Talented Genius

Chapter 1867: The overall situation has been set (five changes)

When Saburo Miyamoto's head was blooming, Hara Saeko's wooden door opened, and the wind swept in.

Hara Saiko has always been alert, although there are many guards at the entrance of the hall, but the unique alertness of being a desperado is not lost.

So at the moment the door was kicked open, she had already jumped out of the bed wrapped in a quilt, holding a short gun drawn from under the pillow in her hand.

In the light shining outside the door, a cold current came in from the open door, causing goose bumps on the skin.

Before Harako caught the target, a light flashed faintly.


A fruit knife pierced her wrist, Hara Zi's wrist pained instantly, and when she lowered her head, the pistol had fallen to the ground.

The wound was dripping with blood.

Quick, accurate and ruthless.

Yuan Shazi's pretty face changed, she looked at the door in surprise, and then saw Ye Tianlong walk in.

She jumped her eyes and shouted, "How did you get in?"

Although the defense of Tangguchi was not impeccable, and Saburo Miyamoto also took away half of them, there were more than fifty well-trained guards.

Now Ye Tianlong appeared at the door swaggeringly, but no one of his men gave a warning. This was really weird.

Ye Tianlong bloomed with a nice smile, slowly approaching Yuan Sako, who is very artistic heroine, and said softly:

"Fly in."

He also had a fruit knife in his hand. Although he didn't kill anyone, Harako felt cold all over, as if shooting through his throat at any time.

She was too far away from Ye Tianlong.

Just thinking that this was the entrance of the imperial sword hall, a little confidence was restored, and his pretty face sighed:

"You kill me, you can't go."

Everyone understands what she means, Ye Tianlong is alone, how can he fight the more than fifty members of the Royal Sword Association?

"I am not a person who likes to kill."

Ye Tianlong smiled very calmly: "In such a cold late night, I flew in to see you. I didn't kill you. I would kill you."

"I have two things to talk to you."

Yuan Shazi wanted to call her subordinates to rush over to deal with Ye Tianlong, but Ye Tianlong's coercion made her dare not act rashly, so she could only scream:

"What are you going to talk about?"

Ye Tianlong laughed and said: "First, Saburo Miyamoto is dead. He was killed by Kannako, but Kannako was also headshot by Saburo Miyamoto."


Hearing Ye Tianlong's words, Hara Saiko's body was shocked, and his face was shocked: "Miyamoto-kun is dead? Kanako killed him?"

Looking at Ye Tianlong in disbelief, she couldn't believe that this was a fact. How could Saburo Miyamoto be so powerful that he would be killed easily?

"Don't question my news, you will get confirmation soon."

Ye Tianlong smiled softly: "It is rumored that Miyamoto went to the prison to ask the teacher for guilt, but he did not expect that Kannako shot and killed someone."

"Although Miyamoto is great, but at close range and unprepared, one was shot accidentally."

Ye Tianlong described the scene to her: "Then Xanako's head burst."

Hara Sako yelled, "Why did Kyanako kill Miyamoto?"

Ye Tianlong took the topic calmly: "The reason is simple."

"Because Saburo Miyamoto smashed the conspiracy of Kannako, Kannako betrayed the Royal Sword Society and prepared to become the Xue family's agent in controlling the underground business."

He sighed: "That's why there was a series of changes. She became a murderer and went to jail. She also evaded the imperial sword and would kill her."

"Yako Hara, please keep your grief and change, and don't hurt your body."

He was polite: "I also hope that you will inform the headquarters so that they can understand the matter and seek justice from the Xue family."

Hara Sako is also a smart person, and the corners of her mouth moved, and then her eyes became cold: "You actually killed Miyamoto, right?"

"You want me to betray the Emperor Sword Association and to provoke the relationship between the Emperor Sword Association and the Xue family, right?"

She stared at Ye Tianlong: "Who are you on earth?"

Ye Tianlong gave a thumbs up: "Who is not important, the important thing is to remember what I just described."

Yuan Shazi stared at Ye Tianlong, and then said with difficulty: "What is the second thing?"

"The second thing is even simpler."

Ye Tianlong's smile became enthusiastic: "I came here so late, should you take some valuable things to reward me?"

"What kind of cash, what jewellery, what real estate, how much to take."

He said softly: "The Emperor Sword will have been in the Australian City for more than ten years, and there must be a lot of private goods hidden."

"Go to hell!"

Yuan Shazi yelled, raised his left hand, pulled the fruit knife out of the wound, and shot it at Ye Tianlong.

At the same time, she rushed to the door and shouted: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Ye Tianlong didn't panic at all, understatement and grabbed the blood-stained knife, and then slowly followed Yuan Shazi out of the room.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

As Harako rushed outside, she gave a loud warning, but she stopped when she rushed to the luxurious and spacious hall.

The pretty face was completely gloomy.

In the field of vision, there are more than 20 elite corpses lying in the hall, either with their necks cut off or their hearts being stabbed.

One by one died too hard to die again.

And around the hall, there were more than a dozen people, all of them, the all-chance disciples, with an axe in their hands, looking at her as quietly as a chicken.

Yuan Sako was startled at first, then moved and shot out at the door.

Just as soon as her body moved, Tian Mo burst out from the shadow, hitting her waist with a kick, causing her to plop and fall to the ground.

Afterwards, the two tiger masters stepped forward and simply dislocated her hands and feet neatly, causing Hara Sako to lose his combat effectiveness.

"Ms. Hara, I forgot to tell you."

Ye Tianlong walked over slowly: "Not only did I fly in, but dozens of my brothers also flew in."

"Now the entire hall has been bloodbathed by me, and even your six wolfhounds have been killed by me."

"If you want, let's sit down and have a talk. If you don't want to, then I will go home early to sleep."

While speaking, two well-trained tiger masters stepped forward and dragged Yuan Shazi to a sofa in the hall and pressed down.

Hara Sako wanted to struggle but couldn't fight it. She could only be slaughtered and leaned on the sofa, her expression painful, and even her face as gray as death.

Ye Tianlong sat down opposite her: "I played a game with Lizi Nakajima last night."

"She thought that she could give Saburo Miyamoto a way to survive if she made a choice as her death was at home, but unfortunately, she just let Saburo Miyamoto live an extra day."

"In the end, I still fell into the trap I designed with her."

Ye Tianlong took out Yuan Shazi's phone and called up the number of the headquarters of the Royal Sword Club: "Tonight, you can also play the same game."

Yuan Saiko yelled: "Ba Ga!"

Ye Tianlong smiled calmly, then raised a finger: "Get ready."

After speaking, he swiped the phone gently, and the call was quickly dialed. Then, he wiped the fruit knife with a tissue to make it shine.

"Toot toot--"

The phone rang six times before being connected, and a majestic voice came over: "Hara Sako, what's the matter with you late at night?"

Yuan Shazi's face was pale, and she subconsciously looked at Ye Tianlong.

Ye Tianlong chuckled and motioned to her to be the master.

The corner of Hara Sako's mouth moved a bit, and then she shouted in grief, "Chairman, it's not good, Miyamoto-kun was killed by Kyanako..."

The overall situation is set.

Ye Tianlong smiled with satisfaction, threw the fruit knife on the table, then got up and left the hall...

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