than yesterday..."

He chuckles and throws out:

"Would you like to call Mr. Miyamoto over and enjoy this delicious food together?"

Nakajima suddenly became silent, and the wind outside the door gradually rose. The wind had brought news of winter, and she felt a little chill...

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