Talented Genius

Chapter 1863: Good citizen award

Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Nakajima Riko knew that it was difficult to be kind, and Ye Tianlong's goal was Saburo Miyamoto.


Seeing Canshou kill his subordinates and enter the store, Nakajima Riko knew that she would have no chance if she didn't make a move. She raised her hands and shot two darts.

The dart took Ye Tianlong straight, and she then rushed in.


Ye Tianlong lifted the meat cleaver in his hand and tapped it twice with the handle of the knife. The two darts fell on the ground without hurting him at all.

At this time, Riko Nakajima had already killed her, and her fists blasted out like cannonballs, showing no mercy to Ye Tianlong's vitals.

Looking at Lizi Nakajima, who was close at hand and let go, Ye Tianlong showed no intention of killing on his face.

He didn't even evade, still cutting the delicious puffer fish with a knife and letting the opponent's fist hit him.

"Boom boom!"

After a series of sounds, more than a dozen punches hit Ye Tianlong, but every punch did not hurt Ye Tianlong, but made him gradually straighten.

Riko Nakajima stopped in shock and looked at Ye Tianlong incredulously.

"Pump pound!"

Ye Tianlong chuckled while cutting the pufferfish, "Thank you, your fist broke my lumbar and cervical spine."

"I feel that my body is much more comfortable than before, and your strength is greater than that of the massage parlor."

Riko Nakajima almost died of anger, dare to feel her attack just now, for Ye Tianlong, it is a massage? Is this guy copper-skinned iron bones?

"Go to hell!"

Although Lizi Nakajima looked puzzled, but when Ye Tianlong didn't fight back, she was full of strength instantly and punched Ye Tianlong on the back.


With this punch on Ye Tianlong's body, Nakajima Riko finally heard a crisp sound of bone fracture as she wished.

"Haha, kid, I broke your bones, you're done."

Riko Nakajima couldn't stop laughing wildly, as long as another punch could seriously injure Ye Tianlong, then he could catch the thief first.

However, after a while, her face changed.

Because she found that Ye Tianlong was still calm, and her right arm came with a sharp pain.

She finally realized that it was not Ye Tianlong's bone that was broken, but her own bone, which was shaken by Ye Tianlong's body.

"No, it's impossible..."

Riko Nakajima's face turned pale instantly, ignoring the severe pain, only fear remained in her heart: "Nine-rank body? Who are you?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "It may be a friend or an enemy."


Riko Nakajima bit her lips tightly, never daring to fight again, turning around and fleeing behind.


Ye Tianlong didn't pursue it, but just as Lizi Nakajima's hand touched the doorknob, Tianmo flashed out of the shadow and hit her back with a palm.

Riko Nakajima's body shook in an instant, as if being hit by a huge hammer, her body bounced back from the door like a ball.

She fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted from her mouth, and wanted to get up, Tian Mo had already stepped on her two lower legs.

Riko Nakajima completely lost combat effectiveness.

"The puffer fish is cut, and the sake is warm."

Ye Tianlong didn't even look at the injured Nakajima Lizi. He just walked to a round table and sat down with a tray with a calm smile: "Come over for supper."

Tian Mo brought Riko Nakajima over and sat down on a chair.

At this time, the fighting outside had ended and the bodies were dragged in. Fifteen Orientals were killed, 12 were killed, and three were injured. The Tiger Master only injured four.

The seriously injured Oriental was escorted into the hall by the Tiger Master. He didn't kill him. It was up to Ye Tianlong to ask questions.

Canshou asked Xanako to help him and put it on the opposite side of Ye Tianlong. Then, he put three pistols from the bar on the table.

There are still sixty bullets.

"Italian Beretta 92F pistol, with a total length of 217 mm, an empty gun weight of 0.96 kg, and a muzzle velocity of 333.7 m/s."

Ye Tianlong took one to play with, and also pinched out a bullet to load it in: "The effective range is 50 meters."

"This is the world's No. 1 pistol. In the Gulf War, officers above Lieutenant Mi, including the commander-in-chief, were all this type of gun around their waist."

He looked at the panting Riko Nakajima: "It seems that Miss Nakajima is also a master of guns."


Riko Nakajima did not respond to Ye Tianlong, but looked at the awake Anoko with a very resentful tone: "You betrayed us."

If they hadn't betrayed, how could Ye Tianlong lead these people to find here, and set up traps accurately and accurately?

Annako saw Nakajima Riko for a moment, then looked around, the light in her eyes dimmed.

She could tell that the restaurant was bloody.

This made her more and more fearful of Ye Tianlong. The stronghold that had been operating for many years and a bunch of good players were easily killed by Ye Tianlong.

The strength of this guy was so powerful that it made it difficult for Anoko to breathe.

For Nakajima Riko's question, Anoko wanted to argue, but her whole body was soft, she had no strength, and her voice was a little dumb.

She can only open her mouth in pain...

It’s just that her posture fell into the eyes of Riko Nakajima, but she acquiesced. She put away her anger and sighed softly: "You really let me down..."


"Miss Nakajima, disappointed not disappointed, meaningless, the most important thing is to survive."

Ye Tianlong raised a smile and waved to make Tianmo bring Riko Nakajima's phone. He easily found Saburo Miyamoto's phone number:

"You just punched me more than a dozen punches. I didn't fight back with a single punch. Now I invite you to eat meat and drink."

His fingers slid gently: "Should you give me something back?"

"Tell Saburo Miyamoto, come over for a drink."

Ye Tianlong chuckled, "I am a very democratic person. As long as Saburo Miyamoto comes, you can survive, and so can your three brothers."

He pointed at the three Orientals who were pressed on the chairs.

The three were angry, but unable to resist, like fishes waiting to be slaughtered.

"I can even give you a sum of money to let you go far away and fly incognito."

Ye Tianlong tempted Riko Nakajima: "Or, join us like Xanako, I will give you what the Emperor Sword will give you."

Riko Nakajima said coldly, "What if I don't call Miyamoto-kun?"

Ye Tianlong posted it and said softly: "If he doesn't die, then you die."

The voice is very soft, but it has a very fierce meaning.

Afterwards, Ye Tianlong slipped his finger, dialed the phone, then turned on the speakerphone and placed it in front of Nakajima Lizi.


In Kyanako's nervous expression, the phone rang three times, and then was connected, and Saburo Miyamoto's voice came:

"Lizi, is there any news?"

The corner of Nakajima Lizi's mouth moved a little, and looked sideways at Ye Tianlong next to him. Ye Tianlong smiled and motioned to her to deal with it.

Riko Nakajima coughed, then indifferently said:

"Mr. Miyamoto, Annako betrayed us, the restaurant was bloody, and I was arrested."

She bet her life calmly: "You must never come to the restaurant."


Ye Tianlong sighed and raised his hand!


Riko Nakajima's head bloomed, and she fell straight...

At the same time, the axe flashed, three Oriental screamed, and their heads fell...

Kannako fainted with a rush of enthusiasm.

Ye Tianlong stuffed the murderous gun into Xinako's hand, then picked up the other two and walked towards the back door:

"Call the police and tell the Australian city police that Annako killed and set fire and fainted at the scene..."

Riko Nakajima was dead, but he left another killing game for Saburo Miyamoto.

"By the way, don't forget to take the citizen award..."

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